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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I'm just saying, it's increasingly hard to recruit for anything because everyone is too busy. Trying to manage all these people on a project with their respective schedules and lives going on is a lot to worry about. A lonewolf project only has to worry about ones' personal schedule and speed of production. It's not ideal to have a freaking FF6 album made by one person, but it [lonewofl projects in general] shouldn't necessarily be frowned upon, especially with the lack of support most remixers give to more obscure projects anyway.
  2. This. They either gots to have it "linked" to a button, or absolutely perfect the motion controls for sword use.
  3. I shall try to tune in if I remember, but I find Larry's booming vocals to be far scarier than death metal, so no promises
  4. When I saw the thread title I was like NO MOAR PROJECTS then when I saw it was another zelda sequel i was like NO MOAR PROJECTS
  5. Can a mod please move this thread to Remix Requests? Then delete this post <-- thanks very much!!
  6. It'd work if it was Bad Dudes vs. OCR Wouldn't work as a noob project unfortunately
  7. If you try to recruit for an album solely in the OCR recruitment forum, it is doomed to fail. If anything, having this forum encourages people to recruit from places outside of OCR... it worked for ff1 pretty well. Also
  8. Methinks lonewolf projects should be encouraged to lower the community stress level but that's just me. But yeah, it gets annoying to hear everyone yell "too many projects!" instead of help out. Also I'd like to sign on for your "is this allowed" project.
  9. I think it's more a combination of people not being interested, I mean people have got the time, some folks can make a mix in just a few hours eheh, but if it's a project they have no interest in which is probably 98% of them, there lies the problem methinks... Ok, fine, I may be wrong. I do check the Recruitment forum from time to time but there's not a lot that I can do, especially after biting off more than I could chew. Having a link in the forums drop down on the navbar would be helpful.
  10. Forum is dead because nobody's interested in joining any projects. That's the short, skinny, and unfortunate, of it.
  11. I jack in to the idea of MegaMan Battle Network
  12. I almost got raped by a MILF while I was high. True story. And I bet she never played vidja games.
  13. I are far too busy to be an alt but I'll do the track if you don't have anyone else to do it
  14. Hooray, so that's all V1 then? I are want to see the track order.
  15. Japan is a lost cause. There is still time to save America from the games of rape.
  16. Is that some kind of insult? You saw my eyes IRL so you know they are neither large nor sharp! They're practically asian.
  17. I haven't seen that, is it good? I'm kidding shaddap, though it IS on Netflix instant stream. Also: I think the point of rape in films has been thoroughly made at this point. There WAS outrage over Hounddog but I haven't seen any for those other movies..
  18. Fantastic point, and from a british person, color me impressed!! Yeah. Public schools in general were bad. One of my best memories from 5th grade was when I went to the nurse because I had a piece of glass in my leg, and she was too busy talking to a friend that I gave up and went back to class because the teacher said not to take too long. I bled a lot when I went to visit my grandpa later that night because I accidentally touched it, and then ended up taking the glass out myself the next day. But on the topic of sex ed, yeah, we had the black and white grainy film talking about people in the 50s holding hands.
  19. Nobody can say "oh here's an example of a game that has a rape scene in it" but what about the film industree? Not surprisingly these are both REMAKES. REMAKES. you know me too well
  20. ...according to Carole Lieberman. "The increase in rapes can be attributed in large part to the playing out of [sexual] scenes in video games." You hear that? All you people playing Mass Effect and as Hakan in SF4 are just learning to become rapists. In a follow-up interview with.... kotaku? Wat? since when do they have reporters? Err anyway, she said... "The more video games a person plays that have violent sexual content," she said, carefully choosing her words during a phone interview with Kotaku, "the more likely one is to become desensitized to violent sexual acts and commit them." So by a show of hands... how many here have played games with sexual content, rated T or M, and are currently rapists? link
  21. I remember hearing people blame 9/11 for the lack of success of Spirits Within, but looking at imdb, it says it released in JULY 2001. That could be wrong information though. I remember seeing it in the theater. Look how far we've come where 9/11 deterred people from seeing movies, and now movies are making fun of 9/11.
  22. So basically two thiefs stood in a corridor and decided to mutually destroy the property of their unsuspecting victim. Ok, that makes it all better.
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