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Posts posted by YoshiBlade

  1. On 12/11/2018 at 7:35 PM, Darkflamewolf said:

    @Deedubs @Guifrog and @YoshiBlade, There is a podcast show of a sort being hosted by @Rexy and she is interested in featuring up to three songs this COMING WEEKEND on the show. I was thinking of using specifically your songs (with you Deedubs, I got freedom of choice here, but primarily ones you've done solely). If you're okay with her featuring on his show prior to album release as a nice sneak peek, just let me know. If I hear nothing back by Friday morning, I'm going to assume silence as consent and suggest the tracks forward. 

    Of Course :D

  2. Really? Its gonna have to be me? I mean Ive been fairly quite as of late but I cant let this comment section sit so barren. This is 190 proof distilled 80's served with a twist of Castlevania...I mean the samples? the Game Samples?! Used as perfectly as they can be used?! And those tom fills are brutally 80's ( feeling a strong Far Cry Blood Dragon vibe here).... in fact this track is more 80's than several years actually from the 80's ( looking at you 1980 and 1981) but for real I really don't know what else to say, a game from the 80's remixed in perfect 80's emulated style...not sure if I can say emulated cause it feels fairly authentic, but as Im fairly sure its 2017 Im just gonna have to enjoy it for what it is 2 things I love Castlevania and High energy Sythnwave

  3. Very good atmosphere here, more good stuff than bad so Its easier if I just name the stuff I wasn't grooving to....In descending order from most noticable

    1) 2:09 the gating just really pulls me out...I know what your trying to do and it should work, but Ive never been able to pull it off successfully, maybe something... faster? less sinewave-ish?

    2) 0:27 the toy-box/ kalimba pluck, is really dry...maybe soak it in reverb for 20min then hang dry?

    3) The kick jumps in towards the end which sounds nice, but with all the glitching going on it remains fairly static, maybe a few fills?


    Odder-den-dat, I like it the samples, they were used tastefully and clearly and this represents a nice project to be fleshed out :) 


  4. My library did this and I helped with procuring some of the games! From seeing it unfold over about 2 years, make sure people know that the library has games...I know right, but so many titles just sit on the shelf and never go out simply because people don't know they're there assuming a library just wouldn't have video games. XboxOne games don't really move that much, the 3DS titles are usually what I see out most, Ps4 tends to hang around, less than XboxOne, but still its amazing that people pay to rent games at a Redbox. Also check the policy of your library some make it so you have to get from a special catalog, which can limit your options. We also did a Retro-Duo rent out with vintage SNES and NES titles and it actually worked. My suggestion would be to get the 2-3 NES-HD ( if you can find one) and rent that out, people really like the idea of plug and play, lot of adults casually see the retro-games and say " Hey I remember that/those game! And I can check it out for 1-2 weeks?! Sure add it to the basket!" I would say if you wants circulation points ( how our library determines whether to continue buying new games) you could play it safe and so with multi-copies of popular games, boring and you can end up with 5 copies of COD BO2 in 2017 that nobody really checks out anymore, or get the more unique titles and try and pry open a few minds to a less traveled genre or game.


  5. h're ye h're ye. . . . ev'ryone hark, ive madeth a new mega-man remix and its a remix of knight sir. i v'ry much enjoyeth mm6 and i just did want to professeth mine own loveth f'r monty python and the holy grail, from king auth'r's inability to counteth to killeth'r rabbits i am a pythonist and as a side noteth is th're anyone who doesn't liketh monty python? not judging i'm just curious. i must now but anon depart, as i am quite infected with bubonic-plague and needeth to receiveth some leeches on me and p'rhaps a nice bleeding hasten mine own recov'ry fare thee well fellow travelers


    https://www.dropbox.com/s/pm2c80nvrc3i9pt/Python Man.mp3?dl=0





  6. I wasn't going to say anything...so many Wips just kind of pass by and are never heard again...yet this one sticks out and I remember it, 2 week on. So, Its just a video recording and the sound isn't that great and there are pauses in it and tubas don't really lend themselves to solo covers and a few fumblings over the notes....but yet here I am, typing a comments, wheres as most times I just move on and forget. I think I know why, you've got a narrow genre on your hands, tuba covers of video game music and I say run with it. Find a structure to the Cover you're trying to make and go with it, now I'm not saying that Tuba-step is not a genre I'd like to hear, but with the Tube I feel like there are 3 choices; Orchestral, Marching Band and Polka   ....look.... those of us lucky enough to be exposed to polka know it gets hate, but its a fun genre of music and this site is about networking as much as its about video game and music, so maybe link up with some people give this site a Beer Barrel Polka style remix.

  7. https://www.dropbox.com/s/33qblk6f9g3ptfn/lavendar 3.wav?dl=0


     Lavender Town is really built on that repeating intro IMO and I fiddled with trying to cut out parts but it just made it feel less Lavender Town, more Lilac Town... if you will, but I split up some of the repetition, juuuuussssttttt enough to maybe reduce the cyclic nature of the more identifiable source tune, yet retain original elements. I like how much more glitchy its become, adding that personalized touch to an oft re-imagined source.

  8. How the hell has this been up for 11 days and not one outside comment ? Well I'm going to listen to this sum more, but for now the thing that sticks out like a sore simile, are the drums at the end. I went and listened to an earlier WiP of Lav Town (yes I tend to Soundcloud creep) and the solo snare and crashing cymbals seemed to add more energy than the drums. It breaks the flow of the whole track when BAM! drummer breaks in. But i went back and read the JD's and the pacing was the issue,from 1:30 to 4:30 it just reeeaaallllyyy slows down, which I like, but it tends to stay the same, without much change, I like the low rumble it's like pokemon in on a spacestation,  I guess the only thing I could suggest is to make maybe one part goofy scary (Danny Elfman-ish), and then the other part scary scary(Nightmare on Elm-ish)?...I don't know what I'm saying, I'm trying to give Prima facie feedback...I tried watching this with an episode of Pokemon on silent and it works as a silent film score.... I think I'm rambling now

  9. No annoyance, but for the future could you link to the original song, I cant seem to find it. But even without the original to compare, the claps and the snare are really buried in here and the the whole track sounds like its being run through a low pass filter, except for the plucks that start at :45.  If you attach the Original you'll get more feedback, let's hear what you were remixing first. 

  10. Update: Just a copy'npaste from the compos, beefed up the drums...its funny how when you feel like you taken something as far as it can go, you take a break from it, then go back and listen and it just makes sense what to do next...wait feedback, I got feedback. I'm not gonna stop typing, cause I just realized I got feedback, that's what made me go back and make it better, so I'm leaving this stream of consciousness text here and stop typing....ok now


    https://www.dropbox.com/s/yxx2tnbjoe9i7tk/lavendar 2.mp3?dl=0


  11. First, I thank you all for your patience with me perseverating about the liability of the Remixer and with regards to the elevated risk that I feel may come with money being generated on YouTube, Thank You. Secondly I love, Love remixing music in creative new ways and having it stand in judgement, here, before everyone and it is causing no small amount of heart palpitations at the thought that after working hard to have a track accepted and having the world hear it, I could be party to legal ramifications. I love this site and I don't believe in any malfeasance on the part of DJP, so I'm not terribly concerned with money generated on music made by me and published by the OverClocked Remix. I am afforded so much by this site, I have no strong feels with the good faith generation of money for legitimate reasons. So I have some questions that will help me get moving past this

    1) I enjoy utilizing VGM samples, if a posted track with samples was tagged on YouTube by the owner of the game, will the OCR simply drop the track and say "Ok,  This valid claim of unlicensed usage, we will voluntarily remove it"

    2) regarding question 1, would that be the end of it with regards to me? In that, it goes no further and all parties are finished with the matter. Which I am OK with, if the copyright holder wants it down, I am 100% ok with that.

  12. 11 hours ago, zircon said:

     Nobody wants to go to court. Legal proceedings are costly, both in terms of time and money, for all parties.

    Does OCR have a legal defense fund utilized from ad revenue? I feel this has implications in the ethical debate. Zircon youre correct, no one wants to go to court. However those without the means to challenge a legal accusation of Infringement loses automatically, I don't have the time or resources to fight it so basically the content comes down. If OCR says when someone calls for a takedown of a Remix "No, this is fair use we accepted it, we published it and we plan to prove that in court using our resources" then any monetization anywhere, is strongly in my favor, because OCR is going to stick up for me or whomever is being accused of Copyright Infringement and the argument that it's unlikely any copyright holder probably won't do anything doesn't help. Disney ( although they are very litigious) sued a daycare because they had a character painted on a wall. I can't know what each copyright holder will do. Over 1000 different games and we can't be sure what any copyright holder will do. 

  13. 5 hours ago, zircon said:

     OCR would likely fare well in court (if it came to that) with a Fair Use defense.


    OverClocked ReMix in no way indemnifies YOU from legal action on the part of third party copyright holders.


    My question is who is going to be listed as a defendant if Nintendo decided to sue for Copyright Infringement? If the content is being (has been) monetized who is the one who is going to court, the person gaining from the monetization? The person who created the content? Both? Ive picked up nothing has changed, with regards to utilizing moneys from ads, but if you yell OCR to the internet everyone says " OC-What?" If you yell "YOUTUBE" people know YouTube and its making something already done, more prominent, its inviting more notice from the world and specifically the legal world. In so many words, what is a remixers liability in this matter?


    On a side note, I use OCR at a measurement for excellence.  Type in Pokemon, Mario or Sonic Remix it's all over the place in terms of quality and what some would call " ______, but with drums" OCR, for me, is just a filter that exposes me to new music, while setting a standard that is substantive, not predicated on view counts or Likes. So this is a good thread and I'll be following this one.

  14. 14 hours ago, The Damned said:

    My favorite Metroid is... Fusion.


    When ever someone say they like Metorid Fusion  "Did someone say Fusion?"

    I gotta give it to Fusion for being probably the scariest Metroid. Oh and that one Face melting boss, I'm not sure if it was him (I'm fairly sure it was at least Fusion) I had headphones on and the sound it makes when it gets hit or dies nearly melted my eardrums.

  15. This is now my favorite track of the year. I live for these kind of remixes...more specially these kinds of envisioning of experiences that words are useless to describe, which can only be felt and not explained. Take an empty room and utilize that feeling to make a song about empty rooms, without ever describing an empty room, speaking a language that only conveys a feeling and not an explicit intention and I'll say afterwords " Gee, that track made me feel like I was standing in an empty room" and there you have it. Why do I love this track? 3 letters P,B,S. I love the grainy sounds of the plucks in the beginning and the flutes, makes me feel like Im sitting in 6th grade science class and the projector fires up a documentary about the "Frogs of the Everglades" circa 1973 PBS with all slight detunings that accompany a taped sound track or the graininess of the sound quality. Everything makes me feel like Im watching PBS from the late 70's or 80's. I have been very busy at trying to emulate that feeling and style and now here is this glorious flagship for a new musical genre....PBS-core.

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