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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. I found all the FMVs on YouTube so there's pretty much no reason to play this anymore.
  2. Is this in the same series as Disaster Report and Raw Danger?
  3. I have a pass (how did you get 4??), so yeah add me to the list.
  4. That was honestly the first thing that came to mind when I saw the thread. Glad it didn't end up being an obit.
  5. Wow, rotation's getting pretty long. Looks fine to me though. Haha, I'm not sure how I came up as the topic of conversation, but that's pretty funny.
  6. I think GrayLightning is a pretty cool guy. eh disappears without a trace and doesn't afraid of anything.
  7. Sweet beans. I'll be in Chicago over the weekend, but will be picking this up when I get back.
  8. Atmuh you dumdum, you know I am admin and that I am on ALL THE TIME.
  9. Not this time. Kyle's hunch was correct; "Gold Rocking Saucer" is a rip of "Blast Running! Gold Saucer" off yu-suke's album Battle Guy. Edit: So is "Clash on the Big Bridge."
  10. No way, that would make too much sense.
  11. Yeah, that's what I thought when I found out about this...apparently he's going for the OotW/Flashback look, but IMO he doesn't quiiiite pull it off. The animation and effects are pretty impressive though. I've heard the game itself is kind of like a 2D version of Deus Ex, which I'm going through for the first time right now and find reasonably entertaining. I'll probably get this after I'm done.
  12. Um...chill? You didn't even make the video dude. But since you asked, for positives I'll say the original art that wasn't filler was well-done, and it does its job as an adaptation of the article for the tl;dr people. Dude you can't say something like that and not elaborate on it for at least three paragraphs.
  13. I think in the end I preferred the article over the video. There's a lot of filler (e.g. just you behind a lectern) and stock/Googled images, some of which fit the context only loosely (a jumping cat to illustrate "subtle"?). Some of them are actually pretty distracting, to the point I have to actually pause the video just to figure out how what I just saw is connected to what I just heard (e.g. charts and xkcd strips). If you really wanna be like Yahtzee, I'd suggest less "lol" pictures and more original art/animation. And one way to keep the images relevant is to imagine you're playing a game of Pictionary...without the words, are people still going to know what you're talking about? More importantly though, not every noun has to have a corresponding picture. It doesn't surprise me that these videos are exhausting to make, because they're exhausting to *watch* too. One thing I noticed is that you use several images over a short period of time for words that just synonyms for a single concept (e.g. "interested," "engaged," "care about"). Slow down, bro! One image per concept is usually sufficient. Although sometimes using a lot of similar words is a clue that you're actually repeating yourself, so in those cases you could just cut the fat and move on. Less words, less pictures. By the way, I resent your using Number Munchers as an example of "sucking all the fun out" of games. That game was AWESOME.
  14. Dang I'ma I have to fire up BitTorrent next time I play sniper.
  15. Well I meant you'd just have openings where they'd be instead. But I guess you could knock down a wall or something.
  16. Okay, it just occurred to me that you've never used Facebook, so here's a question: how do you even know? What are you basing these assumptions on? On Facebook, someone has manually add you as a friend in order for you to see their private information. Otherwise, the most you can access is their name and profile picture (which can be set to Lelouch characters as previously mentioned). It's a neat system really, simple and effective. It's not stalker-PROOF, of course, but neither is real life, and your "either open the doors or have real security" dichotomy is just as absurd in that context as it is in the online world. It'd be like saying people need to either live completely off the grid, or else live in glass houses with no windows or doors.
  17. Um, I *do* want people seeing my phone number and address, just not people I'm not friends with. The fact that you're suggesting that everybody else delete their contact info just so *you* don't have to spend 30 seconds registering frankly boggles my mind.
  18. I don't think your average college student's apartment and cellphone number is going to be in the phonebook.
  19. Also I don't see the big deal about registering to see profiles. Would *you* want some random stranger checking out your address and phone number?
  20. "We" meaning all the old-timers on the board. Or are you seriously advocating reviving 1.5-year-old threads?
  21. Yeah I just watched the trailer on the page and the cast alone makes me wanna play this game.
  22. Your entry is really nice and clean but bonzai's is just ROFL so she gets all my points. Or at least she would have if I had voted.
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