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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Aw thanks XD!

    It was as easy as not recording a guitar part! :-P

  2. Not to go too off topic but Sonic Colors is a fantastic game. You should definitely play it, and not just because , but because the whole game is really good, and all of the music is really enjoyable. Good game + good music = greatness. And now to attempt to squeak back on topic so this post isn't all off.... so that Call of Duty preview... the series isn't typically known for its music, we'll see how having a dog companion adds to the fun of the game.
  3. What point are you trying to make? That we should boycott because he has a nice house, or that probably-rapists are not financially secure? I can tell you one thing, he can probably afford multiple trips to Taiwan per year. Ain't no other probably-rapists have that kind of resources. Also make sure you keep putting probably- before it, for legal reasons.
  4. I love Windows. Office is great. No need to boycott Microsoft products because you don't like the Xbone and think that dweeby looking probably-rapist said something you don't agree with.
  5. I don't understand how people can say that. Most HDTVs today have PC-In. Most GPUs use HDMI connections. In what way is PC not made for TV? My PC is on TV right now. 52" HD monitor for the win. Full 1080p gaming with a computer that is already equally powerful to next-gen consoles.
  6. I can't think of a context where another vocal collab would work out like that, and also singing haikus is a no go, you need good old-fashioned poetry.
  7. Modern gaming will continue on the PC, and possibly the PS4, although we haven't heard anything about PS4 or even seen what it looks like yet. PC for the Future Vote with your wallet Tell them we don't accept Xbox One Tell them we won't pay Buy multi-platform games on PC
  8. Wrong. A lot of PC games these days have to be activated through Steam when you buy them retail. I've already said this. Once they're activated, you still have to download them. Look at Skyrim.
  9. They just saw the Xbox One reveal.
  10. Not always the case. Some games you buy and have to be activated through Steam. From what I heard this is going to work exactly the same as Steam. You connect once, then you work in Offline mode for a while. Or you don't, as earlier Steam stories have shown.
  11. I've had an issue with steam where I was online, and it said it couldn't find the connection... so I say start in offline mode.. it restarts, opens up, but there are no games in my library. It's empty. It works fine on this desktop computer, just had that problem on the laptop. No idea. It worked last time I tried it though. But the weird thing is, it did this even when I had a good internet connection.
  12. Blame OCR staff. Egregious oversight there, yup yup, no doubt about it.
  13. Yeah you're a bunch of people making jokes about people being in wheelchairs. If you had friends to play football with, I don't think you'd be here making tasteless jokes.
  14. They can't reopen or open a new Kickstarter... I mean they could start a new one, but I don't think it would go over too well, with the album not even being out yet. I thought you had a good, very articulate post. I'd also like to hear what's going on. I asked zirc and he said "logistics". Which basically means nothing. I think they might be waiting on something to get finished still. Patience, I guess.... hopefully it comes out before Summer though, which is only 1 month away.
  15. I did not know this. My apologies.
  16. Why don't you go play professional football in the national football league, Bleck, you fat neckbeard?!
  17. I actually really really like football games but I haven't played a really awesome one since the NES.. I think I played a Madden on the 360 but I rented it... I wouldn't be against getting one. I probably won't though, because I probably won't get a Xbox One or a PS4, and the sports games are not coming to the Wii U.
  18. (4:27:45 PM) Lukeyboy: yeah ocre (4:27:52 PM) Lukeyboy: xbox-one already has more preorders than the wiiu has sales I wish Lukas was my uncle who works at microsoft But yeah I bought 99% of my Xbox360 games used so I'm out. Bye everyone!
  19. It was a fantastic reveal, I think I'm out of the console race though. Too expensive and just silly. I'll play the games on PC, hopefully developers start to realize that console exclusivity is dumb. I heard this already has more pre-orders than the Wii U had sales though. Sheesh.
  20. Adjusting silence at the end of tracks, seems to be what I'm doing. Not a fan of leveling songs to be consistent, it's a personal taste type thing. I like to hear everyone's songs the way they intended them. It's a compilation, people know there's going to be different sounding songs, at slightly different volumes, so. I think I've already got the WAVs named right. No flippin' clue where the project standards document is anymore, I couldn't find it. Probably looked for an hour yesterday. Billy Pop has the honor of slapping this baby up on the evaluation forums when isent it to him. Edit: I also decided against gapless playback
  21. I can't get the captcha thing to work. Can you help a brother out?
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