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Nobbynob Littlun

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Everything posted by Nobbynob Littlun

  1. Oh! Duh I knew that, I just didn't know I knew. Thanks muchly.
  2. I read the whole thing, but I spaced out for a good portion, so if this has already been asked... don't be hating on me Er, please. -Can you switch Fruityloops to 3/4 time, or even something even more rare like 4/5 time (though I don't expect to be composing in 4/5 for possibly ever)? Among other things, putting it in 3/4 time would work for triplets in the drum sequencer, though ye'd have to modify somethin' fierce to the tempo -Also, with the shuffle bar on the top-right of the sequencer - is there a way to have different shuffles for different patterns? Life would be easier...
  3. Has a salsa rythmn to it. I definitely can see a number in Cirque du Soleil with this music - it's too repetitive for my taste though. Same percussion pretty much the whole way through. The orchestra hits are pretty obviously looped also. I rather like that whistle blowing in the background, and the salsa-style keeps the melody moving very nicely. Overall, a fun song, but nothing I'd call impressive. Though, I haven't exactly done better myself...
  4. I pity the foo who don't listen to this. Crunchy. I like the monkey noises, when the glass breaks, and the cheesy explosion noise All it needs is during the part where the guy says "Pump up the volume" and "Go go" is to have a few carefuly chosen lyrics from the Super Smash Bros. Melee stage, which a friend sent to me once and I post here now for the curious H-H-H...Here we go! So they're finally here, performing for you If you know the words, you can join in too Put your hands together if you want to clap As we take you through this fun-ky rap! HUH! D. K.! Donkey Kong! * He's the leader of the bunch. You know him well. He's finally back to kick some tail! [break: 2 Measures, Monkey Yells](1) His coconut gun can fire in spurts If he shoots ya, [Monkey Yell] it's gonna hurt! (2) He's bigger! faster! and stronger too! He's the first member of the DK crew! D. K.! Donkey Kong! HEY! D. K.! Donkey Kong is here! [break: 1 Measure] This Kong's got style, so listen up dudes! She shrinks in size to suit her mood! [break: 2 Measures] She's quick n' nimble when she needs to be She floats in air and climbs up trees! [break: 2 Measures] If you choose her, you won't choose wrong With a skip and a hop, she's ONE COOL KONG! [break: 2 Measures] D. K.! Donkey Kong! [break: 4 Measures] He has no style, he has no grace This Kong...has a funny face He can handstand when he wants to And stretch his arms out just for you! [break: 1 Measure] In-flate himself just like a balloon This cra-zy Kong just digs this tune! HEY! D. K.! (D. K.!) Donkey Kong! D. K.! (D. K.!) Donkey Kong is here! [break: 2 Measures] He's back again, and about time, too And this time, he's in the mood! [break: 2 Measures] He can fly real high with his jetpack on... With his pistols out, he's one tough Kong! He can make you smile when you hear his tune... [break: 1 Measure] But, Kremlings beware 'cause he's out after you! D. K.! Donkey Kong! D. K.! Donkey Kong! (fading) D. K.! Donkey Kong! D. K.... Fi-nal-ly, he's here for you! It's the LAST member of the D. K. crew! This Kong's...so strong, it isn't funny! Can make a Kremling cry out for Mummy! [break: 2 Measures] He can pick up a boulder with relative ease Makes crushing rocks seem such a breeze He may move slow; he can't jump high But this Kong's one heck of a guy! Hehehe... [break: 2 Measures] Come on Cranky! Take it to the stage! ** Walnuts, peanuts, pineapple smells! Grapes, melons, oranges, and coconut shells! ** REPEAT Oh, yeah! [break: 4 Measures] * REPEAT (and fading)
  5. Awesome percussion! Trumpet is a hurt on my ears though (liked the animals though, made me smile) - I think, maybe, yes this cello ensemble sample I have here would fit nicely methinks if you can use a .wav file - and that high pitched thingy that's somewhere around 1:05 or 1:10, according to my often-defunct display, I can provide you with a small violin ensemble sample as well if you'd like. They both are royalty-free. A friend recorded them off his ghetto-orchestra at the college, I am given to believe. If you want Kooper, you can contact me on either AIM as "gnomewarriah" or Yahoo IM as "gnomewarriorsillymight". After all, everyone's raising a stink over that trumpet
  6. Uses techno sounds, techniques and elements to create a jazzy feel. Very slick! I'm afraid I can't think of any constructive criticism for ya
  7. Smooth if unexpected transition there. Nice samples, synth, whatever you use, in this mix. Professional. Great percussion, they keep the listener's rythmn in the right place (with some help from the bass) without being so heavy as to detract from other parts, have enough variation (as well as not being too conspicuous) to keep me from saying my favorite criticism, "too repetitive". Ending feels kinda weak, I'd like it if it looped back on itself smoothly, but not a big deal.
