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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Wow! Nice find! I got this bundle
  2. Women are offensive by nature? That's news to me! p.s. how does it feel to be sexist?
  3. Ok, thanks man! If you got midi data for it, for synths or drums or anything else, please send that too! I'll import the midi to get your tempo track and such. :-D

  4. This is straight up Dungeons & Dragons MAME I want it
  5. Just pre-ordered this on GMG for $12 Looking forward to it. I played through DuckTales as a kid on the NES, so I'm looking forward to not being able to play it at all as an adult.
  6. If you're lucky and give the site a lot of warning ahead of time of when VV is coming out... it might be possible, but who knows... it'd be much more likely if VV2 was going to be an OCR album.... As for me, oh lawd... I need to get my 2 songs done in time...
  7. Bleck you just need to calm down bro. It's not like video games murdered anyone.
  8. I never said I had it shitty. If you've got a problem with whites or men talking about these topics then... leave?
  9. There's nothing wrong with using a keyboard to record those things, I do the same thing myself, but I do not quantize them when i'm done... that may be the difference... I do quantize the drums though. That's almost a necessity. I'd recommend for the future to try not to quantize everything, or at least use a weaker quantize setting.
  10. What is the point you're making? Racism is good? Can you be more clear?
  11. Why is this kind of racism acceptable? And you can't just assume everyone is white in this day and age. I've got some native american and possibly even some black in my lineage.
  12. Hey! Do you have the absolute latest version of ff2 song that I could solo on? Or maybe you could send me the stems to mix and master and I could just record my solo onto that? Let me know please.. thank you! :-o

  13. Hah /emoticons/default_icon_smile.gif" alt=":-)">

  14. Haha... I accidentally liked it with my alternate account, then liked it with my main one. Sorry if that throws off your stats, I could unlike it on one if you prefer. I really liked this song. Do you have any idea at all what the lyrics are? Or have you considered possibly putting in "area vocalizations" using a library like Ethnoworld voices? I think the acoustic guitar could use more low-end or body to the EQ, even if that would make them a bit more apparent in the mix... Even if they're sequenced it's not bad to have them be have more warmth.. Or you could possibly ask someone to perform them. I liked this a lot but I think you need those other lead vocals instead of just the "Heeeey". Or even if you just changed the Heeey to an ahhh or an oooh, it might make more sense for the listener. Basically right now it's like someone saying "Heeeey" and then your brain is like "What?" and the song goes "Heeeey" and you're just like ok I heard you the first time, did you have something to say!? You didn't! Well why you saying heeeeey? The snare in and around 1:46 sounds too static, it could use some velocity variation or preferably get a sample that uses different sounds for each hit... or even have someone play you some live snare... I know I've got one here, someone else might too. Mine isn't a "marching snare" which might be what you need. My favorite part is the leads at 1:54. REALLY good IMO. The strings behind that panned L/R seem a bit mechanical (and also at 1:38). Shouldn't be too hard to fix. Maybe lower the compression (if any) and attempt some volume / velocity variation. In general, dig the mix, and it works well at high volumes which is always a plus. I'm crazy and listen to everything really loud.
  15. http://kotaku.com/nintendos-latest-plan-to-explain-the-wii-u-jokes-1044505176
  16. Sweet, say that in the thread and back a brutha up so he ain't stuck out on a limb until someone comes by and cuts the limb off the tree :-D

  17. The message of video games, being to help those in need, is more important than arguing over the inferred sexism of the plots. Whether the kid is a boy or a girl, they will receive the same message from these games. That message is to be a hero and help those in need. It's not "Haw I'm gonna save this dainty woman because she's weak and should make me a sandwich." To get rid of gender roles (whether in video game or society in general) you would have to eliminate gender and human nature. There is not an easy way to change something that has been a part of human nature since the beginning, not to mention gender roles to some extent are something that emerges naturally in children, even without any kind of example or strict enforcement of roles taking place. Part of it is biology. (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
  18. It's a modern concept because it didn't matter in ancient times, nobody cared, including women. Most women don't care today.

  19. Arguing against societal norms in general is silly because women aren't going to be construction workers or do heavy lifting / dirty jobs, and men are less likely to work as a nanny or at a daycare center. (and quite frankly it's beyond the scope of this thread, please stay on topic) I disagree with the notion that women have had to deal with "sexist tropes" for thousands of years. It's a modern concept.
  20. That IS what it's about! Doesn't mean it's not serious or emotionally engaging!
  21. I'll give Pikmin 3 a try because a few of you have raved about it. Is the story as emotionally engaging as say, The Last of Us? I think I'll either wait until the price goes down though, or until I have a large surplus of extra money.
  22. That's kinda insulting because it was meant to sound like legit heavy metal but I'll admit the lyrics are pretty cheesy/comedic sometimes, but pretty dramatic at other times
  23. Happy birthday Tubers! for this day you were reborn as a dragon
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