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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Sometimes you have to make the unfortunate cut for people who don't take deadlines seriously. On the other hand, if you cut Enchanted, i will murder you.
  2. Starting at 1:52 I could hear this being on the Sonic Colors soundtrack. Very nice song!
  3. What he said. I've also listened to this thing about 7 times by now but it never gets old.
  4. I didn't get a reply either, I just assumed he got it
  5. Gate of your Dreams from NiGHTS Into Dreams.... on the Ukulele. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13741915/dreamgate.mp3
  6. Can you put the video somewhere for people who have not and will not succumb to the poison apple? Imagine this, but with the Apple logo And in the shape of an iPod
  7. It's cool to see so much Sonic CD love. Sometimes I confuse it with Sonic 3D Blast, that horrible, horrible game on the Sega Genesis. I'd actually never SEEN Sonic CD in action before, and just checked it out on Youtube. That's outrageous. Epic fail on my part but at least I'm seeing it now, looks sweet. But to save face, keep back on topic! Sonic album is coming out! Get hype for real!
  8. I'd get on Sonic CD if halc was running it. I think he's proved with Sound of Speed that he can put together the best of albums.
  9. No-pizza-left-sad-face-black-guy is enough to justify a vote from every single member of this forum
  10. Never heard of it, EVAR, but I enjoyed Legend of the Seeker. and Spartacus. I SHALL WATCH IT
  11. I think it's a great idea, and also youtube embedding to come back would be nice! I'd be more likely to use youtube for a FINAL song than Soundcloud. But at 120 minutes, that's plenty of time for a bunch of WIPs and some final songs too.
  12. Pressing F1 is good for taking screenshots Also F8 turns on drunk mode, very fun
  13. I was joking but if you're serious then sweet. I actually thought it sounded very thought out and refined. Very un-pothead-like. But now things are different.
  14. Huh, the comment I saw was about how their song should "always be done in a dance style"... where's the one you're talking about? And I can attest to the fact that you CAN dance to their song. Also I love this comment: I USED TO THINK OC REMIX MEANT ORANGE COUNTY REMIX, CUZ I ASSUMED THAT'S WHERE THEY WERE FROM, BUT THEN I REALIZED OVERTCLOCKED IS MORE UNIQUE. STILL AWESOME ARTISTS IMHO.
  15. The wait is agonizing People all over the world will be blown, AWAY
  16. I had to ask... There's this song from Yoshi's Story I want to orchestrate -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pSSwzdYGSI Kazumi Totaka Emu and I were talking and this song is definitely inspired by http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7-HisQ6tqU Dance of the Sugarplum Fairies, but it is clearly different with a unique melody and progression... There's some notes that make the homage obvious but for the most part it's pretty different So would this be fair game to remix or would it be "too close"? P.S. sorry bout double post
  17. Let me know where to drive to, foo! Maybe I can visit for 4/20

  18. You should have put it off during the winter months anyway. People with tans in the winter just look silly.
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