  8. Hrm I haven't played DKC2 yet so only have so much to say. Around 4:20 the song sounds like Warcraft 2. A LOT like Warcraft 2. In fact you could probably take that little segment, call it a Warcraft 2 remix, and no one would be the wiser. I think it's 4:20. That's what my counter reads if I play the song from the beginning. If I click on on the bar to skip ahead to it, it says that it's 1:50 into the song. So it could be anything... but I think it's 4:20. Maybe I should update WMP.
  9. Nice percussion - it IS automated though, but smoothly enough that I only noticed it restarting the loop three times throughout the song. The bass is effective, but also automated. However for both the bass and percussion there are a few breaks throughout the song, each lasting a measure, in which the rythmn switches to something new briefly - then it's back to the same. Seriously needs some sort of smooth pad, instead of relying on the complex and continuous drum patterns to cover it - hrm, I'm listening to hear whether there is a pad and I just didn't notice it. Nope, the only thing resembling a pad sounds to be resonances from the weird, spacey sound that acts out the melody. Which by the way is extremely repetitive considering that it's volume and piercing quality makes it quite prominent. I'd recommend something smoother for that. For a pad, a quiet ensemble of strings (cellos maybe, or a mix of course) would sound nice, even as the only non-electronica. The current choice of instruments (that high pitched thing, lack of padding) forces you to pay attention. If it were a bit less arresting, then you could just play it as background and the repitition would not be an issue.
  10. This song will appeal IF you appreciate sophomoric humor AND/OR improvisation (it certainly sounds like the millions of songs my friends would improvise on their guitars at the drop of a hat). Um thinking about that has me making up a song myself right now: "I'm just gonna make up a SO-ong. (dununnuh, dunun, dununununh) The music is crap and the grammars are WRO-ong (dununnuh, dunun, dununununh) Pickin' at my metaphorical NO-ose (dununnuh, dunun, dununununh) Making up cheesy wannabe PRO-ose (dununnuh, dunun, dununununh) I say WAH! (wah) I say WOAH! (woah) I say er some stupid crap or somethin'-(hurry into next verse) My girlfriend said I'm not myself todAY-ay (dununnuh, dunun, dununununh) So I said um you don't SA-ay (dununnuh, dunun, dununununh) If that's the case, why you tellin' ME-ee (dununnuh, dunun, dununununh) Hold on a sec I gotta PEE-ee (note: the only reason that line is there is because while typing this song I am making up right here and now I seriously need to go! One minute.... okay, back.) What! Kinda maaagic spell to use! Slime and snails Or puppy dogs' tails Thunder or lightning Then baby said! Dance, magic dance Put that baby spell on me! In the niIGHT! When the night was young! It was dark and really... young Stuff did stuff (backup: atthatplacethatonetimewiththepeopleandumyeah) I think buff rhymes with stuff OH YEAH OH YEAH BABY YEAH UH-HUH Dun dun dunnnnnnn! *convenient guitar solo* What wouldja say if I sang outta TU-une (dununnuh, dunun, dununununh) If yer gonna say that get outta my ROO-oome (dununnuh, dunun, dununununh) I can't think of words to sing (wordless phlegm-filled gritty grundge "uh" sound) Mr. T likes the bling-bling ("uhh") But that's okay cuz I'm just Maaaaaaakiiiiiiiiing thiiiiiiiis uuuuuuuuup Heeeeeere aaaaaaand noooooooow (backup: Now?) Now! HUH! (or other suitable grunt) *convenenient guitar solo* Sup, Roxanne, what's up with that shit yo Turn off the goddamn red light (backup: Word.) Word, Roxanne, listen up yo Ya don't have to wear that dress tonight (backup: Recognize.) Okay this is getting progressively worse, but I'd hate to delete it after all that typing. If yer gonna criticize my made up song, review "The Music of my Groin" first, for the Recently OverHeard's sake.
