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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Tiddlywink says stupid stuff and talks a lot and normally I don't mind people like that, but he does have a really annoying voice. That's what mute menus are for though.
  2. I think Nubioso does have a point. Doing every part by yourself is an admirable goal conceptually, and it's also might the cheapest/most convenient option, but on the other hand you end up with a recording where it sounds like every part was done by the same guy. Recruiting a friend or two to help would probably make an enormous difference.
  3. I thought you weren't allowed to use remixes-in-progress for DoD? Bad Doug! Sounds about the same as I remember. Would probably work on breathing to get rid of the sharp inhaling you've got here and there. Not sure what's going on at 2:16...just an original section? Maybe consider getting a female or two to do the high parts instead of doing them in falsetto? Also the voice starting 3:33 is kinda out of place in this stylistic context, IMO.
  4. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being MacGuyverish because MacGuyver is awesome and so is your idea.
  5. Also, http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=23655 Think we could get a sticky on this at some point?
  6. I've been using a pair of Shure E2c's for about a year now. They're the kind that loop around your ear before you stick them, so I was kinda worried about them breaking after bending them so much, but so far I haven't run into any problems. But then again, I'm definitely not the heavy-duty user you seem to be, so take that as you will.
  7. It's like any other Bemani game, just a different controller. It has 9 buttons, 4 on the top row, 5 on the bottom. Looks like the Wii version will only have 5 buttons though.
  8. Haha, I almost thought you were serious.
  9. It's pretty bad. Surely you could've used something better than a squashed version of the boxart, like the logo or at least a screenshot?
  10. Unfortunately no, I don't have sheets for any of my other stuff. I'll get around to it though...someday.
  11. So this is an Eyetoy with a mic?
  12. I fully expect this month to be at least 80% Night Elf fanart. Don't disappoint me, guys and girls.
  13. Wow congrats Rama, guess all those art classes are paying off. Also the mental image of Hoagie saying "It's-a me, Mario" is pretty hilarious. And rawr @ Razor.
  14. Funniest thing in recent memory for me was the new Spy taunt in TF2.
  15. But they said "no resub"! Also the whole thing will be procedurally generated by a combination of XSLT, 6NF database schemas, and pixie dust.
  16. Yeah...I don't think Hoboka will contributing anything further to this thread. Or any others.
  17. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00028/ 'Nuff said.
  18. What are you going to be using it for?
  19. Ah, I finally finished it...turns out it glitched out on me the first time so that the C.P.U. didn't do anything. So yeah, a couple theories I've read so far are SPOILERS either he dies of suffocation before reaching the surface, or he was actually dead the entire time (notice his life bar is empty after falling into the water) END SPOILERS
  20. http://adamatomic.com/fathom/ It's like Cave Story meets flOw or something. I've played this for like an hour and I have no idea what to do next, but that's okay because the music is all relaxing and stuff. [sauce]
  21. Dale sold me a pair of Shure E2Cs a while back and they're pretty great. I didn't like them at first because they didn't sound a whole lot better than my other pairs and they hurt my ears. But then I replaced the rubber earpieces with the orange foam ones, and the difference was night and day. With those inserts, you're pretty much guaranteed to be wearing them properly (it took me like 5 minutes of fiddling with the rubber ones to get it right) so you get awesome sound, and since they're foam they pretty much double as earplugs. I've mowed the lawn with them and they block out as much sound as actual earplugs, AND I get to listen to NPR! Side note: Skullcandy is having a 50% off sale on their 2008 products.
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