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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Awww I was hoping it'd launch with a humble bundle where I could buy everything for $3
  2. It was probably a joke, which means it could be false, it's not the same as lying.
  3. My plan was to finish it in January and submit it... Everything is done except for stuff I need to do. I've thought about just cutting the other stuff, but it couldn't hurt to get off my butt and just get it done at long last.
  4. You all did fantastically, and everyone who submitted an entry to FFCC is a winner. As for the final round... I will be getting in touch with Tuberz McGee and Eino Keskitalos to see when we should schedule for the final match. Whether it should be a one week affair, or do it for one month like DoD. But I'll do that later. I'm supah tired. If you happen to see this before I message you guys you could feel free to share your opinion on what you think would be more fun, or when you will be abailable.
  5. Beyond Two Souls. It was so good I didn't play another game until 2013 ended.
  6. HEY!! There's some time until midnight to vote. PLEASE DO IT ASAP. Then I'll figure out the tallies and see who is going butt to butt in the finals with Tuberz McGee!
  7. It's such an insult when stuff that is better than DoD's average type of entry is ranked as "average" It was great to see more OCR people on here, hopefully this trend can keep up. Maybe we should have done a better job at keeping this bumped. It didn't get very good exposure which means we probably missed out on having some awesome ocremixer tracks involved.
  8. You thanked me in many ways that only a man fueled by jagermeister can do and then not remember. It'll be our little secret.
  9. You got the right attitude about keeping to it but you totally didn't bomb out of FFCC. There were people who didn't even enter, a lot of them. If I were you I'd consider myself a winner of FFCC. Because you are. I'm excited to see what you'll crank out for SZRC and I wish you had been able to make more for FFCC.
  10. Meeting so many people who participated in FFCC was awesome! I even met NovaReaper but I think I only saw him once. That was awesome. And Esperado! And of course the people I already knew. and Chimpazilla! Awesome.
  11. I don't know how many of you know this but I really can't see that good. I can't recognize people unless you get pretty close. Maybe next year some people could post modern pictures so at least it is easier for newcomers, or people with vision problems, to know roughly what people might look like. My vision is just really bad. I have to rely on other people recognizing me.
  12. Murdered: Soul Suspect is a game being published by Square-Enix, and developed by Airtight games... while Airtight's reputation hasn't been particularly good with quality games, Square-Enix's reputation as a publisher of quality games (Sleeping Dogs, Hitman, Tomb Raider) has been pretty good. So this could be a great game. Left 4 Dead 3, hopefully it will bring something new to the table. We know it's being developed in source 2 and not too many other details about it. The Order 1886 because it's going to be probably one of the first big post-launch epics on the PS4. The concept is really interesting so it'll be cool to see if they pull it off or it falls flat. DriveClub, because while I'm not particularly fond of driving games, you can't argue with free. The graphics have looked pretty mind-blowing. I haven't actually liked a driving sim since the PS2 days so we'll see how I like this one. Watch Dogs: purely based on hype. Everyone is talking about this game, it looks great. grand theft auto but with hacking... GTA (grand theft applecomputer?) Destiny, from the makers of Halo, next-gen on the ps4. Nuff said. South Park Stick of Truth, they've delayed this to make sure it is good. It's supposed to play like an episode of the show, or a south park movie. The gameplay trailers have been great, and this will hopefully be quite good. I WANT to see another game like Eternal Sonata for the PS4... or something in the Tales series... I just hope they use the ps4 to its abilities rather than just settling with simple cell shading... they can still do cell shading but there's a lot more graphical detail they could do that they didn't even do on ps3. Sorry for not posting details before, hopefully this is sufficient.
  13. OverClocked University could be the single performing band of OCRFest. Boom, done.
  14. Murdered: Soul Suspect, Left 4 Dead 3, The Order 1886, DriveClub, Watch Dogs, Destiny, South Park Stick of Truth, lots more.. should be a great year. I'm excited to see the first JRPG on ps4.
  15. Oh yeaaah, the OC Keyboard.. I had forgot about that. What a great idea... what a ruined keyboard. Sorry man And yeah, OCU was amazing. And it's not just bias because OA is so damn hot and sexy, you guys actually had a pretty mindblowing performance. And I'll be completely honest, the OCR Panel performance was not as good. It was like night and day. And the vocals were on key and nice, only fault was during the first vocal song, Amy was pretty much impossible to hear, but they fixed that with the following vocal songs.
  16. OCRFest would be great. MAGFest is basically a bunch of people checking into a hotel, then hanging out with each other, listening to music, playing games. There's no reason we couldn't do that outside of MAGFest. The only difference between OCRFest and MAGFest is that we have to pay an absurd amount of money just to get a badge for MAGFest. Not to mention there's like 13,000 extra people. If you all wanna check into the Holiday Inn in Weirton, WV sometime we could make OCRFest a reality. We also have a Super 8, and more~!
  17. DaMonz and SirChadlyOC are amazing. They're like Zorn and Thorn. I mean, I thought they were the same person up until the last day when I saw them standing next to each other. I honestly don't really know which is which because they're practically identical. I think they even had the same glasses.
  18. I'm sorry we didn't hang out more, and none of my texts went through. -_- I did get yours though. Came home and my phone shattered the rest of the way.

  19. I might go.. who knows... i more like to relax before taking the looong drive home.. if it was tough to get there and then not very relaxing, it'd kinda stink
  20. It's not about not being creative enough. Who wants to write songs that are 1 minute long other than Protodome? That's his thing.
  21. MAGFest is over and everybody is worn out, sad, and getting sick. This month's DoD theme is Brevity Month. You can pick any source but your cover has to be under 60 seconds. So make it quick guys. The banner might appear later. Songs are due: JANUARY 26th, 10PM ET Send your entries to dodsongs@gmail.com If you don't know what DoD is, well where have you been!? http://dwellingofduels.net/ My personal advice is to chop out the 1 minute of awesomeness from your full remix and submit that to DoD, then submit the entire song to OCR. Who writes 1 minute worth of song, really? Nothin' says you can't write a full song then just feature the best part in this DoD month. Good luck, friends!
  22. I just remembered it is Garpocalypse's fault I missed DoD party~! When I was all like "just a little rum, I don't want too much!" then he keeps pouring, and pouring, and pouring, then the bottle is empty, then we steal from some other bottle of rum, until we both became silly pirates. Then I never saw him again! He hid! Just kidding, he didn't hide. But for the future I DO need to make sure any interaction with people is epic enough that if it is the only time I see them, it would be good and memorable and not leave them feeling like "dang brandon was so boring, he didn't even popeye yell for me" I basically started hugging people and saying "see you next year" and it was the saddest type of goodbye but it says hey, it's gonna be a year until I see you again... goodbye, here's a hug. In the end I think physical discomfort won out over my wish to say goodbye to everyone or see everyone on the last day, and that's unfortunate. I did see a LOT of people, including someone I went to great lengths to try to meet the entire con and just barely met at the end, it was good. Had to skip Busboys and Poets to pull that off and also meet Tommy Tallarico. It was a good trade. :3 So no regrets about going to MAGFest.. it was a great time, and hopefully you all valued our time together as much as I did, because it was better than nothing.
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