  11. This doesn't really give it a more dark and forbidding feel in my opinion - doesn't really give the feeling that Link would really have fighting all those freakin' dangerous monsters; especially when I'm thinking of that one picture in the manual of Link hiding behind a stone slab with his dinky sword and shield. On the other side? One of those one-eyed spider things, and it was drawn to be about, oh, forty feet tall. Just about yer average monster in Zelda 1.
  12. Hrm. Pretty good stuff. Rather short though - a bit right near the end where the off-beat notes are used for that rough-distorty-gurgly-whatevery sound, which I can see would not appeal to some people (By that I mean, if you take one sound and give it unconventional sound AND arrangement into the larger piece, people will typically not like it if they are orderly musically.) Nevertheless I think it would be a worthy song of putting on my CDs somewhere IF it were a good bit longer. This song stops just as it gets going
  13. " "Agreed. I like symphony and orchestra, but not with the classical feel to it - not efficient enough, or something. This is good, very good. My favorite Russel Cox. At 2:41 (though my player is often off with it's time keeper) those strings (I think) change chords, and become almost dissonant what with that sharp-sounding bit. But it still sounds right, it just brings out emotion, like the people playing the instruments are trying not to cry. Waah!
  14. Journey of Solitude - excellent descriptive title. I liked "On That Day..." better, but personally. This would be a better song in most ways. Can't really talk technically, as I don't know what sounds to match with what instruments (well, I can recognize clarinets and bass clarinets in a song, but that don't help). Dragon Warrior was my first RPG, and I remember playing it when I was three years old. All I can remember is some castle I was walking around, something about a... Rainbow Bridge? Um, I remember the boss, don't remember his name, was kinda wimpy looking but tough anyway... oh, and I remember my older brother (9 at the time) asking me how I beat the game at such a low level. Hrm. Since then I've preferred different styles of RPGs, but it was my first. This song would be really awesome as the field music in Ocarina of Time, as Link also very much walks the world alone.
  15. Quoted that because it gives such a nice little blurb for the review excerpt ("Recently OverHeard") at the bottom of the song page. I agree completely. Interesting to hear all the staccatos. Different from yer factory-made techno. EDIT: Oh, and it fits Ristar's style perfectly. Sounds like something you'd hear in a sequel. A sequel that is much needed - Ristar had the same kind of FUN too it as did Yoshi's Island (and most likely Yoshi's Story, which I still needa play).
  16. "The bed is a battlefield baby... let me give you all my Siberian lovin'..." ... Yea. Yea.
  17. Definitely incites some emotions, the sense of a hero or heroes prevailing through tragedy... this would be absolutely fantastic as the music for the final battle in Final Fantasy X. Since I mentioned FFX, I might as well let you all know - even if you don't like Final Fantasy typically, play it! Unlike most FF games (which tend to have a ragtag band of adventurers with vague goals who somehow end up saving the world from someone whose trying to ruin it for obscure reasons), Final Fantasy X actually has a real storyline with a definite beginning, development, climax, anticlimax, ending, etc. Too bad the final boss, Ultima and Omega Weapons are such pushovers. I mean, I didn't bother levelling up for them, pushed em over and they died. Ah well.
