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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I think this song embodies exactly what I was going for with the album, but needless to say not everyone can pull off that level of instrumentation or production (he got it mixed and mastered at Razorblade Records, so there's that -- not everyone can do that.) I really hope he pulls through with Magician's Tower for FF2 because even just thinking about that makes my brain's mouth water.
  2. Yes, twas fun going up against you, indeedidly so. Voting was super close for reals this time. Thanks <3
  3. Oh gosh flipping darnit now I have to make another song >
  4. Happy birthday guys You should eat some yummy cake And gain lots of weight
  5. This project is a fetus compared to some of them. It's been 2 years on this one.
  6. Extend for 1 month! Just to be safe. I forgot. Extend 1 month pls?
  7. That would have been cool! But it'd be too similar to Teen Agent 2: Teen Harder... ...which is totally real and going to happen....
  8. The name is Rebellion because I said it was. That's all I said. Keep your fan-fics to yourself.
  9. Pigeons will never be out of date. They're delicious.
  10. You've both failed at jokes. The rule is, you either put an emoticon afterwards, or nobody realizes they are jokes and become offended.
  11. It would still only give you so much time to download 'em! With your chavvy british internet, I bet you wouldn't even have 25% completion of the download before the deadline was up! So THERE! I bet the POST OFFICE is FASTER!
  12. For one thing, Zirc was or is on vacation, plus the post office really does not work that fast. You most-likely can't ship something from the US East coast to the UK in a week's time, not even if somehow zirc mailed that stuff out on the same day as the results were released, which I know he didn't. So you betta find something else to put in or you ain't gonna make it.
  13. I'd like to second this one, I have hopes but if my dreams are to be crushed, it would be better to know sooner than never.
  14. Final Fantasy 2 album is called Rebellion It will -- unfortunately -- probably not feature Ben Briggs. He wasn't feeling the tunes and mellogear stepped in to fill his spot. I really like "Just Passing Through" because it reminds me of BB's old style before he went all dead-mousey and electro-house or whatnot. I liked BB's style, and halc's style, before the dubstep phase came to town. So this is a really enjoyable song and I am very glad we had the opportunity to have this on the album.
  15. That thought crossed my mind, but I'm pretty sure there was protection in there to prevent people from putting in "fake votes", or stuffing the ballot box... right?
  16. There's going to be a listening party on Arecibo Radio on June 23rd. https://www.facebook.com/events/408894462494466/ <-- details?!
  17. Yeaaaah, they posted your song! Now you gotta blow it out of the water with Magician's Tower >:]

  18. The problem with voting is that everyone has their own biased scale. I used to write for an e-zine that had a well-defined 1 to 10 scale for albums that was strictly enforced. You couldn't give out a 10 unless you truly felt an album was revolutionary. Average stuff would be around a 5. The editor would read the reviews and had listened to all of the music to be able to make sure that the person was using the scale properly, based on the ideas and opinions they expressed in their review. I once wanted to give an album a 10, but because I had mentioned a performance flaw on one of the songs, the editor said that it should not be a 10. Anyway, this was a big rant and my point is more or less that in an unstructured voting system, there's bound to be a lot of inconsistency and bias.
  19. He's a mall santa now. I'd let him take me on his knee any time. Have a good one, sir
  20. The project is on hold until my song gets judged!
  21. You are just a little scary... just a little... ok, maybe a good bit. But I don't think you try to be scary. And I always think you're mad at me.
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