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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Hrrmmmm I put you down for Fat Chocobo! I'm looking forward to it :-D

  2. huh..................??

  3. Hymen Lemon >:o!!! >:o!!!! >:o!!> :o!! >:o!! Hey.. LOLO.. What's up? Are you still in GRMRB? You got aim / msn / facebook / google+ / skype / yahoo! / psn / xbl / etc?

  4. I am as prolific as it looks like, but therein lies the problem. Hah, I can't really take on more right now. I got like 11 things to knock off my to-do list quickly. http://www.bstrader.net/2010/07/my-oc-remix-to-do-list/

  5. I am ashamed but I didn't make that song for the 10th, I ended up sleeping instead :-/

  6. I am buy your album for $6 a pop, but I expect the pop too... is it included? jk

  7. I am happy... great thread. I hope my song is good enough to pimp the album with on OCR.

  8. I am King Brandon and I claim this wall in the name of Brandorica.

  9. I am really pumped to make the Dark Demon's theme.. This is going to be a ton of fun!

  10. I am so sorry, I think I might have pmed you about sending your Bionic Commando wav, not realizing that you were uploading it to the same folder. My deepest apologies, I will download it when I get home, please leave the wav up! Thank you! :-D

  11. I been sleepin... No worries, I'll grab and mix / finish it when I get up and to da studio!

  12. I bopped you up with a WAV, figured I'd leave a visitor message since you've been responding to those, hehe... Where's the other finished songs? Do they get removed from the project forums when completed? I kinda wanted to check out Jovette's

  13. I bumped my elbow hard on a metal paper towel holder earlier, and it literally hurt worse than childbirth

  14. I can handle FF2, with some re-arranging, I have a decent idea for it, I just can't do it right now due to VV2 and stuff needing to be done :-D

  15. I can record a rocky vocal. Why you writin vocals? Haha. :D

    Ask Stevo Bartz to do it, you know Level 99

  16. I can't see your name anymore without thinking Enumerator

  17. I can't show you what it was, that defeats the purpose of SUPREME anonymity. I am too dedicated and specific to allow that to happen. ;-)

    I'm 500% serious about doing Japanese remix of Redemption from Dirge of Cerberus. I just haven't decided what style to do it yet. I was thinking of using vocaloid but that would be a cop out, I need to record the vocals myself. But I could always do both. I guess it will be "to be seen"..... next year :-P

  18. I claim this wall in the name of America.

  19. I contribute more than most, and I don't ask for a dime

  20. I couldn't hear your bass before, maybe that's why I didn't realize it was FLIPPIN' RIDICULOUSLY HARD xD I'll do my best to whip something together but if you don't approve then i'll mostly be sad at myself for being so dumb

  21. I did have Star-Stealing Girl on my list for Chrono Cross. Also wanted to do the Ending Theme from FFX which involves To Zanarkand, so that works out. A Sign of Hope was ALSO on my list to do. Pokemon is gay. :lol:

    So I could probably say at least those ones will prolly get done in the future ^^

    Then again I'll check out the pokemon music and see if I dig it. The music is very non-gay. :-)

  22. I did make those changes to the site.. hopefully things are in order. :-)

  23. I didn't see but that's really cool! Thank you ^-^

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