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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I ran out of time and didn't record the mandolin, but at least I made an audio channel for it. I feel like you are pulling punches here. This mix was pretty terrible. If Sir_NutS had entered he definitely would have slaughtered me, no questions ask. There's not even any bass guitar. Nothing is mixed, and that cello has no automation whatsoever (not including glissando or whatever it does automatically between notes) The strings on the acoustic are dead/dull. I'll take another pass over the arrangement, actually I might post it in the workshop forums. I don't think I've ever actually posted a proper WIP there before. In short, I'm going to redo all the acoustic guitars, record bass, fill out the rest of the keyboard parts. Might chop the arrangement done or do stuff to make it more interesting in some places. Thanks for your overly sugar-coated anti-rage review.
  2. Heeeey.... do you need me to step in and do the finishing-up stuff? :

  3. Oh right, you submitted EARLY after guessing what your matchup would be. I forgot because it was ILLEGAL!!!!! That kind of behavior is frowned upon. I frown upon it! But yes, I have it.
  4. They haven't submitted anything yet......... There's still a couple days. Plus Thanksgiving was yesterday, not that anyone was reaaaally doing anything... just recovering from the itis.
  5. They get laughed out like the killer studio chops guy... or anyone who is critical of OCR in a new thread... that's the dark side of OCR But for the most part it's pretty good
  6. Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself.....
  7. Happy thanksgiving guys Wow, Chimpazilla and Timaeus' matchup is really close, the other ones not so much. Excited to see how this turns out. If we end up having a match-up where 2 people don't enter, one of you guys will need to step in for one of those spots. Hopefully everyone turns something in, though. But we definitely need to arrange some kind of Chimp/Tim Revenge Matchup
  8. I realized the thing I really wanted to see from Capaldi, was him being old and grumpy and crabby about the time war... and that storyline was kind of... unwritten with the 50th episode.. That was the one thing I really liked about the Doctor and now it's been unwritten and it's over. :/ ^ that storyline doesn't seem appealing to me
  9. Sweet, excited to hear it! I'm probably going to release some metal stems too, with heavy guitars, growls, screams, clean vocals, it'll be nice and good for practice. I need to record the lead vocals for the song first though, been on the shelf for a while now.
  10. As sad as it is to say, asking for a reasonable pay is usually what makes them go with someone else, who would offer the same work for cheaper. I always try to keep that in mind when I am offered any opportunity, but if I'm working for friends, I always scoop it even lower, like absurdly low. In the end, if you get a really good opportunity, and the "product" blows up, the exposure could be more valuable than getting a few hundred bucks.
  11. I vote we need a show from The Zoltan talking about classic gaming
  12. Another fella dropped a claim So "My Home Town" is open now. Also, General Offensive *salute* picked up Jinn the Fire.
  13. Merry Christmas and God bless you to my guy, you'll be having your shizz pretty darn early, spent my allowance on it already, and it's on the way.
  14. Derp! I'm gonna add something on, I don't know how much they cost, but jazz brushes for an acoustic drumkit would be brilliant. Or a Gibralter Grabber for a splash cymbal.
  15. My apologies for not getting back to you yet, friend! Just got off work. Crazy bunch of days. I'll try to get back to you and check out your work when I wake up!

  16. hrm... apparently all of the plot details for the Christmas episode were spoiled by some British paper called The Sun. It seems just crazy enough to be the real story. It'd be interesting to see it in video form.
  17. Dang, this is too hot for TV so I'm gonna make it all white Just to reiterate it's a future spoiler So Moffat said that the Doctor already regenerated 13 times, including Hurt and the pseudo-regeneration that Tennant had... which pretty much means, at least as far as I'm concerned, that Capaldi isn't going to be a regeneration from Matt Smith, but a different Time Lord completely. This might or might not be the case, but it's super exciting to think about. I also heard Matt Smith is gonna lose a leg in the Christmas special. Brootal. http://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/doctor-who-christmas-spoilers-matt-2847509 don't click that, white text doesn't work on it
  18. I know when I found it it was slim pickin's and I was having trouble finding stuff I could work with... please listen to my song lol
  19. This might sound cray, but I've had a remix in my head for over a year, do you think you'd mind singing some Finnish vocals for a breakdown in the middle somwhere? It's not even written or recorded yet but if you could sing with your good mic on it, that would definitely influence the arrangement :-)

  20. We can't stop eating it, and it comes out like a wrecking ball
  21. Hey hey hey! Continuing my tradition of wishing OCR the bestest of turkey-based holidays, I am here to once again wish you (OCR) the bestest of turkey based holidays! Posting a day early (more or less) to give everyone time to share the merriment and wish each other good turkeydays before the actual travel, eating with family, or the inevitable that sets in.
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