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Everything posted by Airwalker

  1. Aww... by the title I was hopeing for some type of a Ouija incarnation on the Wii. Hey, that's not a bad idea... I think. Just everybody puts their hands on the Wii controller.... yeah, it could work.
  2. I must say I was a fan of that too, despite what some may say about it. Sure, Sonic Adventure was far off from the days of Genesis, but I felt it was a decent game.
  3. At least I've heard some good things about the Wii Sonic game.
  4. Does that require something other than the cables included? Because my roommate is getting a Widescreen TV in a week. It may be hard to squeeze in playing my Wii between his HD-Gears of War matches, but I'd like to finish Zelda in widescreen.
  5. The DS battery life is awesome. I have the old silver model. But, after having not played it for several months, I just picked it up and played around 12 hours over the course of a weekend without it ever going to red. I've had it since it was first released, and I have never had much problem with it.
  6. I'm holding out for Punch-Out.
  7. I was deleting all this crud my brother had put on my mom's computer. He had at least 20 MP3's of "Float on", and each one claimed they were written by a different artist other than Modest Mouse. Those P2P clients are dirty liars and tricksters. Never trust them.
  8. Does anything on KaZaA count as pirate music? Ooooh, zing...
  9. Traded in? What? Did they hoard them in hopes of making a profit?
  10. Is anybody able to find extra Wii controllers? I've called every gaming and department store in town, and no go. One guy laughed when I asked if they had the controllers for the Wii, then said no and hung up. That #^@*%!
  11. Details, details. After all, Sonic is owned by SEGA.
  12. I do believe I should reply to this comment with "Seconded."
  13. Yeah. I really hate it when I read about this "hoax".
  14. They are already trying two people for it. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/nation/4518217.html That made the article worth it. Also, this:
  15. That's sarcasm, right?
  16. Funny--I was just about to make a post about that. I wonder what makes a lighted board look like a bomb? Whoever was that paranoid should probably not walk into an appliance store--they might see a toaster.
  17. Add me as a Wii friend, y'all. I need to have some Mii's mingling on my system. 8734 4633 7569 9823
  18. I think the line I was thinking about was if people asked me what I was doing--I wouldn't yell out "Just about to get a Master Pokeball to catch a level 45 smurloffachu." But rather, I'd say "Playing me some pokemon, PUNK." (or something to that extent.) Buuuuut--I'm pretty sure I also don't want to know what you are talking about either--just for the sake of my brain's ability to function correctly.
  19. I'm gonna buy it. And I am gonna let everybody know I am playing Pokemon. (I'd probably draw the line at using pokemon terminology in conversation.)
  20. I'm sure to her it seemed no more harmful than a pie-eating contest. Plus it was free. Unfortunately, it's not common knowledge that too much water can kill a person. Edit: Too bad Nintendo didn't call it a Wie... maybe a harmless pie eating contest would have taken place instead. I always knew the name "Wii" was a bad idea. (But a good product!!!)
  21. Yeah, that's one good reason. Even then, the guy at Blockbuster, when explaining the marvelous new credit card requirement clause of game rentals *cough hack wheezzze*, referred to the games as "next gen". I just added an extra next because I assume it takes a few months for the novelty to wear off.
  22. Maybe I am a little hopeful for a jump-start on the realm of a virtual reality headset. But a pair of gloves that manipulate a game is not far off at all. Apple, however, has enough of a good reason to get into video game consoles. Microsoft did such a move to make its compatible windows PC more appealing. It did it to take control of the home media center in your living room, probably the center of the new direction for computers. Apple very well has a reason to want a piece of this pie just as much as Microsoft and Sony. Now, of course this is all a blend of speculation and rumors. Its like commentators talking about who will take the super bowl before the season begins--they have no idea what surprises will happen, and what will happen in the future. But, if you don't wonder now, when should you begin?
  23. Just predicting what some may say. Is a speculative video game topic really that bad if its taken seriously?
  24. Maybe such a topic belongs on a Gamefaqs board somewhere in the barren landscape of that part of the internet, but I somehow shudder to think what those kids will make of a serious topic. But, with the current generation established, what will the Next Gen hold? It's only 4-5 years away. What about the major players? Will we still have the current big 3? If Sony pulls out of its current slide, we can certainly expect a PS4, as I expect it will. But some have cast doubts about a PS4 even existing. The Xbox is picking up momentum and so Microsoft will probably continue its console line at least into another gen. Nintendo doesn't seem to want to die, and will probably do really well this gen. As for other players? Rumors are going around that Apple may be planning to break into the console game. (Hopes for a Nintendo-Apple merger? Possible.) What about the technology? "Better graphics" are beginning to hit an apex--where realistic games have enough power to run. (Some would argue realistic graphics shouldn't be a goal at all.) So, what direction will it take? With the Wii's innovation, or "novelty" as naysayers call it, catching on, it seems interactivity will be a major focus next-gen. My hopes? I hope that Nintendo revives the power glove! And for all the systems, I hope the TV will bow down to a 3D virtual reality headset.
  25. I finally got my Wii today. And it is good. Need I say more?
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