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Everything posted by Dafydd

  1. So apparently, according the latest e-mail, Larry has ReMix suggestions. Do those have a better chance at passing?
  2. Happy Birthday! Here's hoping for another 10 years (to begin with). Oh, and
  3. It doesn't really fall within the genre/mood restrictions.
  4. Afaik, there's a lot of music out there that has drums that doesn't even sound all that real, some of it commercial and with drums that sound like a standard GM set. Depends on your style of music, of course, but some highly successful bands use what sounds like 5 samples in some of their most successful songs.
  5. Would anyone dare no him even if he subbed Bad Tuna (and was the creator of the submission)?
  6. The drums have little too much reverb compared to the rest. Recording (or is it production?) is a little iffy at times, with instruments seemingly cancelling each other out. I agree the tempo is a little too low to make this truly enjoyable for me. Performance is very good most of the time, with drums sometimes a little off, and lead guitar as good as anyone could ask it to be. I sound like I hate this mix. I just didn't like it all that much (but then again, I'm not a fan of the genre). Good job though, dude, and I'm sure lots of other people will.
  7. Bass is better now. Drums don't sound as realistic anymore though, especially not in the very beginning.
  8. Case in point: There was a thread where the first post contained over 50 youtube links, all converted into little youtube frames. Needless to say, this took a while to load. But, in, say, a wip thread, you might want to have the source tune in a youtube frame instead of as a link. It makes a lot of sense to let users choose whether to have youtube links as links or frames. Hopefully, soon enough, we will be able to.
  9. There's a button that looks like A/A above the smileys. Try clicking that.
  10. I understand. It took me years to start understanding some people's critisism, and there are still a few things I need help with seeing. My best advice right now is to listen to the kind of music you want this to sound like and compare it with it. Also, did you read this? http://ocremix.org/info/Zircon%27s_ReMixing_Tips_Compendium/Part_5:_Production_Values#Equalization
  11. Why don't you move the link to the first post instead? Anyway, happy to see a Q2 remix. Unfortunately, I'm a little underwhelmed at 00:35 when the mix really starts and guitars aren't as sweet as in the original. I don't even know why. Chugs at 1:03 and on are pretty fat, though the distortion feels a little digital, at least on the right. Guitars feel a little pasted on top of the drums most of the time, maybe increase the volume on the drums and/or less reverb? The drums are also unnecessarily intense for much of the duration of the song, I miss the steady beat of the original. Also, the last few notes of the run (like at 0:42) plays other notes than the original, which bothers me (you play f, e, d, the original is (at 1:35 or so) d, c#, c (after transposing to the key you're playing in). An issue to no one but myself, sure, but there it is. Comments you don't agree with are better than none, right? Interesting to see you tackle this though, I always considered these songs to be unremixable (at least in the same style) due to their original general awesomeness. I'm looking forward to hearing what the judges have to say about it.
  12. Everything sounds a little unrealistic, the low guitar notes being too loud and dry. Bass doesn't sound good when it plays low notes, I'd prefer an audible pick sound. Flute especially sounds like it's being played on an N64. I'd work some more with volume and reverb adjustments. I'm not familiar with the source, so I couldn't say much about the arranement, but this is nice music. It sounds more like actual game music than anything else though. Maybe that's what it is? I'm not sure what you mean by "I have simply not publish the full original game but I bring you an improved version that I made". Could you elaborate? Are you making a game soundtrack? I would read more about it on your website but I don't know Spanish... :/
  13. Hehe, this is pretty cool. Bass seems to clip for me, and the power chords sound really fake, but it's pretty heavy stuff otherwise. Could definitely imagine some rap over this.
  14. Bass is still awful. Don't you have a sample that sounds less like a synth and more like an actual bass? Listen to some "real" music and compare your bass to that. There also appears to be a little too much chorus on it (if that's what it is). "Guitars" sound a little better now, but notes still end and stop too abruptly, as if you're running a simple waveform into an amp. This is especially obvious with short notes, as in 0:51-1:01 (the low, staccato one). There are still a few places where notes clash. Try a "longer" reverb (sounds like a room one now, if any) on the guitars, but don't make it too wet. Drum samples are nice, and the drums are pretty good besides being played impossibly fast It's obvious to me you have the musicality needed to make a nice remix after some more practice, and you've put a lot of work into this, but you need to find better samples before this is going to sound any good. It's hard to say anything about the arrangement since so much of it depends on how the samples sound, but one thing I can tell you is that the section at 1:40-1:50 the sounds really messy.
  15. What happened to these? Are there any plans on implementing a YOUTUBE tag (like the URL and IMG ones) into the forum software so we can choose to display youtube links as little video frames instead? I looked up how to make it work, in case djp is interested.
  16. That lead string instrument (cello? viola?) you got playing solo early on in the song would have sounded so much better with some modulation. Other than that, this is a sweet piece of music. I was amazed at how great the music was when I first played this game a month ago or two ago, and you've managed to preserve the atmosphere very well. Then again, I'm a sucker for conservative arrangements. Good job and congratulations on finally getting posted.
  17. Ahh. I'll include a link to the source in the first post. Thanks for pointing that out. And for your opinions.
  18. I had originally intended for this to sound like a mixture of QotSA's and Green Day's music, but this is what I ended up with. Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jg1Gspoxxxw ReMix: [blurg] Issues I'm aware of: Guitars sound fake. They are. I'll record real ones when I'm finished with the overall structure of the song and after I got installed my tremol-no so I can tune it properly. Solo lead plays the wrong note at one point. Drums are repetitive and the few fills I use suck. Will remedy later. The mix is too short, blah blah, the overall arrangment isn't done yet. I'm not sure about the tempo and/or key. Future plans: Vocals. In Swedish. I already got started on the lyrics, but I won't post them here until I've actually recorded them. As mentioned, real guitars. Cello (in the intro), real one too. Including whatever parts of the source I haven't already. Possibly including the "Flight of the Zinger" theme from DKC2. How about that? Any other comments are very welcome. Enjoy! EDIT: 50 views and no comments? Come on. If you don't have any suggestions for me, you could at least tell me what you think of it. No?
  19. Sweet. Thanks man!

  20. Hey douli

    Just another reminder to upload those mixes to oc removed. Plz?

  21. "It's just an old story, Bella." Anyway, this is awesome. Do we get an official IceCap ReMix project now?
  22. As opposed to C# or C++? :tomatoface:This reminds me of when Rozovian said something about "programming music"...
  23. Strings aren't very convincing for the most part and the guitars could have been fatter imo (moar stereo layering plz), but I like the style and it's a fun remix. Good job Come to think of it, I don't remember this tune from the game either. And I too have listened to the usf a bit.
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