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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Badass album cover, and it looks consistent with the mm9 cover (the close-up of the eye)
  2. No. He was probably talking about the google ads and paypal donations. I think the SOPA thing has been postponed, at any rate.
  3. You may be open, I'm closed tighter than a witch's cleft. You can leave me a message on facebook though.
  4. It's a bad time to sub remixes with Nicolas Cage soundclips in them.
  5. They should leave the fate of the internet up to people who use the internet, not mid-60s soccer moms. x_x No offense to any mid-60s soccer moms on this forum.
  6. This may be too diabolical of an idea, but the last little bit of OA's HP should be drained by everyone reviewing OA's songs.
  7. There are no Elites and there are no Spartans or whatever, we're all just doing the best we can on this battlefield
  8. Not too long for me. Especially when building a dark atmosphere. So this is another incredible solo piano performance from Rexy. Piano like this would fit awesomely upon a death metal record from the mid-90s. It actually somewhat reminds me of Silhouette from Opeth's first CD. Another great performance full of ideas, flowing from one to the next. The movement at 2:38 was definitely a highlight with the staccato notes. I think the higher chords are used very well throughout this piece. There's some odd timing in the left hand at points but it isn't a dealbreaker. There's a bit of a late reflection on the reverb, which may have been a style choice -- it's a little too noticeable I think, but also not a dealbreaker. I think this is Rexy's strongest posted mix to date.
  9. I'm loving the ePiano early on, definitely sets up a mood, almost like a 90s soap opera. Like I would expect to hear this while something heavy was happening on "Days of our Lives". It quickly transforms into a more game-music vibe at 0:53. The multiple instruments playing the lead was a very nice touch. The variation between the volumes of each lead makes it a detail that you are subconsciously drawn to. The dark atmosphere is fantastic, even reminding me of The 7th Guest at a couple points. Some of the instruments are pretty raw, some of them piercing as well -- like that accordion sample. It may just be my headphones or the volume I'm playing this at, but those those notes are pretty shrill. The wider-panned string ensembles are a bit too dry, and too loud considering they are more of a background element. I really liked the subtle choir section at 4:48. As a whole, this is a really enjoyable mix with a strong arrangement.
  10. Can't go wrong with Sonic music, or with Rexy solo piano. I really like this and the triumphant sound it forges. The velocity expression and the subtle looseness of the performance implies realism to me. I've heard live piano recordings with a less quality sample even in more modern times. Though I will admit that her recent acquisition of Alicia's Keys has done wonders for the quality of her solo pianos. This song is a lot more uplifting than some of her recent solo piano work that I've heard, and I do enjoy this a lot. But I love the more chaotic and dark side as well. The pacing on this is good, and the performance is smooth and very well performed.
  11. The chiptuney music = win. Not feeling the new 3DS music.
  12. So anyone find the lyrics for this yet? I've seen some written out on youtube..
  13. I'd do it if by soooooooooooon you didn't mean "in 2 years". I MAY DO IT ANYWAY JUST DUE TO THE SHEER AWESOMENESS OF IT.
  14. When they spit me out onto the overworld, I quit pretty quick. Going from 20 some hours of straight paths and linear game to some giant open map that takes 20 minutes to walk across and just has random sidequests and overpowered enemies, did not appeal to me. :3
  15. BONKERS is amazing though, as is zyko. I'd like to hear that mix by both of 'em.
  16. Indie Royale has individual codes. Wouldn't hurt for them to implement it. It might get me to order the bundle, but there's no point buying a bundle with the 2 biggest games being ones I already own. ;_; And not being able to gift them to someone, that is.
  17. reverse pwn massive success Admiral_C HP++, Gollgagh K.O.
  18. I would say judge a soundtrack as a whole. It's probably 5 or 6 discs long, even Uematsu used to have some stinkers in an OST. Besides not all tracks are really crucial to the game. I totally hope Crazy Chocobo is a boss battle, though.
  19. Oh heck yeah man, if they're going to have a meetup somewhere they should at least know where it is!
  20. kotaku much? You know there are OTHER terrible vocal tracks on the OST as well. Like these: I like chocobo theme In this one a woman sings about being a young boy
  21. Did you try yelling "DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM!?? I'M JADE MOTHER-FUCKIN' HARUNO" and then shooting him in the face? Or was that from a movie? I bet it was a western. but seriously don't let the "fame" go to your head
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