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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. , which is really sad, but it's cool that the big N-word hasn't sent them a cease-and-desist yet. I hope they still try to make an official one though, maybe take some notes from this one. But really, upscaling the cell-shades in XY and putting it on Wii U would not be a bad move. Did just find this, don't know what system it's for or even if it's a game, but
  2. When is Pokemon going to put a good 3D RPG on a console? Even if it's the Wii U. This seems way overdue.
  3. Dang, this looks awesome and I wanna play it, and I'm jealous I'm not famous enough to be a singer for it
  4. My only advice to people making metal is to use real guitars and bass or don't do it.
  5. my skyrim mixes are bettah maybe djp can finally post the second one >_> but of course give no reference to this quick MONEY GRAB RIGHT HERE jk <3 equilibrium
  6. It's bettah cause it's bettah

    Now I gotta make a third one

  7. Which means it will be even lower within a week or two, on a better store like Amazon Thanks for pointing this out. I ALMOST hopped on it, but then I remembered how The Last Of Us went on sale for lower pretty quick
  8. I throw down for 1 - the Street of Rage, and would also like to volunteer as a quality evaluator, and to make the OCR template website. Edit;; if Xarnax has 1, could do Last Soul?
  9. If it sounds like a duck, and looks like a duck, it can't possibly be a duck because he put a limiter on it that specifically protects against ducks
  10. I'm very excited for this album, I wish I could hear it
  11. Hi, I am Clippy, your mastering assistant. Would you like some clipping today?
  12. Welcome, Ben Noire! I hope you pick up making music again someday. There's ways to make it not monotonous, such as playing instruments, and using a MIDI keyboard, instead of clicking everything in. Welcome and good luck <3
  13. You stopped playing because the maps weren't random enough for you? Honestly that's the silliest reason I've heard for why anyone stopped playing, when there are hundreds of legitimate reasons that people stopped.
  14. "We'll be posting an update to FF6 KS backers this week with progress on the physical printing, including some specific dates, so if you backed us & you're chomping at the bit for news, we hear you!" ~djpretzel, 2 days ago
  15. I think we played Diablo 3 for a couple weeks then nobody has touched it since. I almost forgot it was even a game.
  16. not true those people are in http://www.reddit.com/r/mensrights And they mostly express themselves pretty intelligently
  17. you should collab more often on songs with musicians

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