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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Lol yah but is the guitar what defines you and your music? xD Also First Act guitar FOR THE LOSE
  2. I thought you considered yourself a mouse musician, now you're saying guitar and I don't know what to believe anymore And hey mouse musicians aren't just an idiot, don't be so hard on yourself
  3. Happy Easter to all of you, I hope you have a great time with family and some rest and relaxation on this beautiful Sunday.
  4. Well guitar is my primary instrument and I may be a bit quirky (who isn't?) but I'm not even remotely outgoing (just ask anyone who's met me IRL)
  5. If you play more than 1 do you have multiple personalities? I think I have multi-instrumentalist disorder
  6. If by "have one" you mean a template, then yes... You and your fancy HUMAN ORCHESTRA
  7. Show off Compared to your orchestra size, mine is prepubescent OCR will be like "Is it.... is it in yet?" when it gets posted
  8. My comment is not exactly on topic but british rapping is lulz.. that is all.
  9. Yea no judgment here, i'm guilty of f-bombing a kids game too. I feel bad for it now. xD But I guess there's not really any children listening to OCR albums, at least none younger than neeblix
  10. Wat why is the clean one going straight to site and the dirty one going on the album? that seems backwards
  11. This guy makes really awesome other-genre versions of popular songs using their vocal tracks. Usually with metal. And what's he do with metal? Makes Radio Disney versions. Yeah. I obviously can't post them all, but here's some favorites... feel free to post others and discuss. Justin Bieber - Baby (Metal Version) Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (Reggae Version) Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (Smooth Jazz Version) Kesha - Tik Tok (Polka-Metal Version) Miley Cyrus - Party in the USA (Metal Version) They're kinda like the " " videos, except these are usually better than the original... xD
  12. It's going to be cool to see the red-text bit be about 1/4 the size of the blue text bit in the queue list come Wednesday.
  13. It's an absurd copyright thing where you can't legally exchange a donation just for a free album, because you legally can't sell remixes and OCR's not about that at all.. I ended up giving the shirt away, it was nice and would have kept a shirt if they had my size I really wanted that FF4 album! And to also give a donation, haha... And the person who got the shirt deserved a gift so I guess it worked out
  14. I won't get a chance to play this game any time soon, so if someone could PM me and tell me what exactly the other M is so I don't have to play, that'd be cool. If it's just another metroid I'm gonna be pissed!
  15. Hah sorry, it was somewhat of an inside joke. If you wanna donate $20 at MAGFest, then you can get a free physical album, but you also have to take a T-shirt
  16. I have no idea haha, I know what the modern version of Roomworks looks like and this old one has me confused. If you could hear the difference with your ears with the reverb when you set it like you did, then that's cool. It should be an audible difference, you should be having reverb with less low-end
  17. Dang that's an older version of Cubase, I've never seen... crazy. You've still got the Low set to 25Hz on that Roomworks though.. hehe..
  18. Lmao. I think this is all a stunt. They've had enough judges with enough time to close out all these votes before! If not, then it's clear who the remaining judges should be. But what I really came to say was.. you guys are making my OCD-like refreshing and revisiting of the judge's decisions forum every day seem less OCD due to there actually being things to read when I look now. It's just like visiting any other highly active forum to read a bunch of threads. I LOVE READING THEM. I would recommend other people do too. It gives you a good universal view of what the panel looks for, even if you can't hear the songs. Uhmm so yeah great work. And the current count is up to.... 25 NOs, no idea how many passed. But great work. If you can do 25 in 3 or 4 days then this thing will be knocked out in a couple weeks.
  19. I think it's really amazing that drake7707 saw this and then coded his own thing that was much more advanced in a matter of days. That shows true skill, intelligence, and most of all the wish to help out the people here who wanted something more. Good on you, man!
  20. The end of "A Hog in His Prime" tempo goes up to like 250 during the drowning sequence, so I WIN! I feel bad for you guys wit slow songs. You got everybody mad... look at that...
  21. I should say unique rhythm tracks, if you record 2 (or 4) tracks of the same performance it will not pan properly. :3 And I'm sorry but when you use the whole structure of a song, that's plagiarism, not an homage.. If you had just used the walking/fading in bit, that would have been an homage
  22. Oh yeah, dude, this is that song from bandcamp. The one that I've already heard a bunch of times BUT CAN LISTEN TO AGAIN AND AGAIN. This makes me wish I knew wtf dubstep was This song makes me sweat. It's loud and hard.
  23. It's great that you use Cubase, but do you have Roomworks? I have no idea what reverb that thang is you use. With Roomworks you could set the low to like... 800Hz... so the reverb would only affect frequencies above that, makes reverb a lot cleaner I think Buh.. buh... buy? If you're gonna buy a library don't go out and get one on my recommendation, like I said, I'm only an amateur pianist. The library Emunator uses is pretty nice. He uses: http://www.tonehammer.com/?p=3575 Check out some samples from many different libraries and see what you like the most I guess... (OR ASK PEOPLE TO PUT YOUR NOTES THROUGH THEIR STUFF THEY ALREADY HAVE)
  24. They couldn't read Jooj-cat's application cause it looked like this
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