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Everything posted by suzumebachi

  1. it depends... back in the days of disciplining percy (oh so long ago) since we all used FL3 we just shared source files and each person dicked around with it and sent it on to the next. FL makes this especially easy because you can save projects as a .zip that include all external samples used (excluding VST/DX plugins). but this was ages ago and we all sucked. terribly. the end result was uhh.. not so good. as far as instrumentation goes, the easiest way is to just have whoever plays the instrument send the other person a .wav (or .flac or some other lossless format) so they can mix it into whatever they're working on.
  2. tell rama to do it. not like he does anything else worthwhile anyways.
  3. software doesn't sound good. synths, samples, and production (ie: what the user does with it, as well as mixing/mastering) do.
  4. what's the difference between the Korg Legacy Collection and the Digital Edition (besides the MS-20 controller)?
  5. that's not entirely true yoozer, iirc ModPlug tracker and MT2 are both VSTi capable. that energyXT thing actually looks pretty freakin' sweet though (specifically the groove stuff) OMG GRUV BIAS if somebody was hell bent on remixing for free, i suppose they could also a free midi sequencer like such, and run the midi through a free vst host (such as tobybear's minihost-which is pretty f'ing sweet if i do say so myself. very little overhead) and use the built in wav recorder. you could even then run the resulting .wav through minihost again with some processing vst. the problem with doing this is you can't do any real mixing/mastering (unless there's some free multitrack editing suite that i don't know about).
  6. analoq is right. go to your local guitar center and play around to find what suits you best. i personally prefer synth action. i've gotten quite used to it. also, being quite familiar with real pianos, "hammer action" keyboards feel like nails on chalkboard to me . or at least the Tritons and Motifs i've tried do. :/
  8. Is your friend's name "Torrentspy" by any chance? and that has what exactly to do with this thread? keep your irrelevant comments to yourself please.
  9. mind if I sig this ? go for it. also, i think even DFD colossus would be nigh impossible for general playback (if it truly is 32gb). lord knows how long it would take to render either.. :/
  10. *flexes e-peen* software: - FLStudio5 - Cubase SX 3 - PatchMix DSP - lots of VST/DX stuffs hardware: - E-MU 1820M - Behringer Eurorack mixer - Mackie 1642 mixer - Johnson J-Station - Digitech GSP-5 - Ibanez TB100R Amp - Behringer GMX212 Amp - Crate BT220H/BT410 Bass stack - Roland 100w 1x15 Keyboard amp - Various smaller studio/practice amps (4) - Various microphones (~12) le instruments: - Epiphone Violin (Hofner Style) Bass - Epiphone Les Paul Special II Electric Guitar - Epiphone Generic Strat Electric Guitar - Epiphone Acoustic Electric Guitar - Ibanez SR900 Bass - Ibanez S470 Electric Guitar - Ibanez Artwood Acoustic/Electric Guitar - Fender American Strat Electric Guitar - Squier Affinity Strat Electric Guitar - Hamer HSH Electric Guitar - Memphis LP Electric Guitar - Razor Generic P-Bass Electric Guitar - Yamaha Classical Guitar - Several Generic Mandolins - Unknown Violin - Hammer Dulcimer - Korg Triton Workstation - Concertmate 990 Keyboard/Synth - Ludwig Console Piano - Kimball Upright Piano - PDP 5-Piece Drum Set (w/ new Paiste brass all around) - Various percussion instruments probably some stuff i'm forgetting.
