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Nobbynob Littlun

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Everything posted by Nobbynob Littlun

  1. Techno that stays interesting is a rare treat. Well done, glad to see you got better, and got inspired
  2. This sounds very professional. You sure you didn't lift this out of an OST somewhere? LOL I kid I kid! This is the kind of music I come back to OCR week after week for, I hope to hear more from you, good sir.
  3. This song is so perfect for OCR. It takes an excellent game song, spins it in a markedly different (and dare I say better?) direction that nonetheless would fit perfectly into the original soundtrack, and does so with skill and panache.
  4. This piece brings to mind the later episodes of the anime Trigun... I dunno about flowing, but it has very much the sound of a journey to it. And of science fiction.
  5. I was waiting for the day we'd get live orchestra here. My heartfelt thanks to the U of M!
  6. Hmm is there a version without vocals? I don't have a problem with them, I just am greedy and want two versions of the same song
  7. Not my style, but who cares? This is... meaty. Yes, that's the word. Meaty.
  8. I kept expecting it to break out with some rock guitar work. And then it did. And it was even more awesome than I expected.
  9. This mix goes against everything I stand for in ReMixes, but I love it anyway. <3
  10. I have nothing to add to the many fine reviews already found in this thread. This song is required listening.
  11. Ahhhhh Cheetamen! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, at the risk of derailing this thread... .
  12. Awesome song from ilp0, followed up by an awesome writeup by djpretzel. Now, I have no problem with the lyrics, but I would like a version I could play with my grandmother listening. Knowhutimean?
  13. Nice use of chiptunes - they don't bother my ears at all, like most do. I'd have loved to see them transition out to another instrument, to give it some more movement. Possible instruments might be, hummm, electric guitar, bass flute, clarinet, castlevania-style organ, all of the above? Xylophone would make an interesting counterpart to the guitar during synth portions, though without the synth it'd be too pronounced. Hummm, happy thoughts! P.S. Fun song, goes straight into my playlists. Don't mind the talk of changing stuff, I always get these crazy ideas that I like to think are useful
  14. Good stuff. This really stands out because the horn samples sound natural. I would have liked to hear some more tempo change. Also, I suggest for fun that you explore french horn/clarinet combos, might be useful in the future for your style EDIT: Also, might I suggest giving the PSX's Final Fantasy Tactics soundtrack a listen?
  15. My only complaint is that, like in the previous piece, the higher pitched effeminate choir voices remain dominant, not just throughout the piece, but at all times. Hmm lemme think of a song that demonstrates the kind of variation I'm thinking of... aha! http://www.ryzom.com/data/music/death.mp3 Not nearly so complex as your composition, but the high voices will on occasion fall out and be contrasted by a deeper, masculine voice. This feels much richer to me than fuguing. Of course I generally don't like fugues and the wall of sound effect they come with - I like to hear periods of (relative) silence. I guess that's a preference rather than a critique. What we need... is a male Pixietricks..!
  16. While it is true that it feels a tad tedious at times, I would contend that this is simply the nature of the beast in being an overture of classic Zelda tuneages. He certainly accomplished what he set out to do - anyone who comes to the site for their first time and wants to feel some Zelda nostalgia is going to get the long, edible chocolate end of the stick. Yummy. That being said, I dunno about those church bells. They've been fit in as well as church bells could, but still are out of place, and are not Zelda-esque in my opinion. A small qualm though... P.S. I love that sample of Winter is Coming on your site Evan, though I'd tone down or vary the volume of the piano.
  17. Wow, those guitars are... chunky. The great strength of this song is that it is far from a wall of sound. Nice range of tones, and periods of relative quiet that only give the guitar more oomph. As for the atmosphere, I felt like this is the sort of thing that Uematsu Nobou(sp?) was trying to capture both in the game and in Advent Children. (see Advent Children's "Black Water" for instance).
  18. This song's got everything. Strong progressions, instrument variations, a wide range of volumes and pitches all throughout... and it even doesn't resort to a fadeout!
  19. Plucked guitar sounds fine to me, the off-tunedness makes it sound more authentic given the ethnic source.
  20. My favorite Mazedude tune. Most Mazedude works sound like random sounds were thrown together and kicked around until they sounded good... nothing wrong with that, but I like how this one seems more cohesive and planned; tells more of a story, which I like.
  21. In many ways I like this better than your more recent mixes. Namely, it actually feels like it would fit the genre - I could easily see this being a part of the Final Fantasy 10 soundtrack, walking the world... the game had nice world/culture design, and its music reflected that, as would this.
  22. Agreed with previous posters on the juxtaposition. The balance of bass and treble tones is most excellent. However, I think that the bass line could have used more variation - just because it is a bass line does not mean that it cannot have some melody to it, and this song in particular could have benefited from a changing bass line to support its atmospheric swells and eddies.
  23. I saved this at first, but ended up deleting from my harddrive. Every time I listen to it, it sounds... more boring. No offense, it just didn't feel imaginative, or enthusiastic. It may diverge from the original Halo music a lot, but to me it sounds like typical, run-of-the-mill electronica. I don't have any problems production-wise, it's just bland, and the Can't Stop gets annoying. If I were a judge, I'd give this a NO... ah well.
  24. Magnificient. Such a fantastic song deserves constructive feedback. Hmmm... I can't really think of any ways to make it better though! Just different. Well, I can imagine that a viola or cello at the end could play up the vocals, and would contrast nicely with those phat beats. I categorize songs into folders based on the kind of mood they give, and it speaks well for this song that it could easily go into the "Epic", "Soothing", "Got-Da-Beat", or "Stimulating" folders.
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