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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. One thing I was kind of hoping for was the option to search by tag in the quicksearch. Kind of an extra hassle to do it via the forums.

    Speaking of tags though, have you thought about starting the practice of tagging the actual write-ups? I'm sure at some point some people are going to start wondering stuff like "how *did* 'RAD TIMBALE LICKS' get started anyway?" and it would be nice to have a more streamlined way of searching the write-ups.

  2. Yeah, Leo had like 3 kills after 4 minutes, which is pretty bad, but I don't think it warranted a remake, and none of us predicted that rely would quit if we didn't.

    I didn't know d`o`t`s was threatening to quit if we didn't remake to do 5v5, but I probably would've voted against it if I did. No one should be allowed to hold a game hostage, and if it happens more than once I think it's grounds for being removed from the clan.

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