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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Sam Neill is the birthdays wurtha gud one of the best actors of all time
  2. Chain of Memories = the one handheld KH game i ever played/own
  3. I heard katethegreat had actually made her own arrangement of the theme and did vocals to that, then found out she couldn't actually upload her own song.. would have been awesome to hear that. Maybe she could turn it into a remix someday. Maybe someone who is close with her could suggest such a thing.
  4. Blocks killed my father, and plundered my mother On a serious note I'mma hop on soon and download that update, check out my black X... hopefully it's still there.
  5. Ah ok, well that makes sense about posting again for the info... I knew you didn't do it on purpose, I JUST KNEW IT I don't think you should not do something just because you've been lucky enough to be involved... If anything you should do as much as you can and get yourself out there, and other people can do that too... no need to step aside for someone else... but Gario makes a good point too, we could have 2 OCRtists in the top 20. Or, we could have 20 of them up there. "Hans Zimmer and the other judges" yep. Hans is the MAN. Creator of Spider Pig music. And just to add, I hope to make one WORTH voting for, I'll take my time on it... probably Saturday night or Sunday
  6. There were a lot of people who really didn't follow the piano melody at all like Jill did, makes me wonder if they'll lose points for that or if it even matters. I'll try to get one up tomorrow night notthatitwouldreallygetanywherebutthatsok
  7. Hah oh man, I just recognized your name -- I thought you were a random fan of Rainwound on facebook who had no attachments to other places -- a "pure fan", but now I see you're from OCR.. no matter, I still value you just as much. And thanks for your kind words, hehe.. (secretly lowers pure fan count to 2)
  8. I heard this is in version 1.8 now, the big fancy "adventure update"... did they ever fix the graphics? Or they still blocky?
  9. I was going to make mine on Saturday or Sunday... keyword now being was. After seeing someone go from the beginning to 5th place overnight, there's no way I could even hope to be in the top 20. And it just bugs me because I'm always looking for opportunities to clean sing and I never get them, and I always just end up screaming and people cheer me on like a circus chimp, one of those little ones who dances on the street corner for a dollar. But zirc makes a good point, when it's top 20 the winner is chosen by judges, so best of luck to you with that... should be.... interesting
  10. I remember making a couple comments on Jill's wall post yesterday about trying the Ujam thing too. Today the comments are gone and the entire site of OCR is voting for Jill. Thanks for keeping it fair, not just for me, but for every single person entering this competition.
  11. Sorta on the topic of Dan's [question], how does personal preference affect voting or does it?
  12. Still proves the point with VIII coming out in 1999, IX in 2000 and X in 2001
  13. To all the haters, they DID announce 2 brand new titles for the Vita, not sequels or any attachment to FF. As for the amount of time this has been in development, we don't know. They released FF7 in 1997, FF8 in 1998 and I'm not sure but I think FF9 came out in 1999, so it's not unheard of for new Square (which is a much larger company now) to be able to handle a decent remake of FFX.. It may be in 3D but the game itself is a fair bit shorter than those games. I'd be happy playing this in HD in widescreen, the upgraded graphic quality will be a definite plus, but they don't need to do too much beyond that for me to call it a proper remake. They could up the audio quality (obviously) and things of that nature. I both hope and assume that this is a project they've been putting together for a while, and it'll be solid. The original release of FFX surprised me in a similar way, as I had no idea it was even in production. I just walked into a GameStop one day and they had a big poster of it on the window, and I was like WHAT. And bought it instantly, because back then, whenever Squaresoft released a game, I owned it. Sadly that stopped with their next game or two, haha... but the time before that was pretty spot on
  14. If you really think about it, FF7 through 9 had 3D characters, but the backgrounds were a "painted" type style, not 3D backgrounds. I figure FFX would be easier to remake because it had 3D environments and characters, it's probably just a matter of using - and upgrading - the existing engine they used. Or heck, maybe they can even use their new engine, but it's probably not that hard to upgrade and re-use the 3D environments they've already made.. Unlike FF7 which would involve a lot of painting and an attention for every little detail if they did the painting route, or a complete revamp of every single seeable detail if they redid it all in 3D. It's a huge difference between the two there.. And I don't think people should jump to conclusions and say this will be a port. When Square says remake, it usually entails something like the FF3 or 4 remake... But we'll know soon enough when it gets clarified, but for now I'm going to stick with what was said and side with the HD Remake side of things
  15. Square has made some good remakes (ff1, 2, 3, 4) as well as some good ports (5, 6) so I have good hopes that it'll be quality whether it's a proper remake or just an enhanced port
  16. It's real http://www.1up.com/news/final-fantasy-x-hd-remake-coming-vita-ps3 Unfortunately the only news related to the FFX remake is that there is going to be one... it's not FF7 or FF8 or even FF9, but it's a remake of the BEST next-gen FF game out there. So I'm super excited for it. I hope they bring back the same voice actors, but re-record all the voices.
  17. Did you guys end up doing it? I miss the ep ;_; Stressful past handful o days Mazedude is great!
  18. Dead Island is a lot of fun but I feel like I'm really missing out by playing it alone. Wink wink, nod nod. But also someone joined my game once and was skipping dialogue and I was like NOOOOOOO. So inevitably it's a game made for multiplayer (which is obvious as the dialogue often refers to you as being "people" rather than "person") that will be played single-player, at least until the campaign is defeated once. Sad.. Great game though.
  19. Albums being made are as likely as someone making it and it being good enough to release on OCR But the real reason I am posting is to ask is Megaman 10 the same as MMX? Or does the roman numeral not work in this way? Thanks Also yes, this album is quite the interest sparker
  20. Hehe yeah it's my best stuff to date.. thanks Meteo and Jimmy Last time I released an album, ProtoDome released BlueNoise... this time BGC released Imposter Nostalgia and PrototypeRaptor's got Supernatural EP. Haha, bad luck again but it happens (and shoutout to those albums/EPs)
  21. Obviously I'm only speaking for myself and not everyone. And technically I DID do Ethnic Rush, which I probably wouldn't have done if it weren't for the challenge they put out. But in the end I really liked that song. So it would be more accurate for me to say I'm less likely to do them than that I never would. Basically in a nutshell I am saying I am more attracted to highly melodic music, preferably with a catchy chorus or b-section. i'm really not good at working with less melodic stuff :3
  22. Sweet! Could you guys give some kind of shoutout for my new ep? http://rainwound.bandcamp.com/album/united
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