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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I don't know who said this, but this was an incredible point.
  2. I think we should debate whether OCR is shutting out women. I think there's something to explore there.
  3. You guys are going too deep with that stuff. I think everyone who commented in this thread is male unless I missed something. If we're going to start yelling at each other that none of us is qualified to talk about it then just close the thread. That's just downright silly and the thread is rapidly going off course.
  4. "I just have to point to a single instance where a woman felt excluded or otherwise pushed away from a game to prove you wrong."

    Do eet.

  5. Everyone's entitled to have and share their opinion. I didn't even make a controversial or false statement. Calling me out on it was childish and lead to a tangent that shouldn't be occurring.
  6. I'm qualified to say whatever I want. I went to college, and I'm an American. Agree 500%
  7. You're just making flimsy arguments intended to take jabs at people. That's what he was saying and that's what you're doing. It's not rocket science. There are girls who play games in this community and millions of them worldwide, that's a fact. I don't have to be a female to point out the obvious.
  8. I don't think gaming excludes or pushes women away. If women are so against the damsel, then why is Twilight so popular?
  9. It's on Spotify, for anyone who didn't know that... seems like anything on Amazon and iTunes is on Spotify, I don't know how that works but EH. I want my music on there! I don't know how to do it! I guess I should ask Dan. I will be listening to this in full through Spotify soon! ALSO, two other Dan Johansen albums are on there. That's awesome, check them all out edit: I looked it up, all you need is cdbaby hmm...
  10. I'll state my opinion briefly, while it is overused I think it's used for a reason. I think the damsel in distress concept is so ingrained in society from the beginning of time that there's probably no getting past it. I think it's worth debating whether or not Mario would have been as successful of a series if it was Peach trying to rescue Mario from a castle, or Pauline trying to save Mario from Donkey Kong. I don't think it would have made as much sense... maybe I'm wrong, but men have never really been known as "trophy husbands". World War 2 was a great time for strong women and I think the strong woman movement should have continued to expand from then, but it didn't seem to. I think to some extent it is gender roles dictated by nature which is why rescuing Pauline from the giant ape seems more natural than the opposite of Pauline rescuing Mario. That's how I see it sorta. I really want Tomb Raider and I like the idea of stronger women characters in video games. I think we're far enough along as a society that we could take it and embrace it and nobody would have to be butthurt about it. Though, no offense, I think men would be a lot less outspoken about it if men suddenly became the feminine characters in games. (I mean in terms of Maninists speaking in front of Congress ) Gamers are gamers, we don't typically think of these things when we play. I liked Jansen a lot from Lost Odyssey even though he was quite feminine, and I did hear a lot of people make fun of that character, so obviously my view of that is wrong and I never said I was right, I was just sharing a view.
  11. I like it a lot, my only real complaint is that it isn't 4000x4000 pixels (or at least 1500x1500)
  12. I was going to say this earlier but didn't want to go off topic but now that Jose has posted I think it's relevant, Jose could make a video nicer than that in a day. Without $158,000 though maybe there's a stipend of the OCR Kickstarter funds that he could receive.
  13. You didn't see it? Kotaku posted the article a week ago. You probably won't be able to find it because of how messy the site is though.
  14. I should clarify an earlier statement the album is expected to arrive within Spring 2013, not with the arrival of Spring 2013 which is in 12 days. Thank you
  15. Hey! Remember that controversial Kickstarter about Tropes vs. Women in Video Games? Well here's a video from it! Part 1: Part 2: It just came out, post your thoughts -- better than expected, or as bad as expected? Right? Wrong?
  16. The OCR elves are still working their hands to the bone to bring you the album by Spring 2013!
  17. Just leaving a note in case you would be waiting, I'm feelin weird, might nap, I'm gonna do the vocals soon, hopefully before I leave for work at 11pm tomorrow. I've got aSHITload of time to do them, just not sure about today, the 6th, which only has a few hours left in it anyway. :-D Dunno why I'm so sleepy, might have been the surprise nightshift, who knows, I'mma get on dis though :-D

  18. That would only be a problem if anyone had a reason to track him down and beat him up IRL!
  19. Hehe a year from now "No worries, you gave me an update a couple years ago" Sorry, I will need to make good on this... one of these months... I can do it!!
  20. A couple fun facts... check out the Lyrics tab, it got updated to show the individual parts and which character they represent (thanks to whoever made that happen!) Second fun fact, the "spoken" part was originally supposed to be Hylian Lemon, but he said he didn't sing. It was supposed to be the announcer sort of voice like it is in the final song (actually uses an infomercial preset) but I guess maybe Hylian Lemon was too shy in the end, plus we didn't have enough time to persuade him into it. I'm kinda sad he's not in it, honestly, but we did eventually collab on Sweet Wet Nectar with all 3 of us... so... keep an eye out for that someday... Maybe Hylian Lemon knew people would hate the vocals and didn't want to contribute his voice.
  21. You shouldn't need to put a limiter on an acoustic guitar either, regardless of how light it is. Move back a bit from the mic if you're getting too much pick scratch recording in. Acoustic guitar can't be treated the same as electric guitar because they are quite different, one being pure and one being electric. You shouldn't put compression or limiters on heavy rhythms either. Playing through the amp will compress the tone enough as it is, depending on how much distortion there is.
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