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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. http://www.latintimes.com/articles/7863/20130829/kingdom-hearts-3-release-date-rumors-cancelled.htm#.UiNUEpJQEp8 This website is terrible (maybe not as bad as kotaku) but the most important thing is that they suggest KH3 may be out in 2014. That sounds awful soon for a game they're just starting on, but it ALSO suggests that FF15 may be coming sooner than expected. (Expected being like, 2017)
  2. ....steve...... Piggott? OH LAWD Samurais! Count me in!
  3. Yes, the Alto Sax is real. And to be completely honest, I've only ever played it when recording, so I'm still picking up the proper technique for how to mouth the reed. I think I did ok getting a soft tone this time. My other mix with alto sax (Rebirth for FF2 album) has more of a biting tone. Annndd.... RIGHT... the vocals already have effects on them, Izotope Nectar. It would have taken an immense amount of time to unfreeze all of those tracks, not to mention the specific echo on the "Yeah" vocal track. I don't hear anyone else doing echo like that so I'll keep the how-to on that a secret. I don't know if fake bass would be an improvement over real bass, the only improvement would really be to buy and record with an acoustic bass. x_x Something to do when the money's there.....
  4. Have I mentioned Liquid Metal 2? Because Liquid Metal 2. But Jivemaster's going this next week.
  5. That's awesome! So what are some of the things you did? I noticed less volume in return for more dynamics, I also noticed less lows in the piano. If you don't mind... could you share some of your methods to making this mix? It might help others
  6. I wouldn't be surprised if it were games like Crystal Bearers Wii and The Last Story that actually drove people away from the Wii U. Here's my reasoning: Neither of these games used the Wii controls to their "full potential", being blunt, the controls in both of these games were horrid. The lack of a second analog stick for adjusting the camera, also, completely ruins the experience. It was like playing GTA3 again on the PS2. In The Last Story, there was no attention paid to using the Wii controls -- you still had to aim your bow manually, no wii-mote. What is this? This opinion/theory is conjecture, but at least in my mind, it explains why I was hesitant to trust developers taking adequate advantage of Wii U controls (although I still bought a Wii U, so we shall see if they do it.) I think the only good example I can think of is games like Elebits or Metroid Prime 3.
  7. 10 DAYS until this bad boy comes out via release-day shipping. I hope the limited edition stuff is as high quality as the Killer is Dead bonuses were. Very nice art book, very nice bonus soundtrack. The redone music for this is really good. It's already on Youtube. Excited to play it even though they didn't really do as much as they could where AA/MSAA/FXAA/etc is concerned. Never thought I'd be so excited to play a game that's over 10 years old. Soon
  8. That judge process thread got updated, and at like.. 4am..! That's some goooood work right there!
  9. Your flatulence is flattering, good sir! Thanks for the flattery!

    i just didn't remember what it was from

  11. I actually finished No More Heroes 1 and 2! They were great. Shadows of the Damned is also great. Sadly I never played Killer 7.
  12. Just got my limited edition with artbook and soundtrack, it is BEAUTIFUL!! The game case even has a recipe for perfect soft-boiled eggs! This is the quality that FFX HD / KH 1.5 HD have to live up to, this is a glorious box... although those other pre-order limited editions won't have the soundtrack like this one does, which is already a knock against them.... Anyway, haven't played this yet. DISCUSS!!
  13. I agree the vidja is too long, but even I skipped through and saw something interesting about gain staging... something I already do, but eh.
  14. Another interesting article out today: http://kotaku.com/nintendo-says-wii-us-name-not-responsible-for-wi-us-p-1221242513 I didn't realize it was only 1.5 million Wii Us sold in the USA. There were more Vitas sold in America than Wii U Gotta hope Wonderful 101 sells better here than it did in Japan.
  15. Sure! It's a Chamberlin Flute part of the samples I feel like I'm giving too much away, I want to hear some of your experimentation, good sir Gar! I can explain anything here that you need me to, though. The EQ is that way to cut down on areas that seemed piercing, (and the low end which flutes shouldn't necessarily have) while adding some high end back to make it easier to hear. There's not really any "breath" to the sample, since it's a very old mellotron type sample, so boosting the highs like that is possible without editing out breathing. The sends show the compression, pre-delay, and room reverb. These are set up as sends, so I can directly control how strong each effect is based on how strong I put the send. This rather than putting those effects in the regular chain... speaking of.... There's a mono-delay on the chain! I bet you can't even notice it in the song. It adds a nice little dynamic to the flute. The panning is extreme, but works, and the volume is very low as well but with these mellotron samples, you have to do that. They're extremely loud.
  16. is "congratulations you won" from mahjong or something

