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Nobbynob Littlun

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Everything posted by Nobbynob Littlun

  1. Cool song, but I felt like there were some really cool stuff in there - I could swear there's timpanis in there - that are just swallowed up by the chunky distorted guitars. Bells, pianos, strings, acoustic guitars... they're a little hard to pick up. Now, I'd say that the chunky distorted guitars are essential to the mood, but they're too far in the foreground; they don't need to be brought so far forward for us to pick up on them, but the other stuff is more subtle, and could use some help in being made apparent. If that makes sense.
  2. I can only conclude that tefnek got the idea for this ReMix when he was using his no-doubt sick and gritty motorcycle as a club to bash in zombie skulls. Be careful when you imagine this scenario in your mind's eye - be sure and imagine tefnek as wearing an eyepatch, because if he looked at you with both eyes, your head would explode out of fear. You have been warned.
  3. One can well imagine Cecil emerging into the sunlight, transformed from Dark Knight to Paladin.
  4. 3:18ish, there's this.. really weird sound... followed by a segment with long-running notes on some kind of organ. Something about these two almost incidental sounds really completes the ensemble. I often feel it's the small things like that which turn a song from good to great (examples that come to mind is the "dong" at 1:41 in McVaffe's Tempest Mix, or the guitar at 0:59 in Diggi Dis's Who Stole My Stars, or the rapidly rising strings at 1:25 in about:blank's Acrophobia)
  5. Have I ever mentioned how awesome that "donggggg" at 1:41 is? Just sayin'.
  6. The thing that really stands out about this ReMix is that, while it rearranges the original in such a way that it is a song both old and new (as with all ReMixes), it sounds like something you would actually hear in a game; you can easily imagine playing with this in the background. To me, that makes it twice the tribute.
  7. Though honestly as an American reading American texts, I almost always see it with the 'e'. Only a couple times without - and I thought they were typos! I see what the judges were talkin' about here, but it is kind of a boring song, even for someone who favors orchestral/symphonic tunes like me.
  8. Great! This song tells a story. To be honest, I've got a lot of movie soundtracks, and the quality here is superior to the vast majority of that stuff. In fact, a great deal of OCR submissions are, we just notice shortcomings more here, since there isn't a movie's cheesy dialogue and goofy action sequences rolling over the music (and most directors seem very strict about the music being nothing special; heaven forbid a lovely tune should distract viewers from their carefully constructed cool-guy-walking-away-from-explosion sequence!) Okay, digressing a bit here. I did feel that there were some bits where you slowed down to make transitions between one segment of the song and another, and it was kind of dragging. I imagine you could do something inventive to make them flow into one another without, ah, doldrums as it were, making for a more engaging song. But this is not so much a complaint as something for you to keep your eye on when making this type of song.
  9. Kind of repetitive, but that is to be expected from the source tune... love the "instrumentation" though. Lots of nice little touches. I'd love to hear this kind of attention to detail in a more complex melody. Abso-spankin'-lutely.
  10. I think it relies a bit too much on the string ensembles there... I feel like something could be done to make those fast, stacatto dununuh dunununuh bits sound more natural, but I'm not coming up with any ideas beyond "different instrument" :S
  11. Not a keeper for me, but I must acknowledge the skill with which this ReMix was rendered. I'm really diggin' those woots I'm hearing about halfway in.
  12. The incorporation of those vocals in a tune of this style makes this song one in a majillion. I could live to 90 and never hear a song like this again!
  13. Wow, those samples sound great! Those strings at 0:48, so deep and sinister! Do I smell the potential for a ReMix of SNES Zelda's Dark World dungeon music? My only complaint is that at 3:50 or so, I was expecting it to get really crazy with a Castlevania-style harpsichord, and was disappointed that it did not. But who cares? This is the kind of thing I keep coming back to OCR hoping to find
  14. If it's instant gratification you're after (as I often am) this won't do it. If you're looking for a well-executed tune that doesn't intrude terribly on your psyche as you try get some work done at the computer (as I often am), this will do it.
  15. The first set of "lyrics" are pretty corny. But that bit about the decapitation, and that female voice that sounds.. almost.. orgasmic... sick man, sick. Well executed.
  16. This rendition brought to mind a sort of... Detective Cyan image. In fact, I was compelled to sketch such an image! Leather cuirass-trenchcoat hybrid + chin that can cut glass = Yes! EDIT: In regards to the ongoing debate... this actually sounds more like a ReMix of the second half of Cyanide, than of the Cyan theme itself. This probably isn't really the case, but if it were, I figure ReMixes of Remixes would certainly be within OCR's scope. Or do we need to put up an OCRemixRemix site? ;
  17. Gets almost a wall of sound quality at 1:20... I guess that's kind of the idea, but I think it was pushed too far. Actually, I think it's good to have this temporary increase in "density", but if you reduce the volume to match... and then pop the volume right back to normal when the "density" returns to normal at around 1:28, giving it kind of a BAM! effect, that'd be cool. Right after this bit, there's a sort of vox type thing going on.. starting at 1:38 or so. It's playing the lead part. I think it would have been really cool if you had used samples of monastic chants or overtone singing.
  18. I liked it, but I felt the percussion and guitar could have used more variation, they felt like they were thrown in there on autopilot... heheh
  19. Fun at first, gets a little old, but I'd definitely keep those samples for later use. The Heineken will be an excellent addition to other instrumentations.
  20. Six years later, and this song is still fresh and awesome.
  21. Hmm although I considered Rexy's Lament the pinnacle of your work, this is enjoyable too... *wink*
  22. There's a lot to like here all throughout, but it's always the harpsichord-ish intro/exit that makes me sit up in my chair. The precise staccatos make for a great contrast with the rest of the song's graceful flow.
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