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Everything posted by Hadyn

  1. You don't recognise any of the themes other than those two? Heh, you might want to have your head checked or something.
  2. What's SoR got to do with this?
  3. Yeah, a lot of sonic music is somewhat 'weird' with progressions, chords and melodies, which can make it a bit difficult to re-interpret.
  4. Well, if you want to collab, we can share it. I'm not sure about the timeframe that this project's going to take on, so I'm not even sure if I'll be able to get it done if it's a very short timeframe. Hopefully it won't be as long as the S2 project, but I don't want it to be like 3 weeks long either. sithlord himself said "There is no need to rush at all, time makes things better in my opinion.", so there should be plenty of time. I'll let you take the track yourself though - you claimed it first, and I think i'd rather hear a piano version of it than whatever i'd make ^^
  5. Two questions: Is this the end-boss theme: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sega/genesis/s3finalboss.mid ? And if so, can I take it? If not, then I'll take Azure Lake
  6. It's spelt "Hadyn" - I know, my parents can't spell too good... Oh, and yeah. I herby proclaim Lava Reef as mine. ^^ Edit: oh crap, someone already claimed it. Well then, i'll take... let me get back to you on that one. *goes to listen to the ost*
  7. lol, what happened to waiting?
  8. If there ever is an S3+K project, I'll remix for it. Maybe even multiple tracks. I love some of those songs ^^
  9. Glad you liked my mix NutS - yours is rocking too My list of favs is pretty similar to yours, only I loved all three of Analoqs mixes, and I thought a few other tracks were pretty awesome too. In-fact, all the tracks are a pretty awesome quality - though there are some small things with a few of them, like Icy Guy's mix is great, but needs a slightly faster tempo IMO, and Snyderman's almost seems too fast - still awesome tracks though. Great work all around guys! ~Hadyn
  10. awesome I'm downloading it now. Just as a side note, I realise my tracks aren't quite as awesome as the others, but yeah. I hope you all still enjoy them
  11. i'm liking this... As I listen, my thoughts: The first trumpet section needs to be atleast twice as long... it rocks, and needs to be longer. The tribal section at the end is also quite cool, though also too short, and ending too soon. It should build back up into the full melody, which should play a bunch more times... Then have the trumpet section again, maybe followed by the main progression with a trumpet solo over the top? Just my thoughts. Keep up the awesome work ^^
  12. Are you looking for feedback, or simply showing us your progress so far? 'Cause, you know, there's are a few things I could give feedback on, but it's a strange role reversal, giving advice to a judge o.O cool cool Reverse cymbals are a little cliche, though. Maybe make up some original wacky sound instead? ^^ Anyways, I can't wait to hear more
  13. Hehe, actually I think chth would do better without me ^^ We've both gone different ways with the mix, and yeah, I don't think our styles would blend too well. I'm fine with not being part of the project - I'm still going to finish my mix anyways ^^
  14. oh, thanks. What's to say their couldn't be a song that goes like this: ? Because that's how I personally heard the start of chth's song. ~Hadyn EDIT: only, I messed up the lowest note (should be lower, right?) - ohwell, you still get the idea. I put that together in a few seconds, by the way... so that's why it sucks. It's just to show what I thought. EDIT 2: Alright, I went back into FL to try the same thing if I fixed the lower note... and now it sounds a little dumb, so yeah. *nervous whistle* maybe it's just me that's stupid.
  15. AB - I love your mix really cool stuff indeed! chth - I have a suggestion to make: Start the song with a note that falls on-beat. Otherwise it gets confusing, and people start to think that the bridging note is actually the main one, and their sense of timing is thrown of by a beat. Otherwise, your mix is sounding promising I look forward to hearing more ^^ ~Hadyn
  16. Thanks Yeah, I'm planning on finishing it either way, once I get several other projects out of the way ^^
  17. Ah, fair enough.
  18. Remember ages ago, when I said I'd do that track if ellywu2 had any problems, but you told me I wasn't good enough? Yeah, well, I went and started remixing it anyways (just for the hell of it) - and this is what I came up with: http://www.vgmix.com/song_view.php?song_id=2448 If you wanted, I could finish it for this project. My skills have improved since I last worked on it, and I'm certain I could get an even better sound out of it if I tried. Then again, it's up to you. ~Hadyn
  19. "Rise of the Star" makes sense and doesn't sound goofy. Go with it, I say.
  20. Yes. Yes he is.
  21. Hmmmm... You could have something like "Kirby reinterpreted: A collection of dreams"... or you know, something like that
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