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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. If the other team is good it's actually pretty hard to keep your uber all the way to the sentry. I've lost so many ubers or had to use them early because of random pyros, scouts, soldiers, etc.
  2. Well, it's not just semantics if the word makes the actual statement off-base. It's not that he could've used a better word, it's that he used the wrong word. But yeah, that was a lame derail and I apologize.
  3. I'd rather not voluntarily acquire a taste for emo weeaboo web series.
  4. You were very clearly referring to that specific scene as "tongue-in-cheek," so I debated your word usage you on that specific scene...at what point did I "miss the whole point"? I'm not the one who spun things off here...even though I don't think word definitions are usually something you can just agree to disagree on, I was fine with leaving it at the initial correction. But you decided to argue about it, and when other people jumped in, you went off on some tangent about Joker as an antithesis to Batman, which nobody was talking about in the first place. So much for "that's that." You rants aren't subversive, they're just wrong sometimes. Which is fine, we're all wrong at one point or another, but you should expect to be called out on it when you are.
  5. Yeah, don't take the jabs so seriously. It won't get better on other servers, and at least here you know we're kidding half the time.
  6. "Drawn by Pain" looks like the worst thing forever and ever.
  7. I listen to all my music flat, but on custom speakers made of tin cans and wax paper, like Larry does.
  8. It's that one vidja game all them kids are playin' on the intertubes.
  9. ^ probably that part Neither Joker nor the movie did anything to convey or indicate anything opposite of what he said when he told him the addresses...it was just a straight-up lie. You don't say someone's being ironic when they lie. What's ironic is when Batman demands that Joker "let her go." He clearly meant the opposite of what he actually said.
  10. I don't think saying you weren't paying enough attention really counts as a putdown. I missed it too, and it was definitely because I wasn't paying attention.
  11. Is there a way to have a votemute/gag instead? That should be enough to deal with most people.
  12. Oh noooo I forgot to enter this competition I was going to make something so awesome even more awesome than last time :(
  13. Switching the addresses wasn't ironic, it was just a trick. It's ironic if the audience knows something Batman doesn't, but that's not the case here. Unless you're watching it the second time, you find out about the switch at the same time as Batman.
  14. I don't think tongue-in-cheek is the best description...it has a connotation of humor/irony, which in my opinion doesn't really apply to Joker switching the addresses.
  15. Yeah, there are some things worth getting worked up over, and then...there's this. It's entertainment, people, not propaganda. If anything, it has a positive message: IF YOU EAT HUNDREDS OF POUNDS OF CAKE IN THE SPACE OF LESS THAN 10 MINUTES YOU WILL GET FAT.
  16. Yeah, colin's a dork. Rambo says he's always like that when it comes to competitive games. What's funny is that he was actually a Free Weekender...I remember everybody yelling at him for being a noob. Then a couple weeks later he's telling ME how to play Medic, haha (it was actually good advice, though). So who knows, maybe he's just transferring his feelings after being yelled at all those times. Anyway, I guess it's a good time to say now that I added the [OCR] tag to my ID.
  17. I think 4 maps is good for a given rotation, meaning Dustbowl and Goldrush + 2 more. For tomorrow I'm feeling some Gravel Pit and Toy Fort. Maybe Granary if people are really craving more variety.
  18. D-J-P My ho-mie Po-so Yan He's our man Birth-day boys Make some noise
  19. I just explored Toy Fort a bit and it looks really sweet. Looking forward to playing on this one!
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