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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. It'll probably fall off because I didn't use duct tape. That was thought #1, but I don't want to mess up my car. I can rip this off easy when MAG is over.
  2. So it'll be like... $667 Ok. I might have been over-reacting. I have double that available for this, so I should be ok. I was mainly just worried about gas which is around $40 a tank and I'd have to fill up once on the way there, probably, and once on the way back. I also wanted to support some friends and OCR financially. THANK YOU Dave. Also for luls: Here's how we fix broken car docks (for phone / GPS) in the south
  3. EPIC MEGA BUMP of the thread TITLE with random capitalization and such. The voting will end on the 1st when I get into my hotel room at the Gaylord. I'm expecting hotel wifi, but if not, I'll tether to my phone's 3G and get it done. No biggie. The FINALS will be decided based on contributor's schedules. We will decide a date, and will either (1) choose a week where they can work on it, or (2) choose an end date a month later -- give them a whole month, and just let them blow the roof off with their SPECIAL FINAL MATCH entries. As for current entries, my apologies, I'll review them ASAP. Maybe at the Gaylord, maybe not. Heck, maybe I'll do it tonight, I'd just have to download the songs off my own web server.
  4. I might actually play Wind Waker HD next year, since I got it, and sat on it and never even so much as opened it. (It's digital but already downloaded I think.) So I heard the selphies are fun. Are there any good Vocal Songs in the game?
  5. It sucks that Wii U is being affected by this.. I assume because 3DS and Wii U are linked now? x_x
  6. Does anyone know how much the hotel is going to run, including tax, for the 1st to the 5th? I gotta be really careful budget-wise, I am cutting it kinda close due to bad cash management in November. I know I've got hundreds more than what it will be, but I have to account for gas, and stuff I gotta buy on the way there like.... alkyhoal
  7. I've figured out how to get past the Wii U/3DS eShop issues. It involves time travel. *plays Chrono Trigger DS* Thanks to mein Sister for getting me this for Christmas Not relevant to the Wii U? It should be. Gotta get this on the eShop someday.
  8. Yay! I was glad to provide such an uplifting tune for this
  9. Now come on, my man. It sounds like a midi acoustic guitar but it could be any number of midi-based acoustic instruments, it doesn't have the quality, in my mind, for me to consider it a banjo! Don't be upset, just take the criticisms on board to improve with future mixes. Hahah... have a good holiday, dude
  10. I haven't decided when the next round should pick up. The 6th definitely sounds alright, but I think we may need to go later than that. I'll have to talk to whoever ends up being in the final, first, and see if they'll be available. We can move it to a different week. It's the holidays, MAGFest, who knows what else. So if we can get a good scheduling on this we might get an amazing final round, instead of having someone with a schedule conflict. Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays you guys!
  11. i want to take over the galaxy with you :cry:

    the way you sampled that bacon is genius. you can't even tell it is bacon

  12. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. May our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, be with all of you and your families, keeping you safe and comfortable, during your fellowship and during the new year. Also, happy birthday, Jesus! The Coop, you know what to do.
  13. This was on the Russian Remix Roulette for today, so... I gotta say, I am VERY offended by your gross, stereotypical representation of the south, and your frequent jabs at the wild, wonderful state of West Virginia. Your midi acoustic guitar is bad and you should feel bad!
  14. You see the thread is stuck on 4/20 because they're trying to perform time travel
  15. lol judgen00b It's awesome that you're up to May. Man, I don't even have another song in there until late June. Had a bit of a slump. So good luck catching up, at least until late June it should be smooth sailing.
  16. Sorry for the delay. I was actually on the way to bed, then realized I hadn't done this. Here's the Darkness bracket pre-final entries! Voting will be 2 weeks. There's 1 more week of voting for the Light Bracket. I'll update other stuff later!
  17. Awesome. I got the pm, haven't downloaded it yet! I'm thinking of leaving the voting for these pre-finals open for 2 weeks instead of 1. You know, due to Christmas and MAGFest and all that. Then we can tally everything up and see who is facing who in the finals.
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