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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. You'll...probably need to get a little more specific. Web graphics are a tricky thing, but there are plenty of tutorials online to help you get started. The same applies to CSS. Is there a particular aspect of either topic you need help with?
  2. There are a couple good links in this thread.
  3. I just realized...could this become the WAV -> MIDI program everyone's been waiting for?
  4. People already sample all kinds of weird stuff (see: Mazedude, Overcoat, Shnabubula). What you'll most likely get if you used DNA on that kind of thing is a whole spectrum of pitches. Although if you changed them all to the same note, you might get some very interesting results...
  5. No joke. I dunno, maybe arcade emulators have higher requirements or something. There were a couple pretty fancy games on the CPS-3 board.
  6. He's only running emulators and videos. Which actually sounds a lot like my setup...I'm currently getting by on a 8500GT (apparently quite good for video decoding). I really think a 3.2Ghz CPU should run emulators fine (assuming you're not trying to use PS2 EMULATOR?!). If you're experiencing slowdowns, it's most likely the bottleneck is somewhere else. Replace your ugly case, add an extra GB of RAM and run it in dual-channel if your motherboard supports it, plop in a cheap graphics card, and you should be set. A Windows re-install might also be in order...you've most likely accumulated a lot of nasties over 4 years. If you're going for PS1/N64 emulation, you're not gonna need anything faster than an 8600GT GDDR3. If you just play 2D emulators, I'm not sure you'd even need a new card...I think they mostly use CPU anyway. I was running ZSNES full-speed on my 200Mhz IBM Aptiva with 2MB of video RAM.
  7. Interesting! I recommend you make a thread in the Works In Progress forum and post your Final Fantasy remixes in there. You can also post your original works in the "Non-Remixes" section.
  8. DTS? As in Digital Theater Sound? I'm intrigued. Did you take stereo tracks and make them surround somehow?
  9. That actually sounds like a reason you'd *want* to play Twin Snakes. Super Mario All-Stars was awesome.
  10. Did anybody suggest Rhythm Tengoku? Because I'm suggesting Rhythm Tengoku.
  11. Wow that might've been the most elitist post I've ever read.
  12. I did. Although why would he recommend Fire Emblem 1 when Fire Emblem 3 is pretty much a remake of the original?
  13. I just impulse-bought this from the aStore last night myself. That is to say, I saw a post about it somewhere else, then immediately came here to buy it. I'm a bit nonplussed to find out afterwards that they left out the second disc of Subsistence but I guess there are other ways to get it.
  14. At least you can always play the good ones...
  15. I checked his profile and it says Not a typo. Although even so, there are no majors in high school...
  16. It's not a matter of being "perfect"...no offense, but I've honestly heard better from people who've been playing for one year, much less ten.
  17. Well, it doesn't necessarily have to be that involved. You could start off by doing something as simple as posting an open call in GenDisc and ReMixing for FLAC/WAV versions of people's ReMixes. You're bound to get at least a few responses, as I'm sure several ReMixers keep their source files.
  18. You might want to stay away from the fonts and colors...most people dislike them. Also, nobody reads the subject line in each post, so don't put anything important in there...especially if it's necessary to understand the rest of your post. It took me several seconds to even figure out what you were talking about.
  19. Not to mention that their defense is inversely proportional to the amount of clothing they're wearing.
  20. Wow, a class that *gives* you money? I wish I had known about that one.
  21. Well, bugger. I can't beat boss battles on Hard even in co-op mode.
  22. No, then it would be too much like XBox Live.
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