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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. Companies shouldn't limit the selling of used games, IMO, and I won't buy from those who do. I can sell my car to a friend if I like, and Honda won't see an extra cent from the transaction. The problem with the games market is that there's a flood of a crap. There are too many games out there that don't have good replay value or are just plain bad. If it wasn't for the used market, consumers would be much more picky about what they bought, driving initial sales down anyway. Used sales are the price developers pay for releasing buggy games, incomplete games, games that are unoriginal, games that are much too easy for the target market, and games that provide no incentive for someone to replay them.

    I think used sales are just the price developers pay for gamers being cheapskates. :/ A lot of those reasons you just listed could apply to piracy as well.

  2. Man, "No Better Time Than Now" is awesome. Dang.

    This could be doable...

    Or maybe not. A lot of the earlier PMs are gone, and file dates are unreliable. Hmmm...

    Well you can fudge the actual dates, just a general idea would be nice. And you can always check the dates in the finished tracks forum.

    And for OverCoat:


    (This is not me. Also lol @ 32kbps 11KHz MP3.)

  3. I think some people like the feeling that they are "hacking" something, at least indirectly.

    Personally I'm making enough money and am so backlogged at this point that if I don't want to pay for a game, I just don't get it. If it's not worth my money, it's definitely not worth my time.

    (...unless it's an import :3 )

  4. I'm just grasping at straws here since I've never really spoken to Gray much..

    I was digging through the IRC archive and noticed he used to login a lot with the hostmask "GrayLight@herograw.on.EnterTheGame.Com"...

    Anyone know what the relationship there would be? Why he would be using someone else's vhost to login?

    Dun dun DUNNNNNN.

    Seriously though, dunno what it was about him and MC, but for some reason they were just incredibly cool people to talk to (and just incredibly cool people in general).

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