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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Screw you! Seriously, what's wrong with hoping, huh?
  2. Nnnngghhh, now I need to play the first two again.
  3. <3 Weather Report. Great stuff here. You need to get yourself a gig scoring the next G.Rev game, son.
  4. I'm an okay Scout but I don't know if I even wanna bother since I'm sure sphla will be on atmuh's team.
  5. But how else are we going to have 12v12 Sniper battles on 2fort? :[
  6. Really, only 2? I think 3 would be a lot more reasonable.
  7. Uh, isn't getting rewards based purely on time instead of skill the definition of grinding?
  8. Would it be possible to get this released as an OCR album? Would be kinda weird to have a single-band album on OCR, but it doesn't seem like there should be a reason not to. I recall djp expressing interest expanding the scope of site albums when the Contra 4 project was announced, even though a lot of people involved had never submitted to OCR. I personally don't think having a lot of mixers and taking years to finish need to be criteria for site albums. If it's solid music, it's solid music, right?
  9. Yeah, that's not actually Portal 2, it's the Portal + HL2: Episode 2 beta for the Novint Falcon, a special 3D force feedback controller. Confused me too when I first saw it (I thought "Novint Falcon" was the subtitle for Portal 2), but I'm glad I checked it out because it's a pretty cool controller. Even kinda looks like a Portal gun. But yeah, they added TF2 into the beta a little while ago even though they didn't change the name, so it'll affect that too.
  10. I was getting that error too, but I figured it was because I was playing the beta version with Falcon support. I opted out of the beta, let TF2 re-update, and everything worked fine. It might be completely unrelated though, maybe it just fixed itself after a few hours.
  11. I was really surprised at how well this style fit the source, although it might also be that the original tune is just versatile in general. Either way, cool concept, great results. Really liked the ambient textures in the background too. Keep it up!
  12. Eh, no biggie. If you don't need the monitor, prophet's parts will be a lot cheaper.
  13. You can get it and lots of other OCR sheets from this thread. Edit: And also 4 posts above you.
  14. Larry says it was inspired by BT. Then again SGX stands for SuperGreenX...and photosynthesis occurs when light is absorbed by chlorophyll, which is green... WHO KNOWS \(O_o)/
  15. I think you expressed the opposite of interest, Bleck. But if you actually want to be in the tourney, we need 2 more people to make another team. I dunno how we're going to split the players up though...just nominate captains and have them pick? Another option is if anyone doesn't necessarily care whether they're in or not, we can put them down as alts (up to 2).
  16. So uh, we doin' this Escapist tournament or what? Bardic, Neko, Abyss, Tensei, Brush, Edge, and I have expressed interest, but we need to either cut out 2 people, or add 3, and have them all register Escapist accounts and nominate some guy(s) as captain(s) to sign up our team(s). And soon, because only the first 64 get in.
  17. Yeah, the first few notes make it hard to think of anything else. Been meaning to check this out, but so many other games and anime to take care of...
  18. : Sorry, man, you're screwed. j/k, if you mean LavaSoft, it's pretty good for anti-spyware, but I'd get AVG or something to take care of viruses.
  19. It doesn't count if you guys intentionally join the losing team. 43% for me.
  20. If you want to save yourself the hassle of putting the thing together, and score a 1080p monitor (Samsung 2333SW, $210 AR at Newegg) while you're at it, you might consider this. Just saw it on SlickDeals and thought it looked pretty decent. If your dad doesn't need the monitor, you could use it for a dual screen setup.
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