  11. FLStudio is a good place to start. You can use Reason, however I prefer FLStudio for it's sheer expandability. Or if you already have Cakewalk (hopefully a version that supports VSTi) you can import your midi data and use it to control a sampler module (such as sfz- a free and very good soundfont sampler) loaded up with the samples you want. Let's have an example: So you want better sounding strings? First, lets find some decent string samples. preferably in soundfont (SF2) format, which is currently the most common free sample format available on the net. http://hammersound.net/cgi-bin/soundlink.pl - The soundfonts here aren't amazing, but it's a good place to start nonetheless. http://www.sf2midi.com/ - Shit tons of soundfonts here, but you have to register. I also recommend checking out the sample request thread here, as well as the samples forums over at KVR. So strings it is you want, eh? http://www.sf2midi.com/index.php?page=sdet&id=7109 - This is a collection of orchestral samples. the quality isn't anywhere near professional, but you'll at least have somewhere to start. you can probably find some better free ones out there, but to get anything passable as an actual orchestra, you'll have to cough up some $$$. Now that you've got your samples, it's time to set up the sampler. If you haven't already, go download sfz. I'm not familiar with Cakewalk at all, so it'll be up to you to learn how to set up VSTi. From there it's just a matter of importing your midi and routing it through the VSTi. Edit: Upon further research it seems that all Cakewalk versions (perhaps with the exception of SONAR 5) require you to purchase Cakewalk's DX to VST adapter in order to use VST effects and instruments. This is extreme homosexual spectacular bullshit mark two special edition. Basically, ignore everything I have said about Cakewalk up to this point. Instead I recommend getting FLStudio, Reason, or Cubase. Hell, even ModPlug Tracker has VSTi support and it's FREE (not sure if you can import midi or not-- you can export it however). I don't know what the fuck Cakewalk's problem is, but as far as I'm concerned, they are dead to me.
  12. i seriously recommend one does not attempt this as a way to "enhance" MIDI. all you're doing this way is slightly improving the already shitty sound of your GM wavetable. a much better method would be to import the midi data into your favorite sequencer and run it through a sampler or synth. I think one thing you're failing to understand is that MIDI itself has no sound. The sound you hear when you play it back comes from either your soundcard's GM wavetable, or a software emulated one (ie Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth).
  13. well... for one thing your SBLive isn't the best choice for recording. In fact quite far from it. If you have the Live drive (the big fancy panel that goes on the front of your computer) you can get an outboard guitar multi-effects processor with SPDIF output (such as a Johnson J-Station or Behringer V-AMP Pro) and go that route. Otherwise I wouldn't even bother (SBLive = worst SNR EVER) until you get a decent sound card.
  14. PS: No matter how bad zirc feels about not being able to finish tracks, I'll still always be the WIP king. In the last 4 years, I've probably made well over 300 tracks that have never seen the light of day. That's not even counting the concept WIPs and shit i've actually shared with some people. I still constantly get people telling me to finish X or Y song. And I probably never will. Why? Well in my case, I think it's more of a bad luck problem. I'll be working on a handful of WIPs, and then have some kind of terrible technological catastrophe (ie: my brother putting a magnet on my hard drive) and lose everything I had worked on up to that point. This has happened... 5 or 6 times now. Also, being addicted to World of Warcraft totally doesn't help either. Neither does staying up till 4:00am coding php.
  15. what the hell is TbT? also, i don't quite understand how root mean square works when applied to decibels either... do you basically just mean the overall mean volume of the track?
  16. i had like a year and a half long drought. it sucked. immensely. i find that practicing with my band helps a lot, but now that everyone's in school/at work/married we rarely find time to jam out anymore. but when we do, it really does help get you motivated to do something. though i've practically given up on writing anything by mouse anymore. i just can't do it. i'll have something in my head, but when i actually get it down, it sounds very different. this is where it helps to know an instrument. so when something does pop into my head, i can play it on piano or guitar and work from there. but i definately know how much it sucks to have musician's block.
  17. when rexy was asking for dark drums i didn't think she was asking for this lame shit which is really, really, quite lame. while i understand that imitation is the first step to synthesis and further innovation, why the hell would you want to base your sound on this flaming pile of dung? i'm disappointed to say the least.
  18. you don't need a full string section sample. in fact for doing realistic orchestral music i'd greatly recommend against using one. same goes with any kind of 'ensemble' sample. i say GPO or EWQLSOSE is the way to go. (however in my personal opinion the woodwinds in Edirol Orchestral are much better than those in EWQLSOSE-- not that they're bad or anything)
  19. depends on what you're trying to do. i still suggest using ASIO, because if you use the waveout method your software will record every sound your computer makes. and i'm assuming Drack has either figured it out or doesn't care anyways because he hasn't replied.
  20. i quit playing since they broke the shit out of my pets. what have they done to hunters now?
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