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Everything posted by DrumJ8

  1. Ganymede Cactus This is my entry for the WCRG 2013 Round 3, arranging the following sources: Duck Tales [The Moon] Any and all feedback is appreciated ._.
  2. Also just submitted my track. I mainly worked on the first 30 seconds. The rest is most likely garbage
  3. If anyone should chill, it should be ectogemia. cuz he's cold man, see? since I'm on the subject, I really dug ectogemia's track, amongst a sea of strong entries
  4. I've been listening to the tracks without looking at the name, for the first minute or so. It's fun.
  5. It's been a struggle to come up with something but , I finally have something. It's not much, but , blargh it's something.
  6. We've been working on our own, then towards the end of the week, we share a developed wip and offer feedback. It's pretty minimal but I think it's been working.
  7. Just saw this: The String Arcade Recording A recording of video game music, spanning 8 bit games to the present, arranged & enhanced for string quartet. I've met Dren McDonald at a number of Game Audio functions like summits and seminars and such. He's a cool dude who has written music for a bunch of video games. (not that he'd remember me for I as a whole am forgettable, but a cool dude nonetheless)
  8. my ears are full of wax and my heart is full of nervousness, anxiety, and low self-esteem my turn to mix this week
  9. why, those youtube links aren't mega man remixes at all I reckon. don't look at me
  10. I really think the portfolio matters so much more. The degree looks good on paper but is not really helpful if the portfolio is not good. It's definitely not necessary. However, if you truly think that by getting the degree and focusing your efforts in actually learning and retaining the information, that in turn could HELP your portfolio. When you're networking, I just think saying "I have a music degree" is not as potent as being able to say "listen to my awesome music."
  11. I can't stop listening to this song Hero by Family of the Year. It's the most hauntingly beautiful song I've heard in a long time. The thing is, when I come across something like this, I usually can't help but listen to it non-stop .. I'm going to ruin it for myself quickly
  12. Second'd. Thanks Bundeslang. I want to improve my production skills and it's so easy to let life get in the way and make excuses. Sometimes PRC is the only thing that pushes me to make music.
  13. I'm at wark still but I look forward to listening to these uponst my arrival in my room
  14. Yep evktalo had a really fun nicely done track. I really liked the percussion.
  15. yesss my team is currently tied for first place
  16. 2nd EDIT: I really did not want to NOT enter so I got something I haven't even had a chance to listen to the source yet .. not sure if I'll get something in this time EDIT: site's working again for me, dunno why it was funky earlier
  17. Tis my first time as part of this thing so the twist does not affect me really as I did not know what to expect. Darkesword's keeping it interesting and challenging, noh? Obtuse is going first from The Gobots
  18. Emphasized, thanks Bundeslang also, evktalo and I weren't last place, we were tied for 2nd
  19. Hope Cake Pops Alright I know this project is a little different in that it's not a big game or music project .. it's this girl named Hope pursuing her dream of expanding her small Cake Pops business--like a real life Diner Dash? or Cooking Mama? I kind of see her as like a metaphor for me, except she is actually putting herself out there and doing something with her life and really trying to pursue her dreams. In that sense, isn't she like a metaphor for the "hope" in all of us, to strive for something better? ::crickets:: or just me? Well, I backed it. Sorry if the pic is huge.
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