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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I slept for a super long time like 3am to 8pm and now I'm ready to get this thing ready because I totally intended for it to work out this way, and I didn't forget about this, at all! I got 2 entries in, so we just need the one from Garpocalypse to make it a real compo.
  2. I think the ones they're closing out with like 5 no's were part of the testing process, they usually close out no votes with only 3 no's Also can we vote to formally name this the "Christmas of Tears" at OCR
  3. these new judges.... they're already using words like "dealbreaker" and "verbatim" baby's first words!!! such proud
  4. Congratulations on your first public judge decision (babies took their first steps) (i hope someone had the camcorder ready)
  5. Just a warning to my SS, my sister got pretty much everything on my amazon wish list.
  6. Congratulations, make sure you only judge like 1 or 2 songs a day so you don't get burnt out. EDIT: make sure you only judge like 1 or 2 of my songs a day so you don't get burnt out. (fixed) I'm totally jealous but they couldn't have made better choices, I think. Having worked with all 3 of these knuckleheads, they've all got the talent and dedication to kick things up a knotch.
  7. With the v6 of the site and forum, do you know if OCR will have a mobile version?
  8. When I comment on a thread it automatically subscribes so i see it in my CP if there's a new post in the thread, but I use the phone a lot, so when I try to click the thread, it clicks unsubscribe instead, and before I can hit back or anything the damage is done. Wondering if you could put a confirmation prompt in there so that it doesn't just unsubscribe if you accidentally click it. It happens much more often than I'd like to admit, at least once every time I use the phone on ocr forums. Not a big deal, but... it's something... thank you
  9. I'm keeping a rough idea in mind of who wants what, but for the sake of fairness, it's all going to be fair game for anyone to claim whatever once the thread goes live in January. And like I said people who aren't posted remixers will need to audition with a sample of their best work. That includes Chernabogue! But it no longer includes Wildfire (lucky... ) It's just too much to try to do and think about right now, that's why January
  10. I hope it's not like a defective port or something though. Cause then if you buy a bigger card, and it still doesn't work, then you're pretty well in trouble. I don't even know how returns or exchanges work with Amazon, or even if you can exchange. It might just be a return, then you'd be stuck having to either pay full price for another one, and the deal itself is probably gone. Uhh, well let us know how the new card works out!
  11. Will do! He did Happy Town, and it's called Village Beautification in 5/4 in case anyone sees it on the panel thread, that's Patrick Burns. Good man.
  12. I hope it works out I'm excited to hear your finished song too, it's very good. That reminds me, I should listen to the wip again...
  13. That's weird... I got the same system and I was able to install the games.. not all of them at the same time of course.. You sure the card is in right? And it's showing that you have space available?
  14. I will miss you at MAGFest. I thought you'd be going... Thanks for your nice response, I didn't know how it would be received, I assumed it'd either get nothing or would get a negative response... dunno, just too pessimistic anymore.

  15. YISS!! I'm excited to hear it, although I am at work, and apart from that, pretty hammered. I took on a couple pretty substantial projects that need to be finished ASAP. But I will listen when I get home! I always have time to listen to new FF3 remixes! As for the forum situation..... Chernabogue made a thread in Site Issues about getting subforums for official projects that don't have them. I am hoping Larry is on the case, but if you guys want to bump that thread, to give it exposure and remind them, it couldn't hurt. I agree, we desperately need the subforum.
  16. ONE MAN'S OPINION!! And maybe you're right. But I had a different experience with Knack, an Killzone. I haven't even put in AC4 yet. Contrast was great and Resogun is pretty amazing, really my kind of game. I'd say if they are down your alley to dive at it, but to each their own
  17. Which game were you trying to download that is bigger than 4gb?
  18. I can vouch for Tubesock McGurk. it sounds like you're looking for a conscience not a co-director smug smirk oh did I type that this time... dammit I nominate tubesock for Jiminy cricket
  19. The only song I know of returning is by Patrick Burns and it's already done. There will be a new thread. I'll be focusing on quality more than genre. EDIT: I'm sorry to be so brief and seemingly blunt, I just wanted to respond ASAP and I happened to be on my phone. A lot more details will be revealed in January, it's gonna be great. I'm gonna invite a lot of people personally and non-posted remixers can audition with a sample of their best work!!
  20. What you can expect is a total rebirth of the album project. It'll be directed by me (I was originally co-director) and it will be co-directed by TheMaverickk (originally director) who will also be the artist for the album. It will no longer be several discs, instead just one, possibly two depending on the length of the first disc. (if we hit 80 minutes it might as well be 2 discs, you see) By all means people can put in claims for songs now that they know they can deliver on, and submit that song to the OC ReMix panel, and send me a WAV! But we'll be focusing on a small core of the most important songs from the first game. So the original WIPs and claims are gone, if they even existed to begin with I never heard any of 'em. I'll be keeping my claim, though. The tracklist will be different, smaller, more concise. Because you asked, there's some of the information.
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