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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. BF may be over, but sales are still going. For example, Dragon Age: Origins for the PC is going for the same price on Amazon as from the Steam one-day sale ($37.95). Okami for the Wii is on Amazon for $13.95, Tales of Vesperia for $14.98, Tekken 6 for PS3 & 360 for $32.98, Dragon Age: Origins for $39.99 for 360 & PS3, Soul Calibur IV for $21.96, SFIV fightstick for $49.99, and Blue Dragon Plus for $19.99 (check out the Product Features for this game for a chuckle) currently.


    Anyway, picked up Okami. Thanks for the heads-up, Bahamut!

    Also got Trine for $10 on today's Steam sale. Hope it's worth it.

  2. However, even if nothing else is true, the energy field alone is amazing. It's a massive-AOE DOT that forces opponents to either take a ton of damage within it (and waste time trying to destroy it, which might be hard due to the chaos), or escape and be silenced/damaged further.

    And this applies to the sentry as well.

    Obviously it has huge synergy with any other AOE stunner like Tempest, Keeper, or even Pestilence/Panda.

    Or himself. :P I see the teamfight combo as going Turret -> Ult -> Powder Keg -> Tinker Ult.

  3. I could see Assassin's Shroud being a good item on her. It'd help with both her disable and her ult.

    Edit: Also, damage reduction being spread over several attacks has no effect on overall damage. (.75 x 165) + (.75 x 165) + (.75 x 165) + (.75 x 165) + (.75 x 165) + (.75 x 165) + (.75 x 165) + (.75 x 165) + (.75 x 165) is still equal to .75 x 1485. Which incidentally is more than twice the damage of Wretched Hag's boosted ult.

    Edit 2: And what about jiggle physics? :D

    Anyway, I tried Engi and had a ton of fun with him - great animation, lots of great skill combos you can pull off with this dude, and of course the obvious TF2 inspiration helps too (Scout sappin' mah sentreh!). Seriously though, a cheap, fast, non-channeling, low-cooldown ward that scales with items and gets their procs? Oh baby. Seems like an ideal mid (sentry camp rune spawn = lolz), although you can tell he was designed to be a jungler with HotBL right in his recommended items. Definitely gonna be playing more of this guy.

  4. ^ that's actually very helpful. I know it seems like it should be intuitive... but I didn't quite have everything in that perspective. I noticed that mid/late game I was barely farming at all, and I thought this just might be a late game mechanic. I thought the game had switched to team battles. But now that you mention it, at that point we had lost 2 towers, and they were probably still farming those lanes all the while. I can appreciate the significance of making a push a little more now.

    Also, voted for zircons proposal. Despite having no right to vote on anything.

    There's definitely a shift to team battles mid and late game, but in between is a good time to farm, as long as it's relatively close to safety, i.e. a tower, your base, or the rest of your team. Preferably 2 out of those 3.

    That game in particular was a little lean on farm for us support heroes though, since the other 3 were carries. If all the lanes are pushed to the enemy towers and everyone else is busy jungling, there's not a whole lot to do that I can think of. Maybe get/place some wards and stack red creeps?

    Edit: Also, if you need a lane switch, let someone know before you do it. :P


    My Accursed suggestion is one vote away from being Popular. Someone vote on it!

    Voted. I like the Flame Shield (moar like LAME SHIELD ohhhh) buff idea too.

  5. Leerooooyyyyy


    Edit: Speaking of TF2 analogies, two words - Battle Medic.

    Edit 2: I like Plated Greaves! Great item for support heroes.

    Edit 3: Even though I guess it should've been pretty obvious, I ended up crunching the numbers and confirmed that Plated Greaves is by far the better survivability option over Steamboots. +5 armor by itself is a 30% increase in EHP, which becomes better than the extra 7 Str (133HP) from Steamboots once you have, oh...443HP. And it scales. The +3 to Int and Agi as well as the extra 12% EHP increase through the activated ability is icing. POOPSOCKING FTW.

    I still think the new recipe for Ghost Marchers makes no goshdurn sense though. Two Gloves = 24 damage??

  6. So yet another boot switcheroo! *cue Yackety Sax*

    Ghost (formerly "Enhanced") Marchers

    Marchers, 2 x Gloves of the Swift

    • +70 movement speed
    • +24 damage


    Marchers, Bolstering Armband/Apprentice's Robe/Fleetfeet, Gloves of the Swift

    • +60 movement speed
    • +10 Str|Int|Agi
    • +25 attack speed

    NEW! Plated Greaves

    Marchers, Shield of the Five, Plated Greaves recipe

    • +70 movement speed
    • +3 all attributes
    • +5 armor
    • Activated ability gives +2 Armor and 100% chance to block 10 attack damage to all allied units in a 450 radius for 30 seconds. 25 second cooldown. 25 mana to use.

    Thoughts? My main question is whether 10 Str or 3 Str + essentially 7 armor + 10 dmg block/attack gives more EHP.

    And what will be the fate of the now-orphaned Major Totem??

  7. Here's what Glorify has to say about it (in his Legionnaire guide no less)

    I'd like to take this time out to address an item that you should never buy on any hero, this one included. We all know why people get this, it's damage mitigation, and it has just about everything Legionnaire needs early game. However, there is a gigantic flaw with getting this item, you get everything that it has and more buy building other core items. Now, sure, this item does reduce quite a bit of damage early on from both hero and creep attacks, but so does a normal stout shield! You're paying 2k gold for regen you DON'T need, and a moderate increase in life that you also do not need in the form of vanguard anyways. You can use the booster to make your heart later on, and lifetube is simply not needed. It's much cheaper to buy two rings, and you're only missing out on 1 point of regen. The 7 regen from helm+rings is enough to sustain you during the lane or jungle phases, and once you finish hood and phase you have sufficient creep reduction with the amount of armor and regen you have with basically 250 gold stout shield. This item delays all of the items you need to get as soon as possible, and I'll go ahead and quickly list them: Phase boots, Blink, Hood. These are THE core items, you need phase for armor and chase/escape, Blink for initiating, and hood as your staple regen and spell mitigation. You already have stout and armor, and that's enough to reduce most incoming creep damage, and you'll never be able to mitigate all damage from enemy heroes. Finally, this item scales poorly late game since it reduces damage before armor reduction. A quick example: Assume you have a vanguard, and you're taking 200 damage. Vanguard procs, causing the damage you would of taken to be reduced to 160. Lets also assume, since this is generally the case, you're now lacking armor because instead of opting for phase boots you bought vanguard. So your reduction is only 20%, causing the damage you've taken to be reduced by 32.

    160 - 32 = 128

    Now, you have armor and a stout shield, rather than the upgraded vanguard. You take the same 200 damage, and stout shield procs, reducing the incoming damage to 180. This is now reduced by your armor, let's assume 45% reduction.

    180 - 81 = 99 damage taken.

    Anyways, the two main points you should take away from section of the guide is:

    -Vanguard delays your important, core items too long for little to no benefit

    -Vanguard's early buffs do not warrant building it when you can already buy what it provides via core items you'll need later

    The stuff about the armor from boots is less applicable now, but most of his points still seem to make good sense.

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