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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dota

    HoN is actually a stand-alone game. The reason it was developed in the first place was to get around the limitations of the WC3 engine.

    It does have some tower defense elements, but I would say the main feature and draw is the team-based combat. I haven't played World of WarCraft, but I hear it's very similar to the PvP in that game.

    If you need a beta invite, I think Genoism was offering to pull some strings to get them to people who wanted them. Or you can pre-purchase in the next 12 hours.

  2. Btw, it wasn't just you that post was aimed at - there were multiple instances yesterday that just frustrated me to no end, part of it due to stupid pubs. This is exactly why I despise pub games, in addition to the douches in pubs, and rather keep games to exclusively in house.

    True, I doubt we would've won even if we switched. Not to mention after the first few genocides in our favor, I started being a big target for ganks, and there was nothing anyone else could do because when Pharaoh wants you dead you are dead. This would've been mitigated by wards, and our Scout was pretty decent at that TBH, but we still didn't have enough map coverage to avoid getting ganked over and over. And it doesn't help that we chased and/or got baited like retards on multiple occasions...

  3. Yeah, still getting the hang of Portal Key. I have a hard time visualizing its max range, so I often end up being nowhere close to the enemy heroes. Would be easier if it just triggered when you're in range of the target location IMO. Does it go through trees/terrain btw?

    Also why did they bother giving Elemental Void a cast range? Waste of a click...

  4. That would defeat the point, since it would stop the enemy team from being able to target him. His job as a tank is to take the hits.

    True, if people are wasting their stuns on Elec, then that means they're not using them on other people on your team. Unless, of course, they have an AoE stunner, but in that case you would probably want to initiate by disabling him.

  5. Check out hero guides on Honwiki.net and the official forums. They'll help you with item and skill builds and how to use them properly. I generally read guides for heroes I recently used or will use soon, since I find the information sticks better that way.

    After that, it's just practice, bro. If you get frustrated you can always vent by playing some TF2. :)

  6. With regard to "just playing the game," I've never really bought that, since the game changes constantly. One minute you're attacking/defending, the next minute you're in an arena, and later you're trying to be king of the hill. I just see stuff like melee-only and spy-and-seek and prop-hunt mods as other game modes, voted on by the majority of players like any RTV. And if you don't want to play by the rules, you don't need to play on the server. So yeah, I'm just of the opinion that democracy rules, and if the /votekick passes, it doesn't matter if you were "just playing the game" or not.

  7. Not kicking someone because it causes drama is like not banning someone because they have a grief-join script. Giving someone license to annoy people just because they become even more annoying when they're disciplined just proves that such behavior is acceptable and effective and encourages more of the same.

    That said, I'm honestly not on the server often enough to warrant admin in the first place, so it won't bother me in the slightest if I'm taken off. Just remember to think twice before catering to atmuh's whims.

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