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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. son, i tecksted you twoice

  2. Sorry for sending you so many pms, hehe... Hope everything is alright, haven't heard from you in a while. Hope you got your CDs. ^o^

  3. Sorry I miss da wip date I'll try to get you a finished song before August :-D

  4. Sorry if I did it wrong with the protocol or something :-o

  5. SoS is amazing! Thanks for making it so awesome, you did justice to the great game Sonic 1 is! Congrats on the release, sir.

  6. Sounds like you've got a lot of cool stuff going on. Keep me updated, man! Glad to hear things are going so well. :-)

  7. Space Psycho is great you son of a bitch! I actually made a song like that once, but it's older so it's not as cleanly produced... no idea where it is now hahah..

    i would have loved to work for a game dammit i hate u :-(

  8. stage ur gain record ur vocals loud so you don't have to turn ur gain up so high on the mic if you have a noisy room

  9. Still can't see any of the pictures you post from xhost or whatever, unsafe web host! Blocked by firewall!

  10. Still waiting for that baby to kiss.

  11. Stress level over 9000

  12. Sup dawg, I feel like sleepin', are you getting totes antsy about this or are you calm and cool? Will you be able to import dem trax and send the bad boy in? We can always tweak it up to perfection later, especially if you wanna sub it, lots of problems yo~ like those midi geetarras ;-)

  13. Sup wit det magician's tower :-o!!

  14. Sup wit ff9? and ff3? ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

  15. SuperiorX is spying on us! NO!

    You'll only have to make 1 for ff3 haha... you only had to make 2 this time because you wanted to I guess???? It was your choice :D And it ended up being an awesome on, both mixes are downright incredibull! ASS BUTT NO F-WURD

  16. sure i'll make it next year or somethin :)

  17. Sure, if you think you can make something real nice, worthy of a 25th thingy :-D

  18. Sweeeeeeeet! Post pics and/or youtube video on the ff1 thread XD

  19. Sweet, say that in the thread and back a brutha up so he ain't stuck out on a limb until someone comes by and cuts the limb off the tree :-D

  20. Sweet. Was listening to it. Super good :-D

  21. tails is a cute puppy

  22. Take a hint and stop responding to my posts.

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