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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I revised it because it is hitting the panel on "April 10th". I'll see if it passes then hook you up with a new WAV. Hopefully it'll pass. :-o

  2. I'm considering bouncing my WAVs out of Audition, putting them in Cubase, and updating my BadAss track. Just thought I'd let you know.

  3. Hey! When you lost 50 pounds did you do that by running on the exercise bike everyday or was there more to it than that? Just curious :o

  4. I totally pmed the wrong link.. it's

  5. Kickdrum is too loud! Deal with it until I fix it, but judge otherwise. :-)

  6. I thought that TV and Xbox controller were yours, haha...

  7. It's an honor dude! :-)

  8. What did you do, set up a tri-pod to take those pictures in your sig? Haha... you're old school my man.

  9. ;_;.... I'm gonna fix the production, maybe then you shall be able to hear the source.. it's like minor scaled though instead of major scale! Cause I stink! I can assure you, I didn't write "original" stuff apart from the improvised solos really. The rest is all stuff I yanked from the source!

  10. That's cool to hear cause I think EPs could be the wave of the future here. The idea of concept album EPs appeals to me. :-)

  11. Is there a limit to how many songs can be on an album or how short? Like could it be 5 songs ~ 30 minutes? Are they going to not allow like, smaller album?

  12. It'd be best to talk to you about what you're expecting anyway, and share some of my ideas, see if you blow them out of the water.

  13. I won't have Jackal for you yet, but the deadline has been extended.. It will be done. Please don't hurt me yet. :-)

  14. Whateva, I do what I want! Respect my AUTHORITAH!


  15. ....but I could help as a consultant. :-o

  16. Can I get some confirmation on that, you silly gopher goose? I saw you post in the sd3 thread. SURELY you saw my PM. :-)

  17. Micro Update #1: I've got it arranged as long as the original song, and I still haven't put the ending on yet -- being the chaotic parts, and then the closing out blues jam. So it may end up being a minute or 2 longer. o.O I've got to shower and go shopping for my Vegas trip, but I'll work on it more later, of course, I'm gonna finish it off within a couple days. It's more sluggish than the source because I can't play that fast but it'll be good. :-P

  18. You still up for Rock Banding Holy Light?

  19. Everyone who likes OCR must like suzumebachi's posts :-o

  20. I'm actually looking into a way I can upgrade my sound, but don't give up hope that I'mma poo on your poo soon

  21. Happy birthday yesterday, dude xD

  22. If I may comment on Gamebox's remix.. I think the song is kinda quiet and the snare is really loud. o_o Apart from that is' pretty cool!

  23. I try to get on IRC and it's all like "Unable to connect: Connection refused". What's that about? It's been doing that for a couple days.

  24. Would you be upset if I told you I don't have your PMs anymore? :-D What's the big thing next month? Your period? Grosss!!

    PMs and period in the same comment. WIN!

  25. The next due date is September 10th? I didn't know that. :-P I'll start working on it soon anyway. It's #1 on my list. I might even claim the world music one if this works out well, though I haven't listened to it yet, so I don't know. :-P

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