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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Dhsu


    Haha. I actually think it would work pretty well if you "ported" I-No's moves from Guilty Gear XX, with the guitar and all.
  2. Dhsu


    Is that her up-air?
  3. Have I told you I love you, Skrypnyk. 'Cause I do. Incredible stuff. And this isn't entirely related, but it instantly reminded me of this.
  4. Dhsu


    I think you lost me on this one, OverCoat.
  5. I almost did that but figured it was overdone and predictable by now.
  6. Well, losing in general isn't fun. Practice makes perfect.
  7. The opening quote is by Morrison, but says nothing about Dhaos, which your sig implies is the same person, which would be a HUGE spoiler if that's actually the case.
  8. When it comes to cheating in online games, my reaction tends to be...what's the point? If there's no prize for having the most pimped out character, what do you get out of it? If it's not even worth it to you to play the game properly, why are you paying $15 every month (or more if you're buying gold)? If you loathe the gameplay so much to the point that you are using exploits to circumvent it, why not play a better game? That said, I agree with the sentiment that it depends on context. In certain games such as SSBM or the aforementioned F-Zero GX, it could be argued that these exploits actually increase the potential enjoyment of these games. Even if they weren't actually meant to be part of the game, there's no harm in viewing them as such and embracing the added depth they provide. In the opposite situation, in which exploits actually detract from the experience, most gamers end up coming to an understanding amongst themselves to not go out of their way to take away from their own enjoyment. In both cases, the fault is with the designer, but it is the players who decide how to deal with it. For me it comes down to fun...the reason we play video games in the first place. Therefore, the only contract we have is with the games themselves: we play them, and they make us happy. If that contract is broken by a game for whatever reason, whether the flaw lies within the game or the ones that play it, the most reasonable thing to do is to find another game...one that will keep it.
  9. Yeah, the media sharing a great feature. It's kinda picky about what filetypes it'll play, but most of your standard DivXes should work.
  10. I still think djp made a mistake not posting my mix. It was PURE BRILLIANCE I tell you. I'll never be able to live up to it again.
  11. You're not, but I don't see what's so "childish" about. It's fake though, so you don't have to worry about them actually making this movie.
  12. Haha, he could totally do it. Also, I haven't beaten Tales of Phantasia yet, but is the Dhaos/Morrison thing a major, major spoiler? I'd hate to think that someone would actually be so inconsiderate as to put such a thing in their signature.
  13. I think everyone only thinks Orlando Bloom would be good for the role because he's been typecast into the Legolas character, who was pretty obviously the basis for Link (and every other elven ranger for that matter). When it comes to actual physical resemblance, Leo DiCaprio probably comes much closer.
  14. I dunno about low-budget...I actually thought the CG looked better than a lot of stuff I've seen in theaters.
  15. Hehe, "speak to no one"...clever.
  16. Projects only suck when I'm not on them. Hopefully that won't be a problem for EoE...
  17. The list of games I want to play on PSP has been growing really fast recently. I'll definitely need to get in on this at some point. After I finish my DS backlog of course...
  18. Well, you can vote in the April contest. In fact, I just saw zircon's "Art of Zen" in the Instrumental category...I totally have no chance now, haha.
  19. Thanks, Jill, Reich was definitely a big influence in this one. I was afraid to attempt something so risky, but I'm really glad I did because it ended up turning out beautifully. I mean, I don't mean to sound arrogant, but even as a WIP this is direct-post material if I do say so myself.
  20. I usually get on projects just by asking, but this time I thought I'd audition just like everyone else to show that I'm not above the system. Yeah, I picked the Prelude which is pretty ZOMG OVERDONE, but I've just never heard it done *right*. This is by far my most interpretive and experimental arrangement yet, and in my opinion finally does the Prelude justice. Have a listen, but remember to keep an open mind. http://dhsu.vgpiano.com/arranged/ff3prel.mp3
  21. Really. The deadline will be possible because of how the discs are split up, which allows the remixers to harness the full power of working in parallel. Speaking of which, wait until you find out what the themes of the other 2 CDs are...man, this is like Smash Bros. Dojo JAPAN TIME all over again!
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