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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Yeah, this came with an onboard useless ATI Radeon™ HD 3200 Graphics that I later put in a Geforce 9800GT to replace. So you're saying there's a way to actually turn off its functionality? I'll definitely look into that. I tried to burn memtest86 to a CD and it failed. I guess I'll try again later? It's only a 1mb file. x_x meh
  2. Ok... Well I had the same BSOD as before, so I'm guessing it has something to do with the RAM, processor, or mobo. I'm trying to make a boot disc to check stuff out but of course, nothing works right, so struggling with that. My external drive that I copied everything to is also going slow as heck. Sometimes sitting unresponsive for who knows how long. It took about 20 minutes to copy 200mb of files. It wasn't like this before and I have easily over a hundred gigs worth of files to copy or move back on here.. Wtf is causing all these problems?! The BSOD is DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and it happens randomly.. not extremely frequent but it does happen at inopportune moments. Not necessarily when I'm doing anything, but like, when I hit to post a thread, or finish typing the last sentence, it'll do it then edit: I hooked up the external with a USB instead of firewire and tested it by copying about 800mb of files, which it copied in less than 20 seconds... so I am thinking it might be a firewire issue, maybe 2 devices is too many. Maybe ONE device is too many. I'm going to leave this USB connected and see if things change.
  3. I heard you borked them harder than Ron Jeremy kthx for fixin
  4. I think when you start holding established musicians like halc to a higher standard than you would a newcomer or a regular, just because they're ocrfamous, that is a slippery slope and it's dangerous to go down. Would this mix have passed if it was subbed by a newcomer? I personally would say yes, but think about it. Having said that, this is the worst song halc has EVER made. More chiptunes please. QQ. I'm kidding son. Just wait until 'your' mixes with live instruments start droppin. Let's see how many panties get twisted then. And it's a good thing that OCR isn't so high standard to the point that everyone has to have thousands of dollars worth of platinum-quality VSTs. They can be quite tough on production but they won't NO something for being sequenced, unless it's super lo-fi or mechanical. If this didn't pass, then I would expect it to set a precedent that songs similar in production to this wouldn't pass, and everyone would have to, not step their game up per se, but drop a heavy penny to get those fancy sound libraries.
  5. I love that you made this picture exist. Also thanks for making this album, ProtoDome!!
  6. i'd tell you but im totally like shunned by you lol XD my track is gonna sit here done for months and you wont even know!
  7. Thanks man! Yeah I will probably consider putting in a second hard drive into the computer for backups. I actually am running the new hard drive now with a install of Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit and Google Chrome, the only 2 things I've got on here so far. I'll probably go towards installing drivers for sound and video next. It's playing audio through the onboard soundcard. I forgot, in my ridiculous setup, where I'm supposed to plug the sound cable into for it to play through the right hardware, haha. There's literally like 4 holes. I feel like a blind man in a brothel trying to figure out which one it goes into.
  8. I'm in the mood to finish mine, among many others so as soon as I get everything reinstalled which will undoubtedly take a heck of a time, you know I'll be on this, like butter on toast.
  9. I had a song called "new piano song" for the longest time and could never think of a name. I ended up just calling it A Beautiful Dawn as a cop out.
  10. How will you get it out sooner? I was told no amount of joojmagic would get an album out before 2012 Unless this one is already on the schedule for release......??
  11. Ah I am sorry lol. I just asked because I need to redownload everything and I knew you had them at magfest! Edit Or at least some of them?
  12. Before summer 2011 or summer 2012? I'm really going to have to cram now that my computer's down and the deadline is coming up
  13. Yeah that sounds really cool I would love to do that. I may actually do that someday. Yeah it's pretty stupid to have a 1 terabyte internal and a 300 gig external, isn't it? I never trusted windows backup enough to really try to hook a system like that up for backups. I'm definitely going to have to look into that though especially now that I'm working on so many giant musical projects. QQ
  14. assets? on myspace? what is this 1999 sounds interesting though, good luck
  15. yes the same, that is good to hear. thanks!
  16. You should have done what I did when zirc said he was in, and not do one...
  17. Dunno if this is the right section but cbs to figure it out on a phone. Also on a sidenote the Ocr mobile site is ugly as duck. Ok, so I've been without a computer for a couple days now. I played a few hours of tf2 one night, turned comp off to sleep. Next morning I turn it on, talk to willrock on skype for like 3 minutes... I tried to look at the mixpost he mentioned and I got a BSOD. Then it would load slow as heck and never fully work. Anyway long story short, I deleted or transferred 500gb worth of videos, music, libraries. I even had to delete my ocremixes which I could redownload on torrent. I did this in safe mode. It took 20 hours and I slept most ofthaf time. Today I go to the computer and reboot cause all my stuff is off. Then it works. Im like wtf. Then I run checkdisc and it DIES. I took it out and it has a small crack so I don't know. Anyway long story short, I ordered a hitachi 1tb 7200rpm whatever new hard drive for like 58$. Is this hard drive going to shot out ohms in 3 months like my last one did? Or will it be good? I will hopefully be making songs and playing steam on it. Also I don't have a copy of win7 that isn't a broken restore disc so I am screwed for a while. My dad might help me get windows in which case I might be back up in a week or two. Sorry bout the messiness of this as im typing on my droidx.
  18. My one regret is that my computer was down when was posted. I had to listen to it on my phone and am also typing this on my phone which is incredibly annoying. Anyway I really thought it was a great mix, and I think it's cold out is trying to reach out and do new things, but I really misses cheapy sounds. Great work and I can't wait to hear more. -chth
  19. Yah this guy is proof that you can have the same name as someone else if you just put your country after it. Maybe I'll change my name to ArchangelUS, since the original one is from.. Slovenia..
  20. Rare has made maybe 1 or 2 good games in their history. This is way overdue! It's not like they were about to make something awesome anyways...
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