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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Brad, I'm going to say this once. Quit putting words in my mouth, quit talking about me, quit talking for me.
  2. Another fan-fic reading podcast? .... I'm not good at internets haha, where's your website? Downloaded the mp3 so I could hear my song in the background Thoroughly horrified to hear pokemon porn on top of it
  3. Whether it's a single round or an ongoing tournament is irrelevant. z_z If DoD was a contest based on names, it wouldn't be the same. A level of anonymity definitely evens the playing field. Sure, people could "figure it out" if the artists involved didn't shake things up stylewise
  4. Blind voting is a great idea. They do it for DoD. And DoD has a pretty sweeeeeet voting system.
  5. Funny, I bought Unlimited Saga when I was a kid because it said Square. I think that's about the time I stopped buying Square games on a whim.
  6. There was a time in my life where I could buy any Squaresoft branded game without knowing anything about it, and it would be good. Times have changed. It kinda makes me sad. But now we're in an era of gaming where reviews, trailers, and demos predate our game releases and we've got to check those or we may be saddled with a bad game.
  7. Seems pretty clear that a lot of people didn't find that funny. So I am sorry. I will leave and let ya'll get on with the questions
  8. I guess "taking a joke" is also reserved for a certain group I'm not a part of.
  9. You guys do that often? Personally help people to pass? Or is that only for certain (white + rich) people? EDIT: Politically correct version: You guys do that often? Personally help people to pass? Or is that only for certain (cool club + casual bribery) people?
  10. I just subbed The Kirb Reich. How is the reception in the album evaluation? :-o

  11. People have to vote. They can't say it's a draw. You'd be less upset if the coin landed the other way, now wouldn't you.
  12. Sorry, I didn't know. Fixed thread to include bestest buddy Flik <3 Have a happy one!
  13. I didn't know it was also Flik's birthday! Fixed the title before most people saw the thread to add this in. to flik to willrock
  14. AkumajoBelmont collab with Brandon Strader to finish Enchanted called it
  15. Everyone whines about 12 year olds on their games swearing at them and calling them racial slurs, then when the government tries to criminalize selling games to these same maladjusted kids, you go OH YAY FREE SPEECH? Well screw you hypocrites, next time a tween is calling you the N word on XBL I hope you remember this.
  16. People were mentioning how buggy Obsidian games were. So I did too. Alpha Protocol may have been fun, but the action was so slow that you and your enemy basically just walked awkward flailing circles around each other, and neither of you could shoot each other... I actually laughed out loud at it before I sent it back.
  17. I sent Jeff the midi/mp3s and all and he said he could do it but he didn't seem to do them before he left. :|

  18. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02110/ Example:
  19. Yeah, they seem to be giving less care to consistency with the new eps
  20. Um. Besthesda >> Obsidian For everyone praising Fallout NV... that game was rubbish. It crashed twice on the PS3 and I sent it back. Didn't have an issue that extreme with Fallout 3 Alpha Protocol was also pure crap Hiring for a 2D artist made this sound like it could be good but I'm not so sure anymore
  21. Took you long enough to answer, my gym membership ran out :| Good to hear that what you did is possible, though. :D

  22. Games with New Game+ on the Xbox360? Reminds me of Blue Dragon. Beat it with completely maxed out stats. I totally plan to do the New Game+ on that with the hard mode turned on. There's one company that could make amazing remakes of Square games Mistwalker *giggle*
  23. You mean..... you got.... banned? Fans of good music now welcome!
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