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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Three things I know nothing about. How did you find out about this game? Word of mouth, ad, etc?
  2. I don't quite understand... could you please maybe explain a little bit for me? How are remixes not illegal if they're new versions of a copyrighted work?
  3. I don't know anything about the conversation you had so I can't really say. But I do know there are specific genres that use programmed electronic drums and other electronic elements, like cybergrind (electrogrind). I wouldn't call the guy you spoke to a genre nazi. I'd call him inexperienced.
  4. Don't mention the artist' name or song, and give full credit to yourself, as above. I'm talking about the description, as for the video title, he seems to have a trend of leaving no spaces in his titles.
  5. Holy cow. But you know the geometry implies that it's a very short penis in relation to its overall size. I know it is "giant" but it's not very long.
  6. I might play this poop unless it's the same game as the older ones but with new pokamons. Yeah, I don't know anything about Pokemon games. Just that there's a bunch of the same game with different pokamon choices. And on that topic which is the better choice, black or white?
  7. Well that's unfortunate. I listened to it and it's like one short repeating part. It would be super hard to make a mix of that which isn't repetitive or too liberal. It might work well as a laid back, jazzy type piece. Maybe see if Josh Morse is interested, you never know. He's made some pretty good mixes from some pretty not-good sources before. And I'm not saying this source isn't good, it's just short.
  8. With the titles it seems too good to be a coincidence. Love it
  9. I was sending the message from my phone, and I just saw that it had gone through 3 times, I didn't send it that many times. But yeah, just thought you should know that.

  10. For one night and considering it wasn't advertised (and deleted for a while), that's pretty durn good I recognize that most of that number was driven by ocr-drama; people yelled about them being there but liked it anyway so more people could see. yes, i edited this post.
  11. Well congrats on that, but don't feel too good about selling music under someone else's name. What percentage do you get if any? It didn't last too long on the top list either. There's some nice minecraft there now. Someone releasing music they made under their own name. Imagine that. :-)

  12. You should definitely resub Pimpbot bro, no worries you'll get it there eventually

  13. NO (please resubmit) I'm kidding. That sounds like a cool idea.
  14. It's not a project track, I don't know.. people can get it from either place for free..
  15. Eat Your Beats is on remix.thasauce.net :3 ALL of these are free to download I took Eat Your Beats off of Kirby album because it got rejected by OCR, and i'm planning to make a whole new mix.
  16. I was not planning to post this in Community now, especially with the acoustic album being 99% done. But something happened yesterday that I think needs to be addressed. A little backstory: I've been uploading WAVs for the Holy Grail album on bandcamp since December 2010. I wanted to have a place where I could put all of my remixes where people could download the 320kbps or FLAC, and I'd personally have access to them on the internets. I was planning to go public with this after Sonic: The Sound of Speed comes out, in I think, April. Maybe later than that. Yesterday, Emunator was putting the final touches on the art, and I really dug it. I finished transferring 4 CDs to different bandcamp pages which took a loooong time. Then I "reclaimed" my main one, uploaded the artwork so Emunator could see it, made it unhidden and sent him a link. Here is a log of that from my computer: (8:39:27 AM) Oinkness: http://brandonstrader.bandcamp.com/album/holy-grail (8:39:38 AM) Oinkness: it will get more tracks as i continue to upload wavs (8:44:12 AM) Oinkness: your artwork looks great on it though (8:44:22 AM) Oinkness: i need to actually write in your credit fo that So while I waited for him to respond, I moved on to other things; playing games mainly. I think it was Left 4 Dead 2 with a friend or maybe some TF2, or Minecraft, to be honest my days have been running together and I have been having trouble focusing on any single thing. Anyway, gaming is lots of fun, I usually play until I'm ready to go to sleep, I close out the game, the windows behind it also being closed. I don't like to leave Chrome open while I game because it and its tabs are a resource hog. Right now it's using probably over 400,000K but I digress. I usually post music to my facebook page and nobody responds, or I get a response from my sister. That's what I was looking forward to, a post from her saying "Nice songs bro". So naturally I expected that to happen while I was gaming. It didn't happen, nobody commented on the wall or anything whatsoever. I didn't go into facebook to check this, I checked my email. I get email notifications from facebook in my email. As I had none, it didn't cross my mind. I forgot that I had made the page visible and I went to bed at around 9 or 10am. The next day I woke up around 8:52pm after a night of struggling to sleep and tossing around. Then I saw the outrage everyone had about the Holy Grail still being on the net. It was never my intention to release it this early and with all of the songs public. I'm sorry some of them may have possibly been streaming but rest assured that none of them were downloaded. Now I'd like to address the 2 other issues people had with this, the fact that each song cost $1 and the album as a whole cost $100. When you upload a track to bandcamp, it automatically is set to cost $1. Being lazy and uploading mass quantity of wavs, I had not manually set them all to free at the time. I know it's one click, but cut me some slack. :-/ Like I said it wasn't time for it to ACTUALLY be public yet. That also explains the $100 price. If I had set it to $100,000 would people still be outraged? The high price was just that, it was a ridiculously high price that I thought was funny and unrealistic. In the end it saved the tracks, because NOBODY would pay $100 for them. And nobody did. If I had set it free, everyone would have all 12 unreleased tracks by now. So to the project directors who saw the unreleased songs up, I'm sorry about that. I didn't and do not have intentions of leaking my own project songs early. I'd rather everyone experience them when they come out on the projects. It was a honest mistake and it's not one I will make again. Halc told me how to hide the unreleased tracks properly on bandcamp. Thanks buddy! Also I'll be taking OA's advice and focusing completely on the acoustic album until it is done. I don't think I will be able to get a proper night's sleep until I finish it. Working on that album is destroying me but it should be done soon.. Thanks for listening. This may be the most ridiculously structured album release post on OCR but, enjoy
  17. Yo dawg. I see you guys hating on judging the K.K. Songs a lot -- I just thought I'd say, you know there's "non-live" versions of the songs that sound loads better. People just cite the live versions of the source to make their mix sound better by comparison. It's a cheap trick. Check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVsVc8Slr3Q

  18. Lies. What it basically all comes down to is a difference of opinion where the production is concerned. It was regrettable to say it should get a recount, but what I meant to say was, I don't believe tracks should wait on the panel for so many years. I don't think that's so unreasonable of an idea and I think some of the opinions concerning the production are valid and in the very least should be respected, even if you don't agree. Everyone's entitled to their taste in music + their opinion. I don't think anyone should hold a grudge over this difference of opinion. After all, djp always says "What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix." And like I've said this is a fantastic arrangement and the song itself is really great. If nothing else, please respect and acknowledge that portion of my opinion. Thank you. ...psssst.... bonkers... no more flamering... Come on guy, you're representing OCR Staff now.. there's no need for such hostility.
  19. I'm glad you didn't chop 3 songs over a regrettable misunderstanding or fluke event or whatever you'd call it, it proves you're really in this for the good of paying homage to the game instead of just being ultra-strict about 'possible leaks' -- leaks of songs that are not even remotely the highlight of the album, sadly. I mean sure if people hear them and they're like "wooh neat" then that's great, but amongst 50 other tracks, they probably aren't going to turn any heads, but we'll see.
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