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Everything posted by D-Lux

  1. Thanks to McVaffe for bringing me aboard this project. I'm really looking forward to collabing with him and JAXX.
  2. The very little experience I've had with coding has been, in general, a failure. You get a pat on the back from me, sir.
  3. I request the Hammer Brothers theme from Super Mario Bros. 3: MIDI Youtube
  4. I didn't like the attacks on the monster at all. 4-5 bombs blowing up on its back in succession causing its face to slam into a building should at least slow the fucker down or show significant damage. Bullets doing nothing I can understand. Explosions with no effect I can understand. Not head trauma though.
  5. First people break into his studio, and now the mother of his child does this? This is why I hate humanity.
  6. Reuben's music was always a pleasure to listen to. I'd like to extend my prayers to his family; he will be missed. RIP.
  7. Look what I found.
  8. You need moderator approval before creating project threads on the forums.
  9. Half the experience (for me) would be chillin out with you guys, and since it's too late to get the group (and cheaper) buy, I'll have to pass. Plus, I can only stay for the one night because of work, and since Chris seemed to be all up ons the second one as well, I figured I'd let him indulge a bit. Perhaps I'll catch everyone at the next event.
  10. Inanimate Object month!
  11. Shonen's a GM who works for Blizzard, irriadin. He (sometimes) knows what he's talking about. If you think he's brain dead, you're probably right though.
  12. He said that he's looking for a list of solid (well made) games, not games that you enjoy. Likability of a game is not the same as the quality of its elements, though a lot of times they do go together. Let's just hope the posters after me recognize this difference before making their selections. For example, I'm not a fan of FF7, but I won't deny its exceptional content. I only own a PS2 from sephfire's list, so I nominate: Playstation 2 Grand Theft Auto III Guitar Hero Katamari Damacy SSX Tricky (I know Taucer put it for Gamecube, but I own it on PS2)
  13. Toadman has returned .. with a vengeance.
  14. My friend and I were talking about old games we used to play when we were in grade school (you know, the 5 1/4 floppy disk games) and we're stumped on one we can't find. It was an educational math game, and the most we can remember is climbing up a snowy mountain gathering stuff. You would encounter elves and they'd give you a math problem to solve. When you got to the top, you'd win. It was pretty popular in schools (like Oregon Trail and Number Munchers). I'm hoping this isn't something as simple as a mini game in Math Blasters, but we're stumped. I remember a flash game that I played about 4 years ago. The most I can remember is that you were an adventurer having to save the town I think. It wasn't animated at all, and everytime you clicked to do something (attack, walk, etc.) a new picture would come up. You may have been limited to the amount of times you could do things per day, but I'm not sure. Also, feel free to discuss all those old games you played while all the other kids were out at recess.
  15. April 24th, 2007 The most common first names among OC Remixers with known real names are Michael and Joe, both at 10. The next most common first name is Kevin, with 8. (I based these statistics off the names give in the OC Remixer profile pages. No combinations were made for examples like "Joe" and "Joseph.")
  16. I love the thick sounds that I'm used to hearing from Siamey, and mixed with my guilty pleasure of liking LOTS of percussion (see mixes from Protricity, Sephfire, SGX, etc.), there's a whole lot to like about this one. From its thick bassline to those cheesy monkey samples, this will get heavy rotation in my playlists for many months. Nice work, Siamey.
  17. I easily got over 500 rings from the slot machines in Casino Night Zone
  18. The only thing I was thinking while listening to them was "Man, this guy is pretty bad at making MIDIs."
  19. Congratulations! Does she kick your ass in SSB?
  20. More accomplishments this week: Jewelcrafting to 365 Epic flying mount acquired Heroic keyed for Tempest Keep Still no Karazhan key yet. I get laughed at when I say I haven't rescued Thrall yet.
  21. A convenient Google Search (link) reveals that QuickTime Alternative is a program that enables you to play QuickTime movie extensions without having to download the whole program. It runs with your basic Windows Media Player once you install it.
  22. Hey Reno, hit me up on Shattered Hand sometime. I'm either on Miseto (undead mage) or Buffalowings (tauren druid).
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