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Everything posted by Dafydd

  1. I probably shouldn't be saying this, but your real name is so awesome I don't care. As it happens, though, I thought your mix was awesome. Sixto's snare samples were more to my liking, but other than that, it was a close one.
  2. I nearly agree. Next time I try to get some cat, I'll be swinging this in the background. Ho yes.
  3. Can I claim MMX1s password theme, or am I under review too?
  4. Can I vote in the next round though? I completely missed the deadline.
  5. Hey, I got all the OCReMoveds down, and there's still a few missing. Dunno if you have them...

    ===[ RECALLED ]===

    Bart Klepka - Alone in the Dark 2 'Hell's Kitchen (Zombies & Thompsons Mix)'

    Bart Klepka - Darklands 'L'homme Arme (Guided by Saints Mix)'

    Bart Klepka - Duke Nukem 3D 'Gotham (Distorted Mix)'

    Bart Klepka - Dune 'Sietch to Sietch (Sekence Mix)'

    DarkCecil13 - Final Fantasy Mystic Quest 'DC13 Mystic Quest'

    OCR01213 - Kaijin - Xenogears 'Child of the Stars'

    OCR01551 - Munisho - Castlevania 2 'Tears of Blood'

    FFmusic Dj - Final Fantasy 7 'Adelante (Mako Reactor)'

    ===[ LOCKDOWN 1 ]===

    OCR00024 - Secret of Mana 'Fear of Heaven'


    OCR00144 - Mega Man 2 'Trance Reality'


    ===[ BY REQUEST ]===

    Compyfox - Final Fantasy Adventure 'Mission of Mana'

