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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Ok I shall try to put the codes in soon! Crazy day :P Thank you so much!

  2. OK I'll try to give it a listen when I get home from wark. Tornado over here too. :'(

  3. Ok sorry about all the inconvenience and stuff... I know metal is hard but I sorta expected you to be really super good at it because of your skills and not even have a problem with the panel, but eh. It just proves that you are indeed, human.


  4. Ok, downloading and about to start on it. It's awfully small, is that normal? Hmph. I sent a simple acoustic song to sixto and it was almost 700mb, granted I sent the entire session, and all the bad takes too haha.

    Also, I did send zircon an email 2-3 days ago, maybe more I forget. But... he may be a bit preoccupied with ff6. I hope we don't miss the 30th deadline but if it comes to a rush I do not want to sacrifice the album quality to get it out. They did that with the album I linked you -- rushed it, and made it crap.

    EDIT: Tried something different and mixed all the instruments first without drums. NOW, to mix the drums in. >:]

  5. Ok, I'll join the Sonic compo, but can I claim "Reach for the Stars" from Sonic Colors? :-P

  6. Ok, no question Superior 2 is the best. Wish I had this sooner. x_x

  7. Ok, thanks man! If you got midi data for it, for synths or drums or anything else, please send that too! I'll import the midi to get your tempo track and such. :-D

  8. Ok. This is going to sound dumb but despite being incomprehensible and ignorant, I'm willing to make an effort to be friendly. Ignore what that 9/10 post at 2:30AM said. Now it's 9/12 at 2:40AM and I feel differently. :-)

  9. OKAI! Thank you very much and I'm sorry if I sounded harsh or something xD

    Typically my rule of thumb for vocal tracks is to make the track fairly conservative to compensate for having vocals, then you can have a tiny bit more wiggle room vocally, but should still try to use lead melodies for vocals as much as possible :-P

    In the end I can add some arrangement if it needs more conserv or more liberal

  10. omelette au fromage!

  11. omg wtf i thought your name was chernabogue54

  12. OMGGGGG YOur tracks made the song SO AWESOME.. RENDERING

  13. One track is having a few bits re-worked for another mix, the other ones aren't going anywhere.

  14. Only other thing I could probably do is Jap Final Boss, Will-o-the-Wisp style apart from that, sowwy.

  15. Only thing that sticks out to me is 48 seconds into Jap / Stardust Speedway Past... Maybe some of the Good future melodies. Could probably make something out of them.

  16. Oooo I just remembered you only have a 4 string bass! :-(

  17. Ooooh nice, I hope you messed with the chick back ;-) you know, consensually

  18. otay i think is gud now it's up to me to finish the website :cry:

  19. Please come to my house on Minecraft. You can make your own island near, or connected to, my island...... I also want to make a third island for planting trees, etc... If you're interested, let me know, and I'll give you directions!

  20. Please D:

    Contact me if you can :cry:

  21. Please do not hurt me I do not like to be hurted I am a very simple man with a very low tolerance for pain and I just can't take it.

    You making a new remix? I forget you said you were gonna make a new Victory? Or was it something else? Hehe

  22. Please make the thread for Vampire Variations in Community ASAP, including all the info people need about where it will be released, and a link to the trailer, cover art, etc.. make it look as fancy as is possible on these somewhat limited functionality forums. :-P

  23. Preettty pretty... pretty good :-) Super busy as usual... need more time for gaming... :cry:

  24. Pretty much anything that isn't intro is open xD

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