  17. It means they need another "metal guy" on the panel. Wouldn't hurt, plus I'm sure they could find someone who has done metal AND electronica, maybe orchestral, maybe even some ethnic music! Someone who is dedicated and often around, someone who has refused to abandon OCR even when times were tough! No idea who such a person is but I hope they find him!
  18. Needed something that would let me put the hard notch at 80Hz, which is where the kick was boosted. Kept looking for a plugin that would let me do it (without crashing like ReaEQ did for whatever reason in Cubase), settled on this. It wasn't actually a lot of extra work. I could click and drag across from a dot, and then do micro-adjusting from there.
  19. Here's the bass EQ for My Choice, maybe this will help people get a leg up on this. I hope anyone has been interested in giving this a shot!
  20. My opinion: The bass isn't bad. Subs are good. Mids (a wide Q around 300hz) are not really all that necessary. I've been removing that a lot in recent mixes because it's more or less a junk frequency in my opinion. You can use it, and that's not a problem at all. It more or less changes the "body" of the bass, without it you'll have a good low sound with a boost around 800Hz for the finger/pick sound. Anything above 2KHz is also unnecessary unless you want an unpleasant (again, in my opinion) click. Not a big fan of the click. It's a bass, get your clicking from the picks on the rhythm guitars. Here's the EQ I used on "My Choice", which wasn't a metal song, but I'd probably use the same type of EQ for a metal song. This isn't for people to copy, it's just a guideline because honestly all bass sounds are going to be different, and from my understanding of Shreddage Bass you probably won't be able to EQ it exactly like a real, organic bass anyway. But this is a good place to start. Should you double it with a synth bass? It depends on if it sounds good. Is it necessary? Probably not. As for moving the kick boost frequency to around 60Hz -- not a bad idea if you want sub thump. If you want sub bass, I wouldn't recommend doing them both in the subs. Try 80hz for the kick. Some people can't even hear notes below 50Hz and they don't find that out until they use headphones. Anyone can "feel" a 32Hz note, but very few can actually hear it. That's scieeence! So I wouldn't bank on the subs in that way, I always try to get some kind of mid/higher EQ in there so things can be heard apart from just in the subs. As for the guitars, do you have some kind of high pass on them? They're missing low mids. Try boosting around 170Hz for fullness. Don't do it a lot, because that will lead directly to mud, or being TOO bassy. Just enough to give them body. You can slope off the low shelf around 100hz also, instead of high passing, if you have uncontrolled rumble down there for whatever reason. (Edit: I'm talking like a -2db slope off in the low shelf, not a cliff!) In conclusion, are you focusing on the metal, or on the "drum and bass"? At the moment it feels like you could put a better emphasis on the metal (thus my guitar suggestions concerning giving them more lows)
  21. I've never actually SEEN A VITA in real life, but aren't they about as bulky as a Game Gear? I know the PSP was pretty bulky. Ain't nobody want to carry a skateboard around with them to play games on (in addition to the skateboard they're skating on) so I can see why Nintendo would win that one, with their small folding handheld. About Wonderful 101: http://www.videogamer.com/wiiu/the_wonderful_101/news/the_wonderful_101_slows_down_wii_u_sales_in_japan.html
  22. You can't deny that consumers thought the Wii U was too similar to the Wii. That's why Nintendo has tried to come out and make it more clear that they are different things through marketing.
  23. I listened to Sheep Man to see if I could work with it and it sounded like chaos to me, I couldn't make heads or tails out of it, so I moved on to commando...
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