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Posts posted by nitrozsz

  1. This is an interesting one for me. It does such a fine job paying homage to the original source, that it almost feels like it's simply an extended version of the original. Normally, this would make me view such an arrangement as "safe." But it's not. It's still groovy, but there's this new haunting sense of a spooky atmosphere that adds tension and mystery to an otherwise strictly funky track. Like what the judges said about that "spooky 16-bit feel." Definitely worth a download.

  2. This was a pretty decent and fun track that neither feels too energetic or too relaxing, thus creating a track perfect for both occasions. I love that this could sound so simple and upbeat even with the beat dropping wub wub in the background. The kind of balancing for this upbeat track is so exquisite, it can be blasted through the speakers at a jam of sorts, or it can flow through the headphones as chill music on your down time. 

  3. What an amazing collection of artists in one track. Once you realize who each of these guys are, you'll know that there is literally dozens and dozens of years worth of experience between each performer. But anyway, the track itself. Within the first few notes, I knew right away that this would be special. And I was not disappointed with the immediately high expectations. Even if you don't know who these guys are, you should still listen to this track. Amazing, funky, fun, and well produced. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Kapden said:

    Im not sure what's going on, but when I click on the Download the remixes! link, I always get the pack for the Soma round, not this Simon round. Any help? It may just be me, which would be to bad.

    He accidentally pasted the link to the Soma round on this post. It'll more than likely be edited once he realizes this.

    Till then, here's the Simon round: http://mindwanderer.net/OCR/CCoI%20-%20Simon%20Round%201.zip 

  5. This arrangement struck me as a little safe. Sure there was a change in music genre, but it struck me as strictly an updated version of the original song, only slightly remixed. I will say that the percussion was really good, and I did love how the ending was produced, which sounded more remixed and arranged than the rest of this track. Not bad, not great, but decent.

  6. I have a question. On the Soma Bracket post in the public forum, it says list the titles of the TWO entries we're voting for. I can understand saying two to keep participants from voting themselves. But for non-participants like myself, would I still have to vote only for two entries, or could I vote for three entries from the three match-ups?

  7. This is an incredible arrangement. So incredible, that if Capcom did another jazz arrangement album of Mega Man music, I would put this on that album. This is an excellent example of making an already existing track and making it your own. It also sounds great on a technical level. The balancing is perfect, and each instrument is appropriately panned. And changing the time signature was a pretty ballsy risk, but the risk paid off very well. Excellent work.



    Battletoads (the NES version at least) was a pretty damn good looking and good sounding game for its time. Of course we have David Wise, and incredible composer in his own right, to thank for the sound. I wanted to share this because this video has David Wise talking about the process of how the Battletoads music had to be recorded, and the limitations he faced when composing music for the NES (such as how many notes David was limited to). And you also get to see him playing some Battletoads music on the piano at the end :D

  9. I agree with @evktalo, while the acoustics did sound nice, there were times where the harmony and melody together were a little more distracting than atmospheric. And sometimes there would be those bubbly synth noises in the background that made me think "what's going on now?" Those took me away from the atmosphere this track was trying to create as well. It's not a bad track, it's just not as relaxing/atmospheric as it could have been IMO.

  10. This is a pretty nice, and mellow arrangement. Definitely suitable for those down time periods. The production here is great, and I think 3 1/2 minutes is a good length for what this track offers. The only thing I could have done without was the sort of high pitched synth sounds you hear at the very beginning, and lingers throughout. It struck me as a contrast to how the rest of the track was produced, and not a very good one. It isn't a deal breaker for me though, as that calm mood is still carried throughout the entire track. Nice work.

  11. Man what a trip this was!

    Very conservative way to reel us in, leading into that amazing and fast paced experimental arrangement. For something that contains SO MUCH (original sound clips, choir, chiptunes, killer percussion, killer guitar, wub wubs, super fast synthesized harpsicord, need I go on?) it's organized so well. Great work, I'm already a huge fan of yours.

  12. It's almost as if Zangief's theme traveled back to the 80s, did a workout to an exercise tape, then did a training montage, and then came back to the 90s to kick everyone's ass. That's what I get out of this addictive ear worm of an arrangement. Not only is it a great arrangement, but it does a great job capturing the feel of the Street Fighter series.

  13. Very well written and produced arrangement. It sounds so haunting, and dark. And the lyrics definitely did the Desert Wasteland justice. I could really feel the emotional impact behind what Barrett went through with Dyne. The only thing that really disappointed me was the autotuning. Not because I don't like the idea of autotuning, I just didn't think it was necessary for this arrangement. It would have been nice to hear you sing these wonderful lyrics written for this wonderful arrangement without relying on autotune. Despite that issue, I still enjoyed this track.

  14. They showed this on A-Kon's "channel" in the hotel rooms last year, and I think it only took two minutes for me to nearly die of hysterics. Although I think I came closer to dying of laughter when they showed the panda cheese commercials.

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