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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. no ive always liked arena (but not more than 8v8 )

    ive always hated koth

    I...I don't know even know if you're joking or not.


    now that thats outa the way a couple things

    first off i absolutely hate (and im sure if you were on last night you know) arena

    the maps are too small its a quick stupid free for all that doesnt feel like tf2 at all

    well i hate arena and im pretty sure everyone knows that but although i complain a lot i never rtv it and ya i say definitely fix the rtv

    i especially hate it since it comes up at EVERY MAP, id almost say disable it since there are enough reserved slot holders to call mapvotes when they are really needed

    also let me back in #ocrtf2

    arena just makes me so ANGRY
    you know my opinion about arena maps and also i hate turbine so id REEEALLY be happy if you could make turbine NOT come right after an arena map

    i think im the only one that still loves constant dustbowl

    at least get the terrible crap like badlands mach4 fastlane royal (ok it looks cool but its pretty dumb for a ctf map) and EVERY ARENA MAP (because not only are they terrible but they are also pretty good at getting people to quit) off of there
    anyways im sure many people agree with me when i say THANK YOU FOR REMOVING ARENA

    also once again edgecrusher fails at making some kind of joke or smth because it wasnt a matter of removing arena because i personally hate it but when you have a gametype that makes some server admins quit i think you have a problem

  2. I'm kind of confused about the HotBL decision...I've always read that it's a terrible item on any hero, and I don't see any special synergy with Corrupted. Conduit seems like it should be more than enough in the damage mitigation department.

  3. I've been following JoeMartin's premium guide with great success, but I just checked out Nome's for good measure (after all, he invented Demented's core item :P). The DSham + Ophelia combo is brilliant, never would've thought of that.

  4. I love demented shaman, he's such a blast to play. I have a new item build to try on him next time I play also...looking forward to games tomorrow.

    I have to agree. As a long-time TF2 Medic, I feel his play style fits me like a glove.

    So...what's this fancy build of yours, and how'd it work out?

  5. Yeah, the game was over before it started. It was Panda, Keeper, Andro, Behemoth, and Defiler vs. Swiftblade, MQ, Scout, Armadon, and Plague Rider. While our team might not seem so bad at first (which is why I didn't repick), well...I'll just leave it up to you to count how many stuns each team has (hint: the number we had was less than 1).

    And that's why AR should always be no stats.

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