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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Well, I guess online camping counts too. The point is if someone can't be bothered to do something even as simple as staying up until midnight and clicking some buttons, then they should be prepared to pay extra.
  2. 96kbps is currently the suggested minimum (under "Format").
  3. Whine all you want, but the people willing to pay $350 deserve to have one more than you. And the people willing to pay $450 deserve one more than them, and so on. The fact is if you're not willing to pay someone else like Bahamut or Nekofrog to camp a Wii for you, you're gonna have to go out and do it yourself. Either way, it's time for people to either suck it up or shut it up.
  4. Pay a friend who works at Best Buy to get one for you from the next shipment. If you don't know anyone who works at Best Buy...you don't have enough friends.
  5. Welcome back, man! Good to see you alive and well.
  6. Did a Wild ARMS 2 arrangement once, but it was for a contest. I got second place which was like $20 or something. It was cool. The same guy held a Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories contest before I actually played the game (which was actually not bad), and I got jack squat from that. Of course my arrangement was pretty lame, but I was hoping I'd be the only person who entered... I've also done a Xenogears arrangement, even though I've played maybe only an hour or two of the game. Dunno if that counts.
  7. Do you have to be Facebook friends in order to see the video? The link just takes me to the main videos page. Maybe put it up on YouTube instead. I'm interested in this though, regardless of how well you played the pieces...it's always encouraging to see people take the effort to play my arrangements by ear because I'm too lazy to make sheet music. And I wouldn't be too hard on yourself about bladiator's arrangements...they're definitely nothing to sneeze at in terms of difficulty.
  8. I am having way too much fun with Squirtle. Clearly superior to all the other Pokeymans.
  9. Heh, I almost confused this for a virt track in a couple spots. Good stuff.
  10. Well, do you have any gay glam metal suggestions?
  11. I haven't heard even half of the ReMixes yet, but I've hit every single one of those. Good stuff. Kinda surprised to see "Deep Sleep" on your list though...definitely one of the more coverish tracks on the site.
  12. I am McLOVIN. Edit: Seriously, Darke, sometimes I wonder where you get these crazy ideas.
  13. This might sound silly to most of you guys, but I think finally forcing myself to try sequencing music (for kwakfest, of course) was a big step for me. I guess technically it's not my greatest achievement ever, but it's helped a lot to push me out of my comfort zone and bolster my creativity. It's very satisfying to be able to record my musical ideas now instead of just letting them float away like I did before.
  14. Huh? I thought it was one of his costumes. Knuckle Joe is an assist trophy though.
  15. Actually KoF XI got awesome ratings.
  16. If it helps, the project can be expanded to include any song Mr. Rogers sang on the show. You might have a hard time tracking down the source tunes though. When we're done, we could send it to that Neighbor Days thing. Even though it's technically not a picture of video, they might get a kick out of it.
  17. Mr. Rogers seems like the sort of thing a lot of people grow up on, then start making fun of because their friends are doing it. Then they grow up more and realize it was an awesome show. As for the topic, I can't really guarantee I'll remember to wear a sweater, especially if it isn't cold. However, I was always inspired by the work of Johnny Costa on the show, performing and improvising the music live every episode. I think it would be appropriate to put together a small remix project of the Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood theme. 2 weeks isn't very much, but it's a short theme, and I think a lot can be done with it. Here's a video, in case you need a little inspiration to get you started.
  18. Fair enough. Although, am I only one who finds it suspicious that LT stands for both Ladder Theory and Liontamer? HMMMMMmmmmmm...
  19. Actually it seems to me that the most controversial aspect of Ladder Theory is actually the claim that men only have one ladder (the sex ladder), as opposed to two like women do. And all of Larry's advice so far seems to strongly contradict that claim.
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