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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I would have done the but i see it's taken. Also i probably shouldn't remix ff7, like, ever.Good luck with this project
  2. Be patient, he hasn't announced it yet. He's probably trying to put it up and you guys are like, not being patient and stuff. Having said that, I've already totally downloaded the new songs. Just changed the 8 to a 9 in the link.
  3. Monday Night Combat is fantastic. I played it during a free weekend and I loved it, so naturally picked it up when it was on sale. Great acquisition there man. I think I am ending with 18 coal. Wish me luck to win the grand prize.
  4. Not to be a whiny willy, but considering the length of Dancing Mad can I have like, more time than the usual person gets Like maybe 4-1 instead of 2-1
  5. Hi! This is probably something that would have been more fitting on an OCR Blog, but as those weren't released in 2011, I may just say these things here. And yeah Dave and all you guys at OCR, forgive me for ribbing on you about not releasing the new site version yet. MAGFest is coming right up, and it will be my second time going. I liked it so much last year, after having been somewhat skeptical about it, actually experiencing it made me decide that I HAVE to go again. Sure the Jamspace is great, Earthbound Papas, and the panels... but I'm really going to see all the amazing people I met last year, as well as meeting new people this year. For me, seeing all the people from this great community is the main draw, everything else is just icing on the cake. 2011 was, to be honest, a crappy year, but not on OC ReMix. I enjoyed every single remix I heard on the site in 2011 and I am thankful for them, and to be a part of the community. I saw a few threads from newcomers to the forums over the last year giving thanks to OCR for all of the greatness over the last what, 11 years? Or is it more now? Anyway this is my thread of thanks to everyone who participated in the site, whether it was just in a friendly manner or even producing remixes. I'm thankful for everything that has been here and everything that will come in the next year, until our untimely demise in December 2012. There's too much to put into words and I don't want to seem too "sappy", but just know that this last year on OC ReMix has really been great for me, it always gave me something to look forward to and cheered me up. I remixed for a solid year and now I am starting on another year full of making remixes, and I hope you enjoy them and consider them worthy to sit among the other fantastic works on the site. I've learned so much in the last few months alone, but over the last couple years the improvement is night and day, and I have OCR to thank for all of the gained experience. OCR and the community has had a hand in the quality of my music today. If I could credit you as a co-Remixer on my upcoming remixes, I would. In conclusion umm.. I've recently moved and am living alone in a recording studio. I would like to formally invite musicians to check the place out next summer, maybe stay a few days and record a song or two. I've got guest rooms, copious amounts of empty space, and good water pressure. There's a KFC one block away. If that didn't sell it, I don't know what will.
  6. For now I'd like to claim Dancing Mad and Coin Song OA can claim The Veldt I'm not saying he IS or WILL claim, it, I am saying he can but he won't, not currently anyways
  7. Enable the console by adding -console to launch options. In-game, type "map c1m1_hotel versus" into console. Don't close it. If you spawn as an infected, repeat the same command until you spawn as a survivor, as an AI controlled team will never leave the safe house and prevents you from switching teams. Be aware that sometimes the gifts won't count towards the achievement, but most of the time they will. There's been speculation that the gifts drop according to some sort of timer and it seems this is true. You'll get your first gift pretty early into the map and then will have to wait a while to see another (even if you load up the map again). To reset the timer, just close out the game and start over until you've got all three. After about 4-5 minutes the game will kick you out saying, "there's no human players on both sides". This isn't a problem though as you should have found a gift long before that time comes.
  8. How do I find the show on that link? x_x Oh nevermind for some reason I thought you guys had a VIDEO show now... sorry XD Y U MAKE FUN OF ME I KNOW I WATCHED THE SHOW ON VIDEO BEFORE
  9. Totally missed my album that came out between those other albums. It wasn't techno though, so totally understood. You make it sound like it was the 15th anniversary of Crash Bandicoot or something. No way would OCR forget about something like that. I'm sure it is next year. Edit: I mean this year. lol ^-^
  10. http://gematsu.com/2011/12/final-fantasy-x-hd-still-early-in-development I am very sad to hear it is only in early development though. That seems inconsistent with what I had come to believe, that this was a 10th anniversary release for FFX.
  11. I was wondering how I suddenly, magically acquired a copy of Portal 2. And yeah I did the SMB achievement, I cheated and used the trailer to do it. I like the idea of the game but come on... a lot of the puzzles just turn you away from it, and the Christmas pack shouldn't have been something impossible that would bring you much sadness.
  12. Whatever mix it is, I hope it initiates a Heavy Rain of good mixes posted this year
  13. Happy new year everybody, i may not say this often but i do love you all, each and every one of you, even the mean people! 2012 is going to be a horrible, terrible, adventturous year. that is all.
  14. i think i added mine, not sure if it worked
  15. I totally did. And then I hit snooze for an hour. Thanks :-D

  16. i turned in a track... it kept me up until 5am... i hope you all like it, cause now today is reaaaaally gonna suck for me
  17. What, you cant move a thread about making threads on OCR to off topic, it's like the most ON topic thread EVER. Furthermore, I think the whole retro vs. new games thing should be revisited. I think it's legitimate to say that new games are more simplistic than retro games from a gameplay perspective, the music is obviously a lot more complex now. But let me explain what I'm saying... it's not a buttload of buttons that make gameplay complex or simplistic. I think a lot of new games are pandering to the casual gamer, and even some first person shooters have really simple controls. But it's less about how complex the controls are and more about how the controls are implemented into the gameplay. I think retro games are not just more complex in that regard, but also a buttload more difficult. And when you die in old games, you die for real
  18. Wonder twin powers activate! Shape of.... a guy working on a song!
  19. Y'all should pitch in a few bucks to OCR donations to pay for the increased bandwidth usage
  20. OMG Late January! Yess! That is the greatest news! I am THIS happy!
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