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MES Records

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Everything posted by MES Records

  1. I like it, but here are some things I noticed: - The staccato effects on the strings sound really unnatural - At 0:21 and 0:28 the flute seems to be playing a very strange note - It ends pretty abruptly
  2. This is really good. Did you intentionally start off every song with the same sound effect though? The dubstep stuff at around 0:50 in "Whatever" is a bit too loud. But I think that it blends in pretty well other than that.
  3. What exactly are you trying to do here? I can't really put this into any genre or style I know. The trumpets and sound like a Wii Shop theme or something like that, but I don't think the drums fit very well. I think the main problem are the stock sounding melodies. Every track seems to have the same notes and you're just changing the instruments from time to time. Personally my attention has been lost about 0:45 in. But then it goes on for another 3 minutes. I think some more variety would help.
  4. I like it. Definitely gives off the vibe you were trying to convey. Can imagine this in a JRPG more than anything. Somehow it reminds me of Baten Kaitos.
  5. I seriously didn't get what the game is about from the trailer alone. But the art style is fantastic, the music is beautiful. Will buy.
  6. I think the worst part is the process when it breaks. Which does indeed happen. Good luck getting that replacement without waiting forever and spending a fortune if you're not subscribed to that Zero-Downtime thing. It feels like a scam to me to be honest. I know that it's not, but seriously - Dongles are really outdated and I don't think anyone should be using them anymore.
  7. Really like your stuff. Great work! Crisis Core spoilers though.
  8. I really, really hope this game turns out well. It looks like it will be one of the best RPGs in recent history from a gameplay perspective. Really excited for the game and I hope that the story is good. I think that's the biggest flaw of recent RPGs.
  9. I got the Complete Composer's Collection a while ago and I have to be honest. After finally having the money to buy other instruments I regret getting EastWest's stuff. The samples themselves are pretty good, but the whole iLok and Play engine stuff just is not worth the trouble. I don't think I'll buy anything from them again in the future and now I wish I would've gotten something else for the orchestra. Their engine just sucks so much - it crashes so often, does not even compare to Kontakt regarding the features and they've been talking about upgrading it for years now. And nothing's happening.
  10. I like the tone of your piece and don't really have anything negative to say about it. Maybe the percussion is a bit too similar to the melody. It basically plays the same notes, doesn't it? I think that part would benefit from the percussion having a slightly different pattern. Other than that great work.
  11. I got this in my IndieBox and haven't played it yet but you shouldn't go around saying that it is better than Undertale. That's just destined to backfire in some way. Most of you are saying that it's subjective as to which game's better, but Undertale is in a whole different league. I'm really sorry to say this because Freedom Planet looks awesome but Undertale is a phenomenon while Freedom Planet might just be a good game. The things Undertale has spawned and the status to which it arose are way beyond what any other indie game in the last few years could ever hope to accomplish (except for Minecraft of course). It just went to something that is so much more than just a game and thus I don't think it should be compared to anything really.
  12. At that point you might as well just learn to make a real game.
  13. I don't know about the Anime to be honest. I loved the manga and still read new chapters, but I feel like a lot of the humor doesn't carry over to the Anime. It also looks a bit worse than the manga art-wise. If I didn't read the manga I would recommend anyone to watch the anime asap though. But that's the case for nearly every anime I watched (and stopped as soon as I started reading the manga). Guess I like reading more than watching when it comes to these things.
  14. So they did go with an action RPG battle system? Not that I care but I feel like we got enough of those by now. Was kind of looking forward to the good old turn-based one. Whatever, it looks awesome. Will get it at day one!
  15. Been thinking about getting it but I have so much other stuff to play that I put it on hold. Missed it on PS+ by one month unfortunately. By the way - does it play better with controller or keyboard? Still didn't decide whether to buy for PS4 or PC.
  16. I can't believe how big this game got.
  17. I think the soundtracks of 999 and Virtue's Last Reward would fit perfectly into a horror visual novel.
  18. Oh god, this is such a breath of fresh air after what happened with Dragon Ball Super. It's so good to see that people do still care about the series.
  19. Yeah, I noticed that a lot of MIDI files have that 'where the heck did you get THAT from?!' effect. You should probably just start with popular game series such as Zelda, Final Fantasy or Mario. The songs have fairly straight-forward melodies and are therefore easy to transcribe. There are a whole lot of great midi files for these.
  20. I kinda forgot about this after they announced it wouldn't be a TV series but a movie 6-parter. I'm kind of confused that there are already four parts out - didn't they want to release the first one, like, today?
  21. Guess that's true. @Hylian Lemon I think I'll get it then. It's actually on sale right now at a retailer near me, so no excuse not to.
  22. I didn't buy it yet since I don't know anyone else with a 3DS. Do you think it's still worth playing?
  23. While the games are still fun, there is about 75% nostalgia involved when I say that. So many things have been improved in the newer Pokemon games that I just can't go back anymore. I have many good memories playing Red and Blue as a kid. But games have come a long way since then.
  24. Woa, you set the funding goal to 1500$. Haven't seen a promising music project with a physical release set the goal that low for a long time. Well, congrats on already being funded! Looks like it'll go a lot higher still. Good luck.
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