  18. SWEET! I've got a lot to say on this one. Like was said before, Luigi's Mansion was quite evil, but playfully - this sounds truly evil. Though not the most awesomest or favoritest song on this site I've come across, it might very well be the coolest. My favorite thing in any song is attention to detail and small innovations that add subtle marks, and this song is totally loaded. Good, tasteful use of that synth that is so overused in techno songs (and even those arpeggios normally so *ugh*); put to a fresh use. The modified top hat sample that you hear right in the beginning is sweet stuff. At around 1:30 there's that child-like thing that's not quite a xylophone - really evil Then you've got those gastric thingies at around 1:50 - REALLY EVIL And at the ending there, with the piano playing as the rest fades out, you've got that discordant sharp note tossed in... OOO! Too cool, too cool... I actually had a lot of fun playing Luigi's Mansion. The controls are difficult at first, but make for some smooth playing. It's also fun to watch Luigi panic all the time, shakin' his knees, whimpering, nervously humming along with the music
  19. Overall, quite a nice song. Excellent transition there between songs, it actually took me a moment to notice that it had moved into my favorite Chrono Trigger song. I don't think too much of the techno - it kind of sits there, playing the same boops and beeps, and is rather overstated in my opinion. Personally I'd like it better if those strings and such were brought in more, with the beeps and boops somewhat muted. The drum patterns towards the latter portion of the song are kinda stale. Top hat, kick drum, top hat, kick drum/handclap. Tssh-clap-tsh, tssh-clap-tsh. Dun, dun, dun, dun. Countless techno songs utitilize this very same pattern, and it's... old. So anyway. Push the beep arpeggios to background support, lift up the symphonic goodies to a semi-melody that compliments said arpeggios, institute some diversity in the drum kit, and this would be one of my all-time favorites. As it is, it's just a song I like.
  20. Any song that gets another page of sketched ideas off my pencils needs commendation. The piece has emotion, but in a mild way - though not as, er, "cerebral" (I guess) as I prefer. Drums are a tad loud I think, but I don't feel an off-balanceness to them like some others do. Nice stuff.
  21. Could be so much more. This reminds me of my friends' band as well as many other garage bands - every amp's volume cranked all the way up, every instrument pounded on to the max. The wall of sound crushes out any recognizable melody, and it could be so much more. In painting, it is necessary to show contrast between elements to give full effect. For example, if everything in a painting is dark, technically it's dark but people won't see it that way, they'll just squint their eyes at it. However, if you add in some bright splashes or highlights, the dark is emphasized and *then* people say "wow that's dark stuff over there". The same could be said of music. a) turn your speakers down silly we have so much techno already, let him have his grunginess
  22. I ran the ultimate VG-remix test - I went into one of the Zelda 2 temples and played through muted with this music playing. It... is good. The drums definitely strengthen the song. *boom... boom shick.... boom... boom shick...* Doesn't pass with so many flying colors on this test as Batman Music of Funk, but the enemies seemed somehow more threatening, the dungeons more imposing when this was playing.
  23. One among a short list of remixes that successfully, rather than take the song in a new direction, recreates it in a way that it sounds like it SHOULD have been the one on the game cartridge Beautiful, mellow, and very likeable, I doubt anyone would have any objections in this song - except, maybe, that "boop" sound when it goes up four notes and repeats.
  24. Anyone seen the recent movie about Frida Kahlo? This made me think of the scene when she tangoes with the other woman in a decidedly sensual way. The song definitely has some neat details. Not exactly something that brings a tear to my eye as some others describe, but the thingy, not sure what it is, maybe it's a funkified organ or some standard synth (hard to describe, it's used in a lot of golden oldies when synth was the latest "wow"), but it makes me imagine Frank Zappa game remixes.
  25. As has been mentioned, there is no actual climax within this song. However it does brings to mind images of commandos slipping into an enemy base at night; movie stuff with a sophisticated set designer and a director who gives the 1-up to typical Hollywood exaggerations and giant explosions. These hollywood commandoes don't make a fuss, they don't make empty threats, they slip in do their job (cleanly and professionally) and try to get out alive again. An interesting way to give a recommendation for this song
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