  6. Sweet. The X series could use some more attention.
  7. I'm considering subbing my Turtle Rock mix (as a project mix, of course). I've listened to it just now. It could use some improvement, and it would be nice to hear what the judges have to say about it. Thoughts?
  8. If Larry likes you enough, you can ask him for a custom avatar that only you can use. One way to make Larry like you enough is to do things he would like you to do. There may be other ways too.
  9. At this other vB forum I go to, there's an arcade. I think it's a plug-in of some kind. http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=101554 It allows people to play various games, get high-scores and compare them with other users' ones. I guess installation could be a hassle, and maybe it'll give the site even more bandwidth usage to worry about, but there it is. It'd be fun to find out who is the OCReMix Tetris champion, for example.
  10. I know I could look it up myself with a simple forum search, but - is this the most popular/anticipated wip ever?
  11. I know this thread is old, but here's 2 wips I made and never finished. http://www.dafydd.se/wip/Dafydd - WiP - Wood Man.mp3 www.dafydd.se/wip/Dafydd - WiP - Walking on Clouds.mp3 (Air Man)
  12. Won't adding springs mean I have to move the claw out from, not in towards the wood? I just restrung the whole thing, but it was like this before too. The new strings are brand new. And yeah, it's tuned UP, not down. EDIT: I ordered a tremol-no at the shop in... September, and it still hasn't arrived. Anyway, do you think that would help as much as adding springs and stuff? Seems to me the guitar doesn't work the way I want it to even when I block the trem, but I've heard good things about the tremol-no... at least it'll let me tune the strings individually.
  13. What kind of pickups does this black one have? Never seen those in real life. I browsed around on Ibanez's website, and I have to say, I'm a sucker for looks. I found this awesome blue one with yellow pickups. Sweetness. But that one has trem, too. Anyway, I'll try to visit a few shops and see what they have. It's strange how expensive everything is here.
  14. Actually, like I wrote, the neck is fine. And the intonation is as well. Yeah, I should probably take it to a shop, or get a hardtail. It's just, I'm not a rich person, this guitar I bought used because I liked the way it looked, more than anything else, but it also felt very nice to play when I did in the store, and it didn't seem to be suffering from the above mentioned issues (unlike my brother's cheap and crappy squire junk), and when I took it to the store they told me all guitars are like this and that there was nothing they could do. They did offer to tune it, fix the intonation and stuff, but it would cost me, like, 80 bucks. I didn't realize then a trem was going to give me this much trouble, but you're right, I don't use it. And that's why I didn't think much of what the guy said in the store when I bought it - that the guy who sold it to the store did so because he thought the trem was too much trouble. Since I wasn't going to use the trem, I didn't consider it a problem. I didn't realize you use the trem all the time just by playing on the guitar, even if you don't use the whammy bar. I just don't understand why ALL the cheap guitars have trem. Anyway, I could sell this guitar and try to get a new, hardtail one, but I don't know what this thing would sell for, and even though a hardtail would give me less trouble, how do I know it won't give me THIS kind of trouble? I really like the sound and feel of the guitar though, so is there another Ibanez with lower frets? And could I afford it?
  15. So, I have a problem with my Ibanez with an Edge III trem (RGT42DX). I thought the trem was to blame for the issue, but after fixing it with a piece of wood I jammed through the back of the guitar, and the same problem was still there, I'm thinking it has to be something else. Here's the problem - when I play the low E string, it sounds like it's out of tune with itself. Watching a tuner, the string drops in tune as it rings, even when I don't touch anything. Like I said, I've locked the trem with a wood block so it's completely stuck, and it doesn't help. Also, when playing on a fret, depending on how hard I press the string down on the fret, it changes a semitone or so in pitch. This means it's nearly impossible to play in tune. Add to this the fact that the there's a shitload of fret buzz, and it doesn't seem to matter how high I raise the trem. Note that none of this has to do with intonation - with the right amount of pressure, the string is in tune on all frets, though it's slightly higher in pitch just as it's being played and then drops. However, when I jammed the trem with the woodblock, the low E string was tuned into an A (because I jammed the trem all the way down), and playing on it then, the problem went away, even the fret buzz, despite the fact that the strings were a lot closer to the frets now than before I jammed the trem. But I can't have a guitar tuned to an A, it'd be impossible to play along with anything. So I was thinking, maybe the low E string needs to be really tense in order not to fret buzz or get out of tune when playing on the frets? And the only way I can think of doing this is replacing my 42 gauge low E string with an even thicker one, so that when it's tuned to an E, it's really tense, and thereby should not buzz or get out of tune when pressed. But how thick strings are there, and is there a risk I break something if I put too thick a string on the guitar? I didn't notice the neck bending when I jammed the trem, so it seems the neck can take a lot of force, but still. I would like some input on this.
  16. What about Mega Man Soccer? Some of the songs in that game are pretty cool.
  17. Wait, where be the post listing claimed robot masters and the next deadline (or is that exactly one week from when 16 people have signed up, or, rather, when DS finds this to be true)?
  18. Plus, Mega Man II has all new music for each of the robot masters, and Mega Man: Wily's Revenge has a pretty different take on Elec Man and Ice Man. It would be a shame to exclude to possibility of including those songs.
  19. This is a surprise. For whatever reason, I never suspected you wanted this, and especially not with something like this. This is a beautiful piece. It's been snowing for the past few days here, and looking out the window with this playing in the background is a very pleasant experience. Merry Christmas, dude.
  20. Well, as the first post states, all tracks are open. Most have been "taken", but no one ever makes any progress, so if you're interested, send me a wip.
  21. I know what you mean. There's a lot of games out there that deserve some ReMixing love and don't get any. I think it's a good idea to move on though. In a year or so, looking back at this mix you'll feel how you've improved. This is lame way of doing things, but if you feel you can't play the guitar fast enough, you can always record one a few notes at a time and then glue it all together. It's not how it's done, but it's how some people do it. It would sound a hell of a lot better than the synths you have going right now.
  22. Oh. I seem to have gotten things very backwards. The true situation makes a lot more sense. Thanks for clearing that up.
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