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MES Records

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Everything posted by MES Records

  1. As far as I can tell this is out of OCRemix's hands. This phenomenon is not exclusive to this community, and it's a sad thing really. Ever took the time to look through the communites, forums and blogs you used to visit when you were younger? Chances are they are all dead. I was active in a lot of different communities and now they seem like ghost towns. A single post every few days (or hours if you're lucky) is keeping most of them barely alive. You can't even have a nice conversation anymore because people just left. So where did they go to? Well, there are exactly two answers here: Social Networks and Semi-Anonymous communties like YouTube and Reddit. The thing is - people just don't seem to want to start meaningful conversations with strangers anymore. Ever seen the comments section of Facebook or YouTube? They are full of people talking past each other. Nobody cares what other people have to say - they just want to get their own stuff out there. Reddit is the only place that's reminiscent of 'forums' from the past. But even here you should be able to see the difference: ever met someone nice through reddit? No? Neither have I. Reddit is a step up from Facebook and YouTube, but people still don't feel like people. They are just defined through their comments. I don't think anyone could meet anyone new here. I can't even remember anyone's name on Reddit and I've been browsing there for years now. So, I think this whole trend is due to the fact that people just left forums to spend their time with social media instead. They don't care that much about making new contacts through the Internet anymore. Sure, some do, and there are some exceptions (like the Boardgamegeek community for example), but times have changed. It's really, really sad, but I just don't think there's any end to this. Let's face it - forums are a thing from the past. Just like N64 and Super Nintendo they will never fade from our minds but just aren't relevant anymore in the grand scheme of things.
  2. I think it looks okay so far. Kind of unpolished in its current state, but that's to be expected of a Kickstarter game. The gameplay looks kind of confusing (at least I wouldn't know where to go at all). But we'll see how it turns out. Nevertheless I hope it gets funded of course. I'm always welcoming new experiences and those guys seem to be very passionate about the project, so I'd really like to see how far they can take it.
  3. The demo sounds very good, although I am in love with your Metroid album now and will need to listen to that first.
  4. This might sound like a strange idea but what I sometimes do is just press the record button completely unprepared and hum some random stuff into the microphone. Then I try to transcribe it into notes and finally make an arrangement around the melody. I don't know if this would work for you but it helps me when I'm out of ideas.
  5. I guess everyone has to start somewhere. And I just saw that he is also the guy who made the game. I love people who just go ahead and create something like this all on their own. It's just something else if a game is created mostly by one person and still surpasses major AAA titles with hundreds of people working on them. Also loved Cave Story and Dust for that reason.
  6. I don't even recognize any of the themes, but it's great nonetheless!
  7. This is awesome. Love the smooth mix and guitar work. Great job!
  8. Started with Devil Survivor as well. Then Persona 4, then 3 and Strange Journey, for which I created those maps on Gamefaqs... I must have been very, very bored at that time. The last one I played was SMT4 on the 3DS. Awesome game. I tried Soul Hackers and Persona 2 and they somehow just didn't grab me. At all. Might give them another chance, but the quality of the other games I've played has been so high that those seemed mediocre at best.
  9. I just now heard of this game and god, I'll buy it straight away. Everything I've seen until now looks incredible. I never heard of the composer though. Has he done anything noteworthy before or is this the first 'complete' soundtrack? It's really, really good.
  10. Sounds good so far. Is the music in the background from the album? Whatever it is, it gives me a heavy Persona vibe, which I like. The artwork looks nice as well. Good luck with the funding!
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