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Everything posted by Domukaz

  1. The last sequences of Indigo Prophecy were really anticlimactic. Maybe I played it wrong, but no last boss should be exactly like the challenges the player has faced already.
  2. I always log in as the admin. This time was no different. I don't know if that's pertinent. Your plan sounds like it could work. I'll check it out and get back to you.
  3. For reference, I'm using my stepdad's computer to type this. His computer is connected directly to the Internet. Mine has a wireless connection. A few days ago, I cold-booted my computer to get rid of a game of Uplink. I wouldn't have done this had Uplink disappeared from the screen, but every time I tried to quit the game, the screen would freeze. I had done this a few times before, so I figured that nothing would happen. I was wrong. This time, I rebooted my computer to find that all of the documents and files in My Documents and My Pictures had disappeared, that Steam, Uplink, and several programs had disappeared, and that my Internet connection no longer worked properly. I use the D-Link AirPlus Configuration Utility, and no matter which settings I tried, I would not be able to connect. On the one time that I was able to connect, none of my Internet browsers worked. They refused to get me online. Even though the configuration utility is from D-Link, my current wireless router is a 2.4 GHz Linksys Wireless G. At the moment, my connection configuration (which does not work) has open authorization, and WEP encryption with a 128-bit key. I have tried to be as thorough as possible to lay bare the errors I have made. If anyone can help me out here, that would be great. If I have missed anything, please ask me and I'll get the information for you.
  4. I could have better phrased what I said. First off, I agree with you. I listen to a lot more rock and jazz than classical music. I'm trying to get into some Shostakovitch at the moment, but that's really it. However, I think that saying that art is totally subjective depreciates the effort and intelligence it takes to write a good piece of classical music as opposed the effort and intelligence it takes to write a good three-chord Ramones song. Of course, lots of luck has to be thrown into the equation as well. And effort varies...Mozart could dust off sonatas in a day or so, while some rock writers aren't very prolific at all. Sorry for waffling.
  5. Are we judging pop music's quality just on our own enjoyment of it, or on some perceived "objective" standard? Because if it's the latter, western classical music wins. It's far more complex and well thought out than most other forms of music--if there's a music more complex, tell me about it. I'd love to hear it. However, that's not how I judge it. I'd rather listen to a good song than worry about what genre it's in. Pop music, like all music, has its good examples and its many bad examples.
  6. I see your Stormtrooper Law and raise you the Evil Overlord list: http://www.eviloverlord.com/lists/overlord.html
  7. 3 and 4 win.
  8. Still doesn't beat making your own music.
  9. Punks and hippies get closer and closer together with every passing year. I wonder why. All kidding aside, I agree with the sentiment.
  10. Just in case I get to Chicago some day, is Rolling Stone related to the magazine at all?
  11. I'd like to join the OCA. Ruler name: Domukaz Country name: Generica Location: Virginia Team color: Orange Currently trading cattle and marble. I don't know enough about the game to ask for anything in particular.
  12. Very good. It's catchy and it suits the Chrono series (though I've never heard anything from Radical Dreamers), and that makes it an excellent rock instrumental.
  13. I was listening to the Stone Roses, and I gotta say the intro to "Made of Stone" sounds a lot like this one arpeggio from this remix. Though they're completely different tracks, of course.
  14. Old Testament overtones, I'd think, since the Pillar of Salt in question was Lot's wife, who looked back towards the ruins of Sodom and Gomorrah after God destroyed them against God's commands, and so He turned her into a pillar of salt. The mix fits the theme of chaos and destruction, I think. Of course, the lyrics' translation could probably change that though. Very good, very high-quality tunes from Salzman. Great work.
  15. Very good, and very catchy. I love the trumpets here.
  16. I've never played Monkey Island, only the Curse of Monkey Island, which I wasn't too impressed with. This track is very good, though it does seem to end too soon after introducing a new instrument. Very cool, and you can definitely bob your head to it. Well done.
  17. Absolutely awesome. Good work, Game Over! I like the lyrics, though the second verse is the only one that really sticks into my head, thanks to the aforementioned wordplay. Not to mention the musicianship of the whole track. A very excellent piece of work.
  18. I'd question the "jazz" label, but this mix kicks so much ass it just doesn't matter. Very cool, and the repetition doesn't really matter all that much after one's listened to BlueLightning. I love the piano throughout the mix, as well as that flute. Very good.
  19. At this point, I REALLY don't want to check if I've already posted here... The hardest, most annoying boss in recent memory is Dr. Wily from MM7. Maybe I just missed a secret weakness, but it's nigh-impossible to dodge his attacks in his final phase. His super-powered attack.
  20. Ok. Woah. Gotta say, this has Real Ultimate Power, much like 8-Bit Kamikaze, as said by DJP himself. Very good and INCREDIBLY funky. Not that a white guy would know completely, but it sounds funky. So there. Good job, Pretzel!
  21. I think the low-quality samples are just part of the groove of the song, and I have no problem with 'em. It makes it seem even more ninja-esque. Very danceable, and that's really my only criterion for remixes like these.
  22. I personally like this very much. I hum "bastardized" versions of video game tunes all the time, so I don't have the same kind of knee-jerk "no!" reaction to new interpretations of the tunes./editorial The organ solo is awesome and all, but that first part with the trumpets is the one that pulls the heartstrings and captures the imagination. Great stuff.
  23. Great stuff. I prefer this one over "Stainless Steel" since, like someone has already said, this rocks throughout, whereas only the first part of AE's mix has my respectr. But that's irrelevant when this mix is so F'in AWESOME! Slow to start (But what trance isn't), building, and finally coming to an awesome climax at the end. The samples are appealing, and it uses many variations on the same theme without getting boring. this comes highly